wild girl

Chapter 10 Forced to... drop out of school?

Chapter 10 Forced to... drop out of school?
In the school's meeting room, a group of shareholders and school managers are meeting on a series of matters concerning the opening of the school.

"...Okay, the next question is about the boys' bathroom."

"Hasn't this problem been solved? Boys' bathrooms must be built."

"Yes, yes. That's because at that time it was impossible to predict how many boys there would be among the freshmen, and now, it is known that only one boy will enter this year. Of course, because the sports department has more facilities, bathrooms should be built. But it needs to be considered Yes, is it not worth using the budget just for one student..."

The chairman smiled slightly: "We need to prepare for next year. There will be more and more boys in the future, and the bathroom must be needed! After student Lu Ziyu started to participate in the activities of the sports department, he will definitely need a place to take a bath. We must build the bathroom as soon as possible. in case something goes wrong."

"Okay, I'll do it now! But according to our construction speed, the bathroom can be built in a few days at most, so there shouldn't be any problems. It's impossible for Lu Ziyu to go to the women's bathroom Bar……"

"It's true, ahahaha..."

The meeting room was peaceful, but in the women's bathroom not far away, after a woman surnamed Guan discovered the whereabouts of a man surnamed Lu, she exuded a violent aura that the world was about to end: "Lu! Son! Yu! !"

"Ah...it's me..." Lu Ziyu knelt on the ground, held the check in both hands and handed it to Guan Zexi, his head was lowered as if he was about to bow his head forever, "I...I want to pay you back the check! I didn't know this was a women's bathroom, wow-"

"What's the matter, are you blind with those big words on the door?" Guan Zexi didn't believe a word of Lu Ziyu's words.

"Queen, where are you?" There was a yelling voice outside the door, Guan Zexi squinted and glanced at the door.

"Queen! Get out of the way, queen—" The next second, the door was pushed open, and the short-haired woman met Guan Zexi with a glance and sneered, "So it's here! Wrapped in a bath towel, what's the matter, show me your Good shape?"

"He Zhuoyi?" Guan Zexi raised his eyebrows.

"Hmm." He Zhuoyi nodded, staring at Guan Zexi intently, "I'm here to sign up for the Waltz League, so I'm here to say hello to you."

"Didn't I just be carried to the hospital a few days ago, why did you get out of the hospital soon?" Guan Zexi glanced at He Zhuoyi disdainfully, "It's me... I acted too lightly?"

"You must not think that you are the winner after winning one or two games." He Zhuoyi folded his arms and took a step back slightly, allowing Guan Zexi to see the club members behind her, "This time your Walz League and our school will also play .At that time, you will know how powerful our school is. It is very proud to enjoy yourself in your own territory, but the reality will tell you that your school is not the strongest at all!"

"In order to be more formal, other schools are allowed to participate..." Guan Zexi turned around nonchalantly, and walked to the sink to wash his hands, "Do whatever you want, anyway, it is impossible to meet you in the finals. Besides——"

Guan Zexi picked up the hair dryer, turned his head and looked at the group of people indifferently: "Can you take a few steps back? This is a bathroom that only people above Waltz A level can enter and leave. You are not qualified yet."

"What did you say?" If he could hold back his anger after being provoked like this, it wouldn't be He Zhuoyi, "Don't worry about the league or not, just stay here! Stay where you are! Let you die quickly, right?! "

"Oh..." Guan Zexi reluctantly responded, still holding the hair dryer to dry his hair, without any expression on his face.

"Queen!" He Zhuoyi gritted his teeth, "I must meet you in the final..."

"What's the matter, what are you doing so noisy? Get out of the way!" He Zhuoyi was patted lightly on the shoulder suddenly, Song Tiantian emerged from the door, looked He Zhuoyi and his party up and down, looked at Guan Zexi, "What, a bunch of dank cabbages, queen, are these your friends?"

"No." Guan Zexi disregarded the relationship.

"Yan...Yan Baicai..." He Zhuoyi's friend became angry, and immediately wanted to do something to Song Tiantian, "You little bitch, come here! Can you repeat what you just said?!"

Song Tiantian locked her throat directly, staring at the girl with sharp eyes: "Just talk about your pickled radish, what's wrong? What kind of place do you think this is, dare to come here to act wildly? I'm not in a good mood now, if it wasn't for you I really can't bear to be expelled from school for fighting in places other than the arena. What did you say just now? To participate in the Walz League? Okay, then I will 'properly' entertain you as a landlord. Now— — Immediately, get out of here!!”

Her eyes were too ruthless, her voice was too deep, the girl was so frightened that her legs went limp, she left in a hurry, and before she left, she didn't forget to speak hard: "You wait for me!"

"What... Guan Zexi, are all your friends like this?" Song Tiantian disdainfully.

"I told you I'm not my friend." Guan Zexi lazily denied.

Song Tiantian didn't care about Guan Zexi's friendship situation. She angrily walked to the sink and scooped up water to wash her face: "By the way, where did that bastard Lu Ziyu go? He dared not see anyone in a blink of an eye, his skin was itchy!"

Lu Ziyu, who silently huddled in a corner of the bathroom and tried to shrink his presence: ...

