Chapter 857

It didn't take long for Ye Lingyu to arrive at the open space where the soldiers were practicing, and Commander Sun came over in a mighty manner with a group of horses. This kind of situation has never been seen before.

Ye Lingyu stood at the front of the open space, looked at the soldiers under him, and said, "This is Commander Sun of Qingqiu Kingdom's royal army. Commander Sun brought the army of Qingqiu Kingdom royal family to our barracks for the purpose of Get to know the difference between the royal family's army and ours, and then there will be a competition, everyone, you are welcome."

The army of the Qingqiu Kingdom royal family came to their barracks in mighty force. They already knew why these people from the Qingqiu Kingdom royal family came here. Originally, these people did not take them seriously, and they were secretly planning to If you find an opportunity, you must deal with these people well. I didn't expect that the major general would find their place back at the first opening.

When Commander Sun heard Ye Lingyu say this, his face immediately flushed red with anger. Before Ye Lingyu just talked to him like this, and now he said it in front of so many people. In this way, Wouldn't the royal family of the Qingqiu Kingdom be ashamed!

Besides, he clearly came here to put pressure on Ye Lingyu, he didn't expect everything to be reversed.

He originally wanted to embarrass Ye Lingyu, but he didn't expect that it was himself who lost face in the end.

Commander Sun looked at Ye Lingyu with resentment, but he couldn't say anything in front of so many people, otherwise it would appear that he was too petty as a commander.

As the commander of Qingqiu Kingdom's royal army, he absolutely cannot allow people to say such words.

After Ye Lingyu said those words, the soldiers of the General Protector's Mansion who stood in the open space immediately felt as if they had been beaten with chicken blood, and Qi Yu shouted loudly, "Yes!"

Commander Sun, who was aggrieved for himself, suddenly heard this cry, and was almost not shocked.

The growing dissatisfaction with Ye Lingyu in my heart, this group of people must have done it on purpose, seeing him distracted and yelling so loudly, in order to make him lose his composure, so that this group of people can make fun of him.

And a soldier standing next to Commander Sun leaned close to Commander Sun's ear, and whispered to Commander Sun: "Master Commander, this group of people are so imposing, they are obviously much higher than our group of soldiers. This matter will be detrimental to our Qingqiu royal family."

The meaning behind this person's words is obviously that the soldiers in the General Protector's Mansion and the soldiers of the Qingqiu Kingdom's royal family are not on the same level at all. He can tell just by shouting. The people of the royal family will lose here, and not only will their army be ugly, but the royal family of Qingqiu Kingdom will also be very embarrassed.

In this case, it's better not to compete, at least you can save yourself, after all, they are here to trouble the army of the General Protector's Mansion.

But this person knew what kind of person Commander Sun was like, so he didn't say this at all, but just reminded Commander Sun implicitly.

However, Commander Sun, who was indulging in how to treat the people in the General Protector's Mansion after the victory in the competition, didn't care what this person said at all. Even if he understood what this person meant, Commander Sun would not listen, because the victory had already It's what he thinks.

Ye Lingyu and his subordinates are just country bumpkins who have stayed in the frontier for ten years. They have wasted their best time in the borderland where no shit. What can this group of people do!
(End of this chapter)

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