The supreme doctor is all over the world

Chapter 864 The 2nd Army Competition

Chapter 864 The Competition Between Two Armies (4)

Ye Junfeng could clearly feel that since she said this sentence, the anger on Commander Sun seemed to be released from the cage suddenly, but for some reason, the anger on Commander Sun disappeared suddenly.

Commander Sun moved his lips, but didn't speak, and at the same time, he didn't reach out for any fruit snacks.

Ye Junfeng ignored Commander Sun, bowed her head and continued peeling her grapes, and ate some snacks after eating the grapes.

Commander Sun even wondered if this kid hadn't eaten.

Seeing Ye Junfeng eating happily, Ye Lingyu couldn't help but wonder if his sister was hungry. Although it's not time to eat yet, people of Ye Junfeng's age are growing up, saying Maybe I'm really hungry!
Ye Lingyu looked at Ye Junfeng and said, "Are you hungry? I'll ask the kitchen to prepare meals for you."

Ye Junfeng paused while taking the snack, how did her elder brother know that she was hungry?

Ye Junfeng looked up at Ye Lingyu, and said, "I'm not hungry, but I'm a little bored."

Ye Lingyu understood, she was really a little girl, delicious.

At this time, the open space in front of him was ready for the next archery competition.

Several guards brought up two boxes, and gave each of the two guards a hundred arrows.

Ye Lingyu said to Commander Sun and Ye Junfeng: "There are a total of [-] birds in the two boxes, and each person has [-] arrows. Let's see who shoots the most birds in the end."

As soon as Ye Lingyu said it, everyone understood what kind of competition this was, and it was much more difficult than a moving target.

Commander Sun's face was a bit ugly. Shooting birds with arrows is more difficult. As a commander, he naturally knows that this is much more difficult than the previous movable target, but this kind of competition also has advantages. That is, there are many targets, and you might be able to hit them with just an arrow.

Besides, this group of people are just people who have stayed in the borderlands for ten years. What kind of knowledge can they have? The group of soldiers under him are much more knowledgeable than these people. won't lose.

Commander Sun nodded to make it clear, "This kind of competition is really good, and it happens to be able to see who is better."

Hearing Commander Sun's words, the expressions on the faces of the people representing Qingqiu Kingdom's royal army were not uncommon.

The man glanced at Commander Sun hesitantly with complicated eyes, and finally just sighed. Where did these soldiers practice this kind of training method before? How could they win this competition?

But now Commander Sun didn't understand the hearts of these soldiers at all, and wanted to trample all the soldiers in the General Protector's Mansion under their feet.

Even if he made it clear to analyze the situation with Commander Sun, Commander Sun probably wouldn't listen.

If the royal family of Qingqiu Kingdom loses face in the future, it has nothing to do with him, and all of this will be attributed to Commander Sun.

The soldier pursed his lips, reached out and took a hundred arrows and put them behind his back.

Seeing that the two men were ready, several officers and soldiers in the periphery opened the cage together, and suddenly, suddenly, flocks of birds flew out of the cage.

But what is surprising is that this is not an ordinary bird at all, but wooden.

Seeing this, Ye Junfeng raised her eyebrows in surprise. At first she thought the bird was just an ordinary bird, but she didn't expect it to be an organ.

(End of this chapter)

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