wild girl

Chapter 11 Queen's Contrasting Cuteness

Chapter 11 Queen's Contrasting Cuteness
He Shiyan and Guan Zexi looked at Lu Ziyu at the same time.

Lu Ziyu lowered his head, didn't look at anyone, his pupils were blurred and unfocused, as if he was saying those words unconsciously: "I apologize for the mistakes I made accidentally and the offenses I caused you before. I'm very sorry. Then... goodbye. I will pay attention not to appear in front of you in the future."

After speaking, he left without looking back.

He Shiyan and Guan Zexi watched Lu Ziyu disappear outside the door, and even before Lu Ziyu left, they did not forget to close the classroom door again.

Guan Zexi suddenly turned his head and looked at He Shiyan aggrieved.

"Why are you looking at me with this expression!" He Shiyan had the illusion of "a tiger's body shaking", and hurriedly said, "Even if you look at me with this expression, I can't help you, it's all you It's so good to force people into this state!"

"But..." He Shiyan said, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, propping his chin with one hand, so that he could focus on Guan Zexi, "It's so cute, how did you hide this expression so well? Queen ~You have to be nice to me, otherwise I will reveal your true face and tell everyone that the high-ranking queen is actually a tsundere and shy ghost..."

Guan Zexi shrank his shoulders, and argued: "Actually, I don't have that kind of thought..."

"I know, I know, you don't intend to really embarrass Lu Ziyu, you just want to scare him, right?" He Shiyan expressed his understanding.

Guan Zexi looked at He Shiyan's smiling eyes, turned his head violently after a few seconds, and said stiffly: "What are you talking about! How could I have that kind of thought! What that guy does has nothing to do with me!"

"Oh, oh, I'm shy again, right...it doesn't matter, you and me are with each other, it doesn't matter if you can tell me the truth to your heart's content, hehehe..."

The tormenting day finally passed with the bell after school. Lu Ziyu hurriedly picked up his schoolbag and left after class. He didn't want to meet Song Tiantian who had been waiting for him for a long time as soon as he reached the school gate.

Lu Ziyu pursed his lips, pretended not to see it, and walked forward.

"Ziyu Ziyu, let's go together, you don't want to go so fast!" Song Tiantian hurriedly followed Lu Ziyu's footsteps, "You don't look energetic, but you actually walk very fast, and you really have legs. Long is an advantage!"

Lu Ziyu just put his head down and strode forward.

Song Tiantian has short feet and short feet, but she quickly followed Lu Ziyu's footsteps: "I heard that you are going to drop out of school, are you kidding me? You can practice Taekwondo with me. The queen is an idiot. If you Why drop out of school because of this kind of thing..."

"I'm not in the mood to chat with anyone right now." Lu Ziyu suddenly stopped, turned his head and glanced at Song Tiantian, "Sorry, don't follow me."

Song Tiantian was taken aback for a moment, a little frightened by the gloomy look in Lu Ziyu's eyes.

Seeing that Song Tiantian finally stopped thinking about it, Lu Ziyu quickened his pace and ran towards the part-time job.

Song Tiantian stood where she was, staring blankly at Lu Ziyu's back.

Really... what the hell am I doing, a hot face with a cold butt... Is it really something I can do?What is it about this guy that makes me do such a thing? ?

But this kind of thought was just fleeting, and Song Tiantian quickly caught up with Lu Ziyu: "Ziyu, wait for me!"

Shortly after the two left the school, a bicycle also drove out of the school at an extremely fast speed.

He Shiyan held the handlebars with both hands, and quickly stepped on the pedals with both feet: "If Lu Ziyu really doesn't participate in the competition, my idea of ​​letting him enter the boxing club will be ruined. In fact, that guy is not bad, he is not particularly annoying. People are disgusting... If I cultivate it well, maybe I can train another boxing master, and I can get closer to him so I can get a high score when I graduate... But it's meaningless to say these things now... Say stand up……"

He Shiyan's words paused, and he turned his head angrily: "Why do you have to sit on the back seat of me! Who the hell is it that Her Majesty the Queen once refused my invitation to share a ride without saying anything like sitting on the back seat of a bicycle?" Things are so idiotic and embarrassing, ah! Can you explain your current behavior?!"

Guan Zexi didn't look at He Shiyan's contemptuous eyes, she hugged He Shiyan's waist with both hands: "That... just because the car hasn't arrived yet, I reluctantly took a ride on the bicycle..."

