wild girl

Chapter 15 My Lifetime Dream

Chapter 15 My Lifetime Dream
Walz's final stage is a right-angle stage, and the preliminary stage is a circular stage-the different shapes probably also hint at the differences in the competition.

The right-angle stage is prudent, tasteful, and a display of strength and beauty.Only the best elites who have grown up through various martial arts duels are eligible to stand on the right-angle arena. They respect each other's strength and understand the true value of victory, so the atmosphere of the competition is more serious than any other fighting arena.

But the round table is just the opposite.There is a place where you don't know the strength of the opponent's fighting style, and multiple matches are carried out quickly at the same time.Strong players often choose to strike first in order to win.Therefore, some games end in only one round, and there may even be frightening bloodshed.

Only those who have experienced many battles on the round stage can be qualified to enter the right-angle stage. They are the most powerful symbols.

Song Tiantian is, and so is He Shiyan.

But now, these two top S-level players unexpectedly stood on the round stage at the same time—as if a sleeping beast had been awakened, and was about to cholera the world.

The people in the monitoring room were watching this scene with relish, when the video call suddenly rang.

"Ah, it's the video request from the chairman."

"What? Connect quickly." The director immediately said, "Chairman, what instructions do you have..."

"You've worked hard. Here's the thing. The sparring match that's going on in the gym now..." the chairman said with a smile.

"Are you watching? It's really rare for two S-level people to appear on the round stage at the same time. We are also paying attention." The director was very excited.

"It stands to reason that the competition is the freedom of the students, and I, an old man, shouldn't meddle in it. But I think it's best to let the competition end here." The chairman said.

"Huh? Although it's a bit of a violation of the regulations, it's not enough to stop it, right?" The director was puzzled, "Why?"

"Many freshmen in the gymnasium are watching, and it also involves Lu Ziyu, the only boy this year. It's hard for us to judge what the situation is... It's just started and the Waltz League hasn't been held yet. What if there is something wrong? No, even if the coeducational school is opened, it is still very likely to affect boys from enrolling in our school, so let's call it a stop here, how about it?"

"If you think so, we will deal with it immediately." The director replied.

"Thank you. Then...the matter seems to have become serious, so send the 'Waltz Guard' out."

"Huh?" The director was a little surprised, "...Okay! I understand."

In the gymnasium, Song Tiantian and He Shiyan stood together.

"Hey, didn't I let you go down? This is my business, and I should finish it." He Shiyan frowned.

"Hey, why don't you draw a full stop." Song Tiantian put on her gloves, "You just made things worse."

The casual conversation between the two made the people of Jiuluo High School furious. He Zhuoyi gritted his teeth and clenched his fists: "Fuck, don't worry about whether there is a match or not! How dare you humiliate us like this--the labor and management will definitely turn Waltz to the bottom today Chaotian then leave!!"

"Okay, those who can move, come up to me." Song Tiantian hooked her fingers.

"I just said that..." He Shiyan complained, and together with Song Tiantian, they ran towards the people of Jiuluo High School.

Seeing that the fight was about to start, Lu Ziyu was so anxious that he didn't know what to do.

At the critical moment, two people wearing long black close-fitting uniforms appeared quietly and stopped two groups of people respectively——

"Who are you?! Where did you come from?" The people from Jiuluo High School yelled, "If you don't want to be beaten, just get out of here—"

"Wa... Guard Waltz?" He Shiyan was shocked.

"Waltz Guard? Really?"

"Seeing it for the first time!"

When the students who were watching nervously heard He Shiyan say these three words, they all boiled.

"Everyone stop sparring!" The slender woman with obedient shoulder-length black hair said indifferently, "The school believes that the current situation does not meet the regulations, and sent us to deal with the current situation."

Her voice was not loud, but with a strange power, the words she spoke reached everyone's ears exactly.She just stood there, without any movement or expression, it was enough for people to understand - this person is very strong, you can't afford to provoke her.

This is it, Waltz Guard.

Although they are just supervisors, in order to crush the students in school with absolute strength, the Waltz guards are selected from the annual graduates of Waltz School, and the target is the top [-]% of the graduates in the entire S class.Among all the elite Waltz graduates every year, there are never more than three people who can pass the Waltz Guard exam!
They enjoy a huge annual salary, and their off-campus activities include personal protection of national VIPs and training instructors in the personal security industry...

The man who combines all these words is the Waltz guard.

It is not too much to say that the Waltz Guard is the ideal of all Waltz students.

"Student He Shiyan." Guard Waltz said.

"Here!" He Shiyan stood still instantly.

"Please take your friend down."

"Okay!" After He Shiyan answered, he picked up Lu Ziyu in an instant, "Go, go!"

"Students from other schools also listen carefully. We will talk about it in the league game. Please go back today."

"What?" He Zhuoyi gritted his teeth, "You guys popped up all of a sudden, ordering this and that from above, counting as p—"

Her shoulders were suddenly held down.

Immediately, a huge pressure came, and He Zhuoyi hunched over uncontrollably, almost unable to stand——

"Guard Waltz, in arbitrating armed conflicts, has the immunity granted by the state." Guard Waltz calmly looked at He Zhuoyi's face distorted by pain. With so much effort, He Zhuoyi was overwhelmed, and finally her legs and knees hit the ground heavily, "You may never be able to walk again for the rest of your life."

Her tone was calm, not a warning but a fact.

"Hey He Shiyan, do you know who that black, long and straight guard is? This is the first time I've seen it." After getting off the round platform, Song Tiantian asked in a low voice.

"Ah, I know you. It's Chen Shengyue, who graduated four years ago." He Shiyan turned her head, and her eyes fell on He Zhuoyi, who had fainted and was being lifted up. Her expression was complicated in awe. ...35 wins, of which KO wins as many as 35 times."

Song Tiantian opened her mouth wide in shock, barely closing it from ear to ear.

He Shiyan clenched his fists, as if he could hear the sound of "bang bang" and "bang bang" in his chest.

To be able to stand there in that uniform has been a lifelong dream of mine.

(End of this chapter)

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