wild girl

Chapter 16 The Nightmare Comes Again

Chapter 16 The Nightmare Comes Again
The chaotic Jiuluo High School provocation incident came to an end quietly. In the chairman's office, Lu Ziyu and Guan Zexi sat on the sofa facing each other, both silent.

The chairman turned his back to the two of them.He bent down and picked up the teacup on the desk and took a sip: "Drink your tea, the tea is getting cold."

Lu Ziyu held up the teacup with both hands in silence.

"Student Lu Ziyu, you are a student of Waltz, right?" The chairman suddenly said in an unclear manner.

"Ah yes!" Lu Ziyu replied immediately.

"The queen is a student of Waltz's S class, so I don't need to say more about that, right?"

Lu Ziyu didn't know what the chairman wanted to express.

"It can be said that there are many opinions on this matter. The most important point is that you are all students of Waltz High School, and you are obliged to abide by the school's regulations." The chairman's eyes fell on Lu Ziyu, "Student Lu Ziyu took You got the scholarship just because you were the first boy at Waltz High. We expect you to settle in well and set an example for the boys who enroll in the future."

After a pause, the chairman continued: "Queen's judgment surprised many people. Many people don't understand how you can enter the final. But even so, I can't ignore Lu Ziyu's behavior of rebelling against Waltz's tradition. The competition is not You can participate...or not to participate! We will hold a meeting to find a solution to this problem. I will try my best to find a reason to convince everyone, just wait a little longer."

Just as Lu Ziyu was about to breathe a sigh of relief, he heard the chairman say again: "But——I think the root cause of this incident lies with Lu Ziyu. Therefore, it stands to reason that he should be punished anyway."

"Ah? Punishment?" Lu Ziyu thought to himself, chairman, can you stop panting when you speak!Being punished in this school, is it because I want to be a wooden stake, a sandbag, and a partner...

Lu Ziyu looked at the wooden bucket at his feet and the mop in his hand.

So... the punishment the chairman said...

Is it cleaning the girls' restroom in the first grade? ? ?

Why is it a women's restroom?Because there were no male students in this school before Lu Ziyu entered school, so why use the men's room? !

Fortunately, Lu Ziyu's greatest strength is learning to accept his fate, so he quickly took out a scarf to wrap up the broken hair, and started mopping the floor with the mop.

Fortunately, the chairman's order is public. Everyone knows what Lu Ziyu's punishment is, so there is no need to worry that a female student will suddenly appear in the women's toilet now...

"Cough, that..."

Lu Ziyu turned his head.

"I originally wanted to follow what you said and not get involved..." Guan Zexi leaned against the door of the toilet, lowering his eyes, "But it seems that this incident was all caused by me. In fact... it was me just now. I wanted to help you first, not Shiyan..."

"Okay." Lu Ziyu interrupted Guan Zexi, turned his eyes away and continued to work, "I will figure it out on my own from now on. What should Senior Sister do? I never thought of asking you anything."

"By the way, if you see Shiyan and Tiantian, please convey a thank you for their help just now."

Guan Zexi looked at Lu Ziyu's back bending over the floor, as if every cell in his body was filled with resistance to himself.

"Okay, I see." Guan Zexi turned and left.

"Hey, why did you come out of the first year of high school?" He Shiyan, who happened to pass by on a bicycle, asked in surprise when he saw Guan Zexi coming down the stairs.

Guan Zexi looked up at He Shiyan.

"You little girl is really cute. How about it, do you want to ride in brother's car again?" He Shiyan whistled, and patted the back seat of his bicycle indecently.

Guan Zexi frowned and turned his head, turned around and left: "Who will sit on that crap of yours!"

He Shiyan looked at Guan Zexi's back suspiciously.

Miss, who made her unhappy again?

Lu Ziyu was mopping the floor in the toilet, suddenly two girls appeared behind him: "Wow~ Ziyu cleaned our toilet so clean~"

“Even cleaning is so good~”

Lu Ziyu's hairs stood on end, he was startled.

