Chapter 858

How could the royal family of Qingqiu Kingdom lose!

These bumpkins are just having fun now!

After that, he must show this group of people what it means to be powerful!What is the royal army!There's no way these bumpkins can compare with the royal army!
Ye Lingyu saw that all the soldiers had heard his voice, so he nodded, his eyes fell on Commander Sun again, and he said: "Let the rest of the matter be left to the people under him, Commander Sun Sit down, let's drink tea and chat here."

Ye Junfeng was behind a row of people, Ye Lingyu looked around and saw that Ye Junfeng was at the farthest position, chuckled lightly, waved his hand, and signaled Ye Junfeng to come over.

No matter how well his sister is dressed, she is still his sister, and with Ye Junfeng's status as a miracle doctor, she will give everyone face if she doesn't sit in the chief seat, so there is no reason to sit in the second place.

Seeing Ye Lingyu waving at her, Ye Junfeng raised her eyebrows slightly, but didn't say anything, and walked directly to Ye Lingyu's vicinity, and then sat down next to Ye Lingyu without saying a word.

When Commander Sun saw Ye Junfeng before, he was a little surprised, because this Ye Junfeng looked thin and tender, which was completely different from Ye Lingyu and Ye Lingyu's subordinates. The aura around the young man was obviously that of the son of a wealthy family, even a little more powerful than the rich children he had seen.

This boy and Ye Lingyu were able to walk together, which really surprised him, because the two of them didn't look like they were on the same path.

And he had already inquired, after this Ye Lingyu came back from the frontier, he didn't say that he went to make contacts with the prince or the family's children, but just stayed in the military camp all day, and had no chance to get acquainted with this kind of person at all.

But now it seems that Ye Lingyu is very familiar with this boy, and it is obvious that the acquaintance is not a matter of a day or two.

But this young man is too rude, even if he is a son of a big family, he should not be able to sit in that position. One of the people sitting here is the commander of his royal army, and the other is a major general. Can you sit on an equal footing with them?

Commander Sun looked at Ye Lingyu with an ugly face, "It seems that the Major General has really been in the frontier for too long, and he doesn't even understand the most basic etiquette. This seat is not for everyone just sit down."

As he spoke, Commander Sun looked at Ye Junfeng with a half-smile.

Ye Junfeng took a sip of tea from the teacup, and didn't even look at Commander Sun. Since Commander Sun, a narrow-minded person who values ​​external vanity, would definitely find fault with the seat, she had expected it a long time ago.

Ye Lingyu nodded after hearing Commander Sun's words, and said in full agreement: "Commander Sun is right, but Commander Sun is a guest, and my friend is familiar with me, so don't care about the superficial things. Otherwise Commander Sun and I would have to sit next to each other, how could the two of us have a chance to sit with this young master!"

Commander Sun's complexion suddenly changed when he heard this, what!How can it be!

Compared with this boy, he has to sit at the bottom!What a joke!He is the commander of the royal army!

But Ye Lingyu also said just now that Ye Lingyu himself will sit in the starting position. Could it be that this young man's identity is really that powerful?

(End of this chapter)

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