wild girl

Chapter 17 The Crushed Dignity

Chapter 17 The Crushed Dignity
In the evening, Guan's house was already brightly lit.

Guan Zexi got off the car, returned home in silence, and handed the schoolbag to the waiting male servant.

"Why did you just come back from school now?"

Guan Zexi turned his head.

The short soft black hair covered his head, under the fine bangs, a pair of obsidian-like eyes were shining brightly under the light, he looked at Guan Zexi and raised his eyebrows: "I just came back from New York today, and I will be Stay here and live with you."

He paused, then suddenly grinned: "Long time no see, please take care of me, sister."

Guan Zexi was silent for a few seconds.

"What, I haven't seen my younger brother for a year, is this the only reaction?" Guan Zejin pouted, very dissatisfied.

Guan Zexi suddenly strode towards Guan Zejin, hugged him, and at the same time showed a look of joy on his face: "Oh, my baby Pimple is finally back!! Let my sister hug~ Wow, you have grown so much~"

"Ah, what are you doing, let go, let go!" Guan Zejin struggled hard.

"Let me take a good look at my brother's face—huh? Why did you lose so much weight?" Guan Zexi kneaded Guan Zejin's white and tender face recklessly, frowning dissatisfiedly, ignoring Guan Zejin's howling, and smiled triumphantly, "You boy! You still dare to talk to me in that serious tone of pretending to be an adult, right? Let's see how I deal with you, and see if you dare to pretend to be b in the future! Hmph!"

"Ah, ah, I'm going to be disfigured, I'm going to be disfigured, I'm wrong, I'm surrendering..."

"Hmph!" Guan Zexi let go of his younger brother, went back to his room and changed into home clothes, and the two soaked in the study together.

"I heard that sister, you have been studying hard recently?" Guan Zejin crossed his legs and stood beside Guan Zexi, watching Guan Zexi seriously turning the pages of the book, "At the beginning you had to go to that school for life and death, it seems really interesting? In my Memory, sister, you are very reluctant to go to school."

"Guan Zejin, you are still a kid, can you stop speaking in such an old-fashioned tone?" Guan Zexi turned the book over.

"Oh~" Guan Zejin looked at Guan Zexi's expression, and suddenly realized: "I heard that my sister's school has become a coeducational school. Could it be... my sister, you have a boy you like in school?"

He sat up straight, and took it for granted, "Have I told my sister several times before? If my sister wants to date a boy, she must get my permission! If I find a boy who is not very good, I will absolutely I won't agree!" He patted his small chest and said seriously, "This is my promise as the heir of the YK Group. You are my sister, and I will protect you from those bad men! As long as you It's my older sister, so I definitely won't let you find someone casually!! My older sister's boyfriend must stand upright and protect you from any harm!"

Guan Zexi's expression changed, he closed the book, and smiled softly.

"Well, thank you Jin for protecting me."

In the alley, Lu Ziyu was surrounded by several people.

"Look at you~ I haven't seen you in a few months, have you become more courageous?" The boy with red hair put his hands in his trouser pockets, tiptoed his toes, and frowned, "Talk, Lu Qinlau! Are you looking down on us? Huh? Isn't it just to say hello and chat with you about the daily life, so I don't need to make a bad face?"

"No, I just..." Lu Ziyu took a few steps back.

"Do you think that you are tall and imposing, and you can look down on us?" The red hair patted Lu Ziyu's cheek, ignoring Lu Ziyu's denial, "What the hell are you? How dare you look down on labor?!"

Lu Ziyu glanced at Hongmao, then looked away, feeling dead silent in his heart.

This group of people will not rob him, because everyone knows that he has no money and is poor.

"What kind of eyes are you looking at? How dare you look at me like that?" Hongmao was angry, "Bow your head, you trash!"

"Hey Suming, let's go, it's quite boring." One of the teenagers said boringly, "It's not fun at all, this kid is still as boring as before."

"That's right, you only grow in stature but not in temper, Lu Ziyu, why haven't you changed at all?"

"I'm sorry, I will pay attention in the future." Lu Ziyu just wanted them to leave quickly.

The three of them were about to leave when the small heads of Lu Zijue and Lu Zixu suddenly appeared at the entrance of the alley: "Brother?"

"Didn't I tell you to go home first! What are you still doing here!" Lu Ziyu's heart tightened instantly.

"Brother?" Lu Zixu was puzzled.

"Is brother fighting?" Lu Zijue asked suspiciously.

"Hey, your siblings seem to be more courageous than you." Yang Suming raised her eyebrows with a smile.

Where did Lu Ziyu see Yang Shuming like this.This group of people are the scum of society, and they will never show mercy to children: "Lu Zijue! I'll let you take Zixu home immediately to hear if you have heard!"

"What the hell are you yelling at! I'm so frightened!" Someone kicked his stomach suddenly, and Lu Ziyu took a few steps back, clutching his stomach and bending over.

"Brother!" Lu Zijue shouted.

Lu Zixu held onto the corner of Lu Zijue's clothes tightly, tears streaming down his face: "Don't hit my brother..."

"Brother, you beat them too! Beat them