"Ah, I'm sorry Ziyu, we didn't come to see your jokes." The girls quickly explained, "There are two children looking for you at the school gate, saying they are your younger siblings."

"What?" Lu Ziyu was taken aback, and immediately ran towards the gate after dropping the mop.

"Zijue, Zixu." Seeing the two little figures from a distance, Lu Ziyu immediately ran over, only to find that the little one's kindergarten teacher was also there when he got closer, "Ah, teacher, why are you here..."

"Hello, student Lu Ziyu." The kindergarten teacher smiled and looked at the two little ones, "Well, Zijue fought with other children in the kindergarten, and then they were arguing to go home first, and you don't have a mobile phone. The child said that he must come and wait for you..."

"What? Fight?" Lu Ziyu exclaimed, accompanied by Zixu's soft complaint: "Zijue beat Lele!"

Lu Zijue looked stubborn: "I'm not wrong! It was Gu Le who scolded Zixu first, saying that Zixu didn't have a mother, and that she was always dirty and didn't like to be clean!"

"You idiot, don't say it!" Zixu burst into tears.

"You are the idiot! It's not that you are fighting with others, I didn't cry, why are you crying!" Lu Zijue roared fiercely, then turned his head to look at Lu Ziyu seriously, "Brother, don't worry! I remember what my brother said, I will take good care of Zixu!"

"So...so, I'm a man..." Lu Zijue clenched his fist and sniffed, "Even if we don't have a mother...it's okay..."

Lu Ziyu held the two children in his arms and gently stroked their heads.

Lu Zijue grabbed the corner of Lu Ziyu's clothes, and finally couldn't help howling: "Wow..."

"I'm sorry teacher, I will persuade them well, and I will send them to kindergarten tomorrow." Lu Ziyu looked at the kindergarten teacher apologetically.

"It's okay, it's actually not a big problem, and Gu Le didn't suffer any injuries, so don't blame them too much." The kindergarten teacher said softly.

"Okay..." Lu Ziyu nodded, sent the kindergarten teacher away, and asked the chairman for leave.

Fortunately, the chairman also knew about Lu Ziyu's family situation, so he waved Lu Ziyu home to take care of his younger siblings without saying a word.

Holding the two little ones by the hand, Lu Ziyu looked down at Lu Zijue's stubbornly pursed mouth and red eyes after crying, and couldn't help coaxing softly, "Zijue, can I buy you sausage?"

Sure enough, Lu Zijue immediately laughed when he heard this: "Really?"

"Zijue is a little pig." Lu Zixu said with a smile.

"Really, really. I'll also ask the store manager if I can leave early today for part-time work. I haven't been home early to play with you for a long time." Lu Ziyu replied with a smile.

"Brother is awesome!"

"That's great~"

The three of them were talking and passed by a group of boys.The group of people walked a few steps, then suddenly turned around and looked at Lu Ziyu's back: "Lu Qinlou?"

Lu Ziyu turned around in surprise.

"Wow, it's really you." The man smiled, and looked up and down at Lu Ziyu with an uncomfortable look of contempt, "What are you doing these days? You have grown so tall in just a few months, I almost didn't recognize it."

When Lu Ziyu saw that face, he remembered who the other party was, but his brother and sister were still by his side. He didn't want to get entangled with the other party, so he forced a smile and said hello: "Hello..."

"Are you studying near here? We went to Jiuluo."

"Really... Nice to meet you, um... I have something to do at home, so I'll go first, see you next time..." Lu Ziyu held his siblings' hands and wanted to leave——

"What?" The man grabbed Lu Ziyu's collar and said with a smile, "We haven't seen each other for so long—" He changed his voice, and suddenly glared at Lu Ziyu with a stern look on his face. Looking at me with an expression like seeing a ghost, you are really... annoying!"

(End of this chapter)

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