"You treat me as blind! A limousine stopped at the main gate of the school just now, okay?" He Shiyan was stunned by Guan Zexi's clumsy lie. She wanted to make fun of her, but felt that it was rare to see her friend like this I couldn't bear it, "It seems that Lu Ziyu is really bothering you. So what are you thinking? The queen who has always been at the top of the pyramid is so troubled because of an ordinary boy... Let your followers know, I'm afraid I'm going to be heartbroken..."

Guan Zexi didn't say a word.

"By the way, I also inquired about Lu Ziyu's matter." He Shiyan said, "He has a more difficult life than I imagined before. His father passed away and his mother abandoned him, and his younger siblings disappeared. He went to school by himself. He has to raise his younger siblings who are in kindergarten, and has to work after school every day to earn living expenses. He came to our school because the school's high scholarship can slightly reduce his living burden..."

When Guan Zexi heard this, he blamed himself a little.

"Okay, don't look so dejected! Don't worry, I'll help you!" He Shiyan accelerated the speed of riding the bicycle, "Although you are sitting on the back seat of my bicycle with an arrogant face and want to force it Wan Zun, but I don't mind, let's talk to Lu Ziyu tonight to clarify..."

Lu Ziyu didn't expect Song Tiantian to follow him all the way out of school, and even followed him to the car wash.Even in the end, I have to go home with him...

Especially that mouth, like a buzzing bee, never stops...

"Ziyu, you look good in work clothes!"

"Ziyu, you look so handsome when you wash the car, you can wash the car so clean!"

"The tires are also very clean!"

"Wow, even the action of sprinkling water is so handsome!!"


The owner of the car wash shop watched for a long time, and gave Lu Ziyu a sympathetic and envious look.

Lu Ziyu: I can understand sympathy, but what is envy all about?

Car wash shop owner: You can be content with such a cute girl accompanying you!
Lu Ziyu: ...

After working, Lu Ziyu changed his clothes and went home.

"Ziyu, don't ignore me all the time." Song Tiantian muttered and followed Lu Ziyu's footsteps, "Where are you going now? Are you going home? If you don't answer me, I will go home with you." Oh! I want to say hello to Ziyu's family, hehe..."

"That's enough, please save your mind and stop talking, okay!" Lu Ziyu finally couldn't take it anymore when he was climbing the stairs. "Senior Song, for me, the reality is cruel. I'm also very busy. I work and go to school all day, and I don't have much energy to laugh and laugh with you. So, you'd better go home and stop following me."

The deep exhaustion in his words, using the air as the medium, passed into Song Tiantian's ears without any leakage.

She grasped the corners of her clothes with both hands at a loss and said, "Ziyu...I'm sorry...how about I kiss you?"

"What?" Lu Ziyu was startled.

"I just see that you seem to be in a low mood. I want to talk to you more and make you happy. Maybe you won't be so sad." Song Tiantian said, "I really hope you can be happy. Mom It is said that my kiss has the magical power to make people happy, if you are really unhappy, I will kiss you, you will definitely get better..."

Lu Ziyu thinks that maybe Song Tiantian made an appointment... forgot to take his medicine.

He looked at Song Tiantian's face in front of him, and felt a sudden shadow in his heart...

Forget it, let's run...

"Huh?" Song Tiantian, who had waited for a long time without waiting for someone to kiss her, opened her eyes——

Where is the figure of Lu Ziyu in front of me~~~
"Ziyu, wait for me!" Song Tiantian stomped her feet and hurriedly followed, "Don't try to get rid of me!"

Lu Ziyu strode up the stairs. His family lived halfway up the mountain. The terrain was remote, but the rent was cheap.The only downside is probably that the stairs are too steep...

After he climbed the stairs out of breath, before he had time to catch his breath, he saw two people standing at the door of his house.

"You..." Lu Ziyu was stunned.

"Ah ha ha ha... that of us... got lost here for some reason..." He Shiyan scratched his head, smirked twice, and nudged Guan Zexi, who was maintaining a cold appearance, with his elbow, "Where do you live?" Here? What a coincidence hahaha..."

"What are you doing here! You're going to disappear!" Song Tiantian became annoyed when she saw these two people.

Lu Ziyu didn't speak, but just glanced at Guan Zexi.

Guan Zexi was silent and did not speak.