Since entering this school, I have heard of the "Waltz" league many times. What exactly is it?

The mixed martial arts stage in the Waltz school gymnasium is not only a sports facility of the school, but also a stage where the ear fighting girls fight bloody battles twice a year.

The popularity of the Waltz League is beyond imagination. The major cable TV stations broadcast live, always occupying the first place in the ratings of programs at the same time, and every place in the world can watch the Waltz League through the Internet.The players in the Waltz League are no less than sports stars.

This stage is unique in the world, and it is the dream that all fighting girls strive for...

"It turned out to be like this, it feels so scary..." Lu Ziyu, who finally escaped from the bathroom, secretly borrowed the computer in the school's computer room to check the "Waltz League", and finally got rid of the predicament of "Little Bai", " In such a terrible competition, the queen is actually the winner for two consecutive times. I was actually targeted by such a terrifying person..."

Lu Ziyu's brain has been uncontrollably imagining the scene where he is tied up by the queen and thrown into the Pacific Ocean to feed the fish...

Just when he was in a daze, the school broadcast sounded: "Students of Walz, it is an urgent notice now! Urgent notice! The queen who has the right to play as the winner wishes to designate the match table for the league. Please go to the lecture hall for the league match Gather in front of the watch! That's right! Lu Ziyu, a freshman in senior year, Lu Ziyu, a freshman in senior year, must participate!"

"Me? Why me?" Lu Ziyu was stunned, with an ominous premonition in his heart, he turned off the computer and ran towards the lecture hall.

As soon as I arrived at the lecture hall, I saw the host and Guan Zexi standing on the stage.The host held up the microphone, and his voice was very energetic: "Okay, students, the queen has personally selected the opponents for the top 16 of this league! Everyone knows that the preliminaries will be held in a month's time..."

"Before, the match list was randomly completed, and the queen who has never used the winner's authority, what's going on this time?" Someone in the crowd whispered.

Seeing the queen bowing her head to write on a piece of paper, Lu Ziyu felt an ominous premonition...

"Is the queen written? Please paste it next to the queen's name. As long as the designated person is from Waltz, the competition will be established." The host said.

Guan Zexi remained silent, pasted the piece of paper, and then turned sideways so that everyone could see the name on the piece of paper.

The host took a closer look: "Lu... Lu Ziyu? The queen appointed Lu Ziyu, a freshman in high school!"

In an instant, everyone's eyes turned to the helpless Lu Ziyu.

Lu Ziyu looked at Guan Zexi fixedly, feeling desolate in his heart.

Why?why me?Is it because of what happened in the bathroom just now?But I really didn't mean it, and I didn't mean to offend you.

Moreover, you are the two-time champion, I... know nothing!
This is not just about being targeted, the queen...is going to execute me publicly under the eyes of the whole world...

The people around gradually dispersed, Guan Zexi waved his sleeves after pasting the piece of paper without taking away a cloud.Lu Ziyu woke up from his depression, turned around and ran away suddenly.

"Ziyu, come on." Song Tiantian couldn't see Lu Ziyu's depressed appearance, and hurriedly chased him to comfort him, "You are a boy, maybe you can really win..."

"Go away." Lu Ziyu was upset and really didn't want to deal with Song Tiantian, "I...whether it's a game or a fight...I don't like these. Even if I play, the chances of me winning..."

"It's zero..." Song Tiantian answered for Lu Ziyu.

When he first came to this school, Lu Ziyu felt that he was close to home and could get a scholarship.

But actually?Only a few days after the start of school, life is already in chaos, wandering between dire straits and hot waters every day.Now it's even more exaggerated, actually asking me to fight a girl?If I refuse, the other party will definitely use other methods to force me...

This is a school for lunatics, all the students in the school are obsessed with fighting activities, here is not suitable for him...

Lu Ziyu pushed open the classroom door.

The classroom of the third grade was empty. He Shiyan was talking to Guan Zexi who was sitting on the chair. When he heard the door open, he turned his head in surprise: "Lu Ziyu? You came just in time. Where did you offend the queen? I'm trying to persuade her!"

Lu Ziyu pursed his lips, walked to Guan Zexi's desk, took out the check, and moved it in front of her: "I'm sorry, I just returned it to you now. Just now... I really wanted to pay your check."

After a pause, Lu Ziyu continued: "The match list, can you cancel it?"

Guan Zexi crossed his legs, crossed his arms and looked out the window, with a casual look: "Cancel? Why should I do that?"

Lu Ziyu gritted his teeth and said in a low voice: "Besides this, there is no school that allows me to go to school and have enough time and energy to work and raise my younger siblings... And I really don't want to participate in this kind of competition, and I don't want to be humiliated in public..."

"Oh..." Guan Zexi nodded understandingly, looked away, his indifferent eyes fell on Lu Ziyu, his voice was like the biting wind in the cold night, "But, what does this have to do with me?"

Lu Ziyu only felt that he was like a shameless clown in front of Guan Zexi. She was sitting and he was standing, but he suddenly felt inferior, which made him feel ashamed: "Then... I, just I can leave school now. So, it’s okay, right?”

(End of this chapter)

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