Jiuyang Dandi

Chapter 112 Calculation

Chapter 112 Calculation
The furniture of literati is mostly made of mahogany, red sandalwood, etc., with flowers and birds carved on it.The furniture in Bloodbeard's room are all made of the most expensive golden nanmu and blood dragon wood.

The pursuit of style is not elegance, but luxury.

Just like the emperor's seat and dragon bed in the imperial palace, they all pursue luxury and grandeur, so as to reveal the supreme majesty of the royal family.

The styles of furniture such as Bloodbeard, such as coffee tables, are made by others.He insisted on getting a big and square table, and then covered the outside with a layer of gold.

This shows that he is rich.

It's just so vulgar.

Seeing Chu Feng look at the room he lived in, he showed a strange smile.

Bloodbeard naturally knew that he was laughing at his room layout problem.Immediately, he scratched his head in embarrassment and said, "Hey, master, please don't laugh! I just saw the rooms of those literati and poets. They are very stylish, so I learned a little bit!"

"I don't know if the master came to see me this time, what's the order?"

Here at Bloodbeard, there is no tea, only wine.Chu Feng drank two cups, it was very strong and cut his throat.

He told about Liu Wangfu's plan to ambush him.

After hearing this, Bloodbeard immediately frowned and thought.

Don't look at him as a rough man, but when he should be careful, he is absolutely unambiguous.There are details in the rough, and he is familiar with all kinds of Jianghu routines.You can pick it up at your fingertips.

After a long time, a smile bloomed on Bloodbeard's face, "Master, I have already thought of a way to defeat the enemy! See if this works..." Saying this, Bloodbeard explained his plan again.

After hearing this, Chu Feng couldn't help sighing secretly, it really is true that snakes have their own way, and rats have their way.

"This plan is good, let me help you improve it! It's not enough to just get rid of Wang Duizheng, and I have to help my elder brother to be promoted!" Chu Feng perfected some details, even thinking about it. The key points that are not well thought out should be improved.

Bloodbeard really admired Chu Feng to the extreme.

Many of the details were not even thought of by him, but Chu Feng thought of them all.

Moreover, Chu Feng's improvement of the places he hadn't considered well was just the finishing touch.It not only minimized the risk of Bloodbeard himself, but also perfectly helped Chu Jianlan use this matter to make meritorious deeds.

I believe that after the matter is completed, Prince Liu and others will definitely jump their feet in anger.


After Chu Feng discussed with Xuebeard, he appeared on the street with a smile on his face.When he walked to the alley near King Sword's Mansion, he was immediately discovered by the secret sentry arranged by King Liu's Mansion.

"Come on, come on! The boy surnamed Chu is here!"

The secret sentry from Prince Liu's Mansion immediately went to inform Wang Duizheng who was patrolling nearby.

At this moment, the Wang team is patrolling this area with eleven soldiers under his command.Chu Jianlan was also in the queue.

Chu Jianlan is currently the deputy of the team, and there is Team Wang on top of him. If he wants to be promoted and become a regular, it is hard to beat the sky.

After being secretly notified by the people of Prince Liu's Mansion, the Wang team was immediately leading the soldiers under his command to the pre-set ambush point.As early as last night, he invited ten ordinary soldiers and guards under his command to have a drink.

And the matter of assassinating Chu Feng was explained and arranged properly.

Only Chu Jianlan was kept in the dark and manipulated by them like a fool.

"Listen, our team just got the news that a big thief will pass by the alley ahead! Our task is to capture or shoot him!"

"Team deputy Chu Jianlan listens to the order, you lead your brothers to lie in ambush. As soon as the robber appears, you should attack immediately!"

Team Wang led his men to the ambush point that had been arranged in advance.

After the arrangements were made, he deliberately pulled away and walked to the other side to inspect.

Just waited and waited, Chu Feng did not show up for a long time.

Just as Team Wang was impatiently waiting, a big leader of the Blood Sword Gang appeared.

This big boss is called Yuan Huan, and he is the local snake in this street.

He hummed a ditty and passed by with two of his subordinates.After discovering that Wang Dui was waiting here to shoot Chu Feng, he immediately greeted him with a smile, "Master Wang, is it your turn to lead someone on patrol again today?"

They are bastards and have a good relationship with officials. This is one of the rules of survival.

The relationship between Yuan Huan and Wang Duizheng is fairly close, and there are some shady benefits in the dark.

"Yuan Datou, it's you! Look at your happy face, you live a very comfortable life!" Dui Wang sometimes envies Yuan Huan.Life is much better than his.

"Hey, it's all thanks to your Lord Wang!"

Yuan Huan rolled his eyes, looked left and right, then pulled Wang Duizheng aside, and said mysteriously, "Master Wang, I don't need you to take care of me at ordinary times! Why don't you arrange things, I'll treat you, let me treat you." How about you go and relax?"

Speaking of this kind of thing, Yuan Huan had a mean smile on his face.

Dui Wang also had an emotional expression on his face.Just thinking about the importance of today's task, he wondered, "I'm afraid I won't be able to get away!"

"Is there anything you can't get away from? It's only about an hour at most!"

"Don't you still have a team deputy?"

Under Yuan Huan's instigation, how could Wang Duizheng hold back?

Immediately he readily agreed, and said with a smile, "Haha, it's still you, Brother Yuan, who has filial piety! I have to take care of you in the future, in a word." Dui Wang was doing things calmly, and immediately called a few of his cronies to the side, exhorting in a low voice "Remember, as long as you see a person wearing the student uniform of Alchemy Academy, don't care who he is, just shoot him to death with random arrows!"

"At that time, if you have made great achievements, your rewards will definitely be indispensable!"

After exhorting, he solemnly ordered Chu Jianlan to stick to his post.

"You guard carefully, our team is going around!" After speaking, he left with Yuan Huan and others, heading for Baijiao Tower.

After walking for a while, Dui Wang was just looking down at the official uniform on his body when he was about to reach Baijiao Tower, and he suddenly felt worried again.

"I'm on duty. If I enter the Baijiao Tower wearing official clothes, it's not good to be seen! I have to change clothes!"

Yuan Huan had been waiting for his words for a long time, and quickly agreed, "It's easy! I'll order my subordinates to get you some clothes right away!"

"You two, immediately find a way to steal a suit of clothes from nearby. Remember, keep a low profile and not attract attention."

Not long after, two punks came with a suit of clothes.

Wang Dui was taking off his official uniform, picked it up and took a look, "Hey, why did you steal a set of school uniforms? Isn't this the clothes worn by the students of Dan Dao Academy?"

"My lord, you don't know something. It's not easy to find a set of clothes temporarily. It's even more difficult to make others not recognize you."

"This set of school uniforms can just make you look tender. Even if your wife bumps into you face to face, I'm afraid I won't recognize you!"

(End of this chapter)

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