"Oh, it's good to be a classmate. It's rare for us to meet at your doorstep by fate. Don't you invite us to a cup of tea?" He Shiyan was very thick-skinned.

Lu Ziyu looked at the three troublesome seniors, sighed, and took out the key to open the door: "Come in."


In the narrow living room, three high school girls and two kindergarten children stared at each other.

What broke the silence was Lu Zijue's suddenly enlightened cheers: "Wow, it's the queen!"

"Yo, you are quite well-known, even such a young child knows you." He Shiyan raised his eyebrows and smiled, "You really deserve to be a queen~"

Lu Zijue looked at Guan Zexi with star eyes admiringly: "It's really a queen...a living queen...the famous queen is actually friends with my brother...that's great!!"

"Little one, do you know me? In fact, I'm also a powerful young lady on par with the queen." He Shiyan reached out and pinched Lu Zijue's cheek, and asked with a smile.

"No..." Lu Zijue shook his head vaguely.

Lu Zixu was rather shy and didn't speak from the beginning to the end. He just held the doll and looked curiously at the extra strangers in the house.

Lu Ziyu reluctantly dug out three cups of different sizes from the cupboard at home, and poured hot water out: "As you can see, I don't even have a complete set of cups at home, let alone tea. This is plain water, and you can drink it immediately." Get out of here quickly."

The sofa was very old, and the coffee table was very broken. Guan Zexi was sweating a little looking at the cotton wool coming out of the hole.

The house smelled dilapidated and damp and musty everywhere.

"Why are you standing? Sit down." He Shiyan sat down on the sofa carelessly, just blocking the hole.

"This..." Guan Zexi hesitated a little.

"Oh, the noble queen can't sit on this kind of sofa. Why don't you hurry up, you are uncomfortable and we are also uncomfortable." Song Tiantian took a sip of hot water from the cup and said dissatisfied.

Guan Zexi didn't say a word, but kept looking around.

"What's the matter? People who always have a thick check book in their bag think it's too shabby, don't they. I'm sorry that my family lives in such a state, and I'm sorry for blocking your eyes. But it's okay, if you think about it To raise my two younger siblings well, I should drop out of school and go to work. Earning more points is worth one point, and the little people should work hard and sweat at the bottom, which is more in line with my identity." Lu Ziyu's tone was very light.

"Don't use such a sour tone to make fun of others, how do you know I can't sit down." Guan Zexi said calmly.

"Sister queen, sit down, play with us for a while before leaving, I really like sister queen..." The two children didn't understand what the adults were talking about.They only know that they like this big sister very much, so they want her to stay for a while longer.

Guan Zexi was still not cold towards children, and even had a slight smile on her face, which softened her whole body.She stroked her skirt, sat down beside Lu Zixu, and was about to reach for the cup——

A black, unknown creature with two tentacles on its head slid past her eyes——

"Cockroach... cockroach..." Miss Guan, who had been aloof for more than ten years, finally broke through.

"What? Cockroach!" He Shiyan and Song Tiantian sprayed hot water from their mouths at the same time, and for the first time, the three of them showed their extraordinary tacit understanding-jumping up from the spot at the same time, like headless flies Just like bumping around looking for a safe haven...


"Don't look for me, I'm afraid too, wow!!" He Shiyan and Song Tiantian got closer, and they hugged each other shiveringly, "It's coming, it's coming, it's coming, wow--"

With a "pop", Lu Zijue calmly covered the cockroach with a cup in the chaos.

The world is quiet.

Lu Zijue raised his head with a silly smile: "Don't be afraid, sister, I'll catch it."

Lu Zixu pulled a piece of tissue over and said, "Zijue, here is the paper~"

Lu Zijue wrapped the cockroach in paper, pressed it, and threw it into the trash can.

Guan Zexi finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Then I felt... um, something seemed wrong...

Her eyes widened, almost cross-eyed, looking at the white shirt in front of her eyes.

Her uniform coat is dark brown. Whose is this white shirt? ? ?

Swallowing, Guan Zexi raised his head tremblingly.

She hugged Lu Ziyu's waist tightly with both hands, as if she wanted to treat him as a life-saving driftwood and dare not let go.Maybe it was a conditioned reflex, or something else, anyway, Lu Ziyu also hugged her shoulders tightly, like a protective gesture, embracing her in his arms...

Guan Zexi felt a rush of heat rushing up his cheeks, and it spread uncontrollably to his neck and ears.

She... blushed...

(End of this chapter)

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