Jiuyang Dandi

Chapter 111 The VIP of the Blood Sword Gang

Chapter 111 The VIP of the Blood Sword Gang

"Stop them!" The gangster with the scar on his face yelled angrily, and rushed up with another gangster to surround Chu Feng and Lin Yuxin.

The gangster who got kicked also limped after him.

Chu Feng never thought of running away.

Among the three gangsters, the most powerful one is only the eighth-level swordsman.Although he was two steps higher than Chu Feng, Chu Feng was absolutely sure of knocking him down with one move.

What's more, he has a strange fire by his side, so he is even more arrogant and fearless.

"Smelly bitch, where are you going to escape today?"

"Think that this little boy with delicate skin and tender flesh can protect you? I can make him gnaw on the mud with one punch!"

Scarface pressed on every step of the way, fierce and fierce.

But he soon realized something was wrong.Because Chu Feng was too calm, the cold and indifferent eyes made him feel an inexplicable palpitation.

Lin Yuxin hugged Chu Feng's arm tightly, her body trembling because of being overly frightened.

"Chu Feng, what should we do?" Lin Yuxin asked in horror.

"Kiss me once, and I'll teach you what to do!" Under such circumstances, Chu Feng was still in the mood to joke.Lin Yuxin pinched him and said angrily, "You can still laugh!"

Scarface and others usually bully ordinary people, as long as they show their fierce power, they will immediately frighten ordinary people to kowtow and beg for mercy.

At this moment, Chu Feng dared to look down on them.

The three exploded immediately, and one by one directly pulled out daggers, short blades, swinging sticks and other murder weapons, and rushed towards Chu Feng with grim faces.

"Boy, dare to be arrogant and presumptuous in front of the masters, and I will teach you the principles of being a man with your tail between your legs in minutes!" The offensive of the three of them was quite fierce. How could Lin Yuxin have seen such a battle before?

He screamed again and again in fright, his legs were limp, and he didn't dare to resist at all.

Chu Feng faced the strongest scarred face with his bare hands. Now he has the sixth-level swordsman's cultivation base, which is matched with the Liuli sword art he has comprehended and the rich combat experience accumulated in his previous life.

Bang bang bang!
Lin Yuxin didn't even see clearly that he was fighting three against one, the battle was over.

All three gangsters were lying on the ground crying, and Chu Feng stepped on the little gangster leader with a scarred face.He stepped on his head directly.

"Student Lin Yuxin, I solved the three villains for you and saved you. Should you show me something?"

"Don't worry, I'm never greedy, you just need to promise with your body!"

If Chu Feng hadn't wanted to resolve his predecessor's obsession, he would never have pursued Lin Yuxin like this.

"Beautiful thinking!" Lin Yuxin's pretty face was filled with clouds, and the eyes that looked at Chu Feng were sparkling and full of admiration.His favor towards Chu Feng skyrocketed.

But if you want her to agree with you, I'm afraid it's a little bit too close.

After all, is it so easy to capture a girl's heart?
What's more, Lin Yuxin is very beautiful, and she is the best in Dandao Academy.Academic performance is also among the best.She must also be extremely proud in her heart.

"It's sad, I saved you so many times, and I won't let you promise me with my body!"

Chu Feng deliberately teased her, seeing that it was getting late, he urged, "Hurry up and go home, and remember not to come to such a chaotic place alone in the future, or it will be very dangerous."

Chu Feng can save her once, but it is difficult to guarantee that he will meet her next time.

"What should you do?" Lin Yuxin didn't understand why Chu Feng didn't run away with her.

"I'll wait for you to be safe before running away! Because I run faster than you. Otherwise, if they call their accomplices, they will be in trouble!"

Chu Feng made up a reason casually, but she didn't expect that she really believed it.With a very moved look, she told Chu Feng to be careful before she fled this land of right and wrong.

After she left, Chu Feng ordered one of the gangsters, "I'll give you tea time, and call your gang leader Bloodbeard, or I'll collect his body!"

Chu Feng picked up a dagger and stroked it on Scarface's neck.

Scarface was so scared that he almost peed his pants.Immediately, he said to the little gangster under him in horror, "Don't you hurry up?" The little gangster ran away as if flying away.

Not long after, a large number of people came.

I heard that someone actually beat up members of his own gang. The gangsters of the Blood Sword Gang rushed over to kill the guy who dared to challenge the majesty of the Blood Sword Gang.

These ordinary gang members don't know the supremacy of Chu Feng in the Blood Sword Gang.

The little gangster who went to report the letter was not qualified to see such an existence as Bloodbeard.It was just finding the big boss who was in charge of them.

Chu Feng was surrounded by a large group of vicious gangsters, he couldn't help frowning.

These gangsters are all murderers who lick blood with their blades, killing people without blinking an eye.

One or two, Chu Feng may be able to clean up.

With such a large group, he would be hacked to death in minutes.

After getting the report from his subordinates, Bloodbeard immediately judged that it was Chu Feng who had come.He could foresee serious consequences, and almost broke out in a cold sweat on the spot.

Arrived at the scene almost at the speed of flying.

Fortunately, he came in time, otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous.

"Put down the knives and guns for me! Remember from now on, Alchemist Chu is a nobleman of our Blood Sword Sect, and even more so, a distinguished guest of our leader. Whoever dares to be rude to him, don't blame our leader for being ruthless!"

"It's all gone!"

Bloodbeard knew that Chu Feng didn't like showing off, so he immediately ordered his subordinates to disperse.

After today's incident, all members of the Blood Sword Gang remembered Chu Feng.

To be able to gain such respect from the leader of the gang, in the future, when seeing Chu Feng, he must be respected like a ghost.They also speculated one after another, what is the background of this young man?To be able to get such respect from the leader.

Some gang members who recognized Chu Feng as the third prince of the Sword King's Mansion were even more horrified.

Even when Lord Sword was alive, he didn't have such a big face.

This third prince, on the surface, is a waste, it seems that it is not simple!

In a large and quiet room, Chu Feng was invited by Bloodbeard to sit in the main seat.But Bloodbeard only dared to stand by and wait.

"Sit down! Don't be so reserved in front of me!"

"As long as you are loyal enough, your benefits will be indispensable in the future!"

Chu Feng looked up and glanced at the whole room, he almost burst out laughing.

At first glance, there are calligraphy and paintings hanging on the wall, orchids in the corner of the room, and calligraphy and calligraphy are all in place.It is completely no different from the rooms furnished by those elegant literati.

Looking closely at the contents of the calligraphy and paintings, as well as the furniture and other items in the room, it is immediately obvious that the owner of the room is just a vulgar person who has no shape and no spirit.

What is the content of calligraphy and painting?

Thirteen Touches, Flower Wine Order, Three Heroes and Five Righteousness, etc.What is Thirteen Touches?It was a vulgar little song for girls to sing when drinking flower wine.

The Three Heroes and the Five Righteousnesses are the teachings followed by people in the world.

(End of this chapter)

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