The supreme doctor is all over the world

Chapter 863 The 2nd Army Competition

Chapter 863 The Competition Between Two Armies (3)

The man who was shooting arrows in front had a complicated look on his face when Commander Sun said to continue the competition, but he moved his lips, but he still didn't say anything.

Naturally, Ye Junfeng didn't miss the change in that person's expression, and chuckled lightly. Those who went to the battlefield had no confidence. Could it be that they could still win against their opponents?
Ye Junfeng didn't look at it any more, but started to peel the grapes and eat them while looking at the grapes on the table.

When Ye Lingyu saw Ye Junfeng's things, his eyes were smiling. No matter how powerful Ye Junfeng was, he was just a little girl. Little girls like to eat delicious things. He is the one who specializes in the food on the table. Prepared for Ye Junfeng.

Commander Sun originally wondered whether Ye Lingyu, a major general, had been in the frontier for so long that he hadn't eaten much, so he didn't forget to prepare a lot of food under such circumstances.

However, Commander Sun also noticed that although a lot of snacks and fruits were prepared on the table, Ye Lingyu didn't even move.

Could it be that Ye Lingyu felt that his leader was someone who pursued his appetite under such circumstances?

Commander Sun was despising Ye Lingyu. He didn't expect to see the boy sitting next to Ye Lingyu eat grapes in a blink of an eye, and Ye Lingyu's eyes flashed when he saw the boy start eating. smile.

So, all these snacks and fruits on the table are for this boy?

These Commanders Sun are confirmed, and I dare to say that his Commander is just in the light of this young man.

This boy looks like a teenager, and this age boy likes to eat some snacks and fruits. It can be seen that these fruit snacks are prepared for this boy.

Fortunately, he thought that Ye Lingyu had him as a leader in his eyes!I didn't expect him, the commander, to be sentimental!

Commander Sun's face suddenly became ugly, and even though he said he was eating grapes, he could still feel the situation of the people around him. She could clearly feel the strong resentment emanating from Commander Sun. What's wrong?
Wasn't Commander Sun full of joy just now?

Archery also continued to compete, why is it like this now?
Ye Junfeng's eyes fell on the grapes in his hands, and he narrowed his eyes slightly. Could it be because Commander Sun was greedy seeing her eating grapes, but he was too embarrassed to reach out?
Ye Junfeng rolled his eyes, looked at Commander Sun, and said, "Commander Sun, I just want to see what the meaning of the competition between the soldiers is. Eat something. These fruits and snacks are specially prepared by the Major General."

It would be a little easier not to mention Commander Sun, but now that this kid brings up this matter, the anger in his chest suddenly rises.

He is the leader of Qingqiu Kingdom's royal family no matter what, but he has no face left in front of these two people today.

Commander Sun's anger suddenly rose, but his eyes fell on Ye Junfeng who was looking at him with a half-smile, and the anger on his body disappeared quietly.

He didn't forget how his subordinate's hand was useless before, and a person's hand could be abolished with just a teacup. For a person with such strength, he, the commander, is no match at all.

As the commander of Qingqiu Kingdom's royal family army, he will fight for the Qingqiu Kingdom's royal family in the future, so naturally he can't explain his future here.

(End of this chapter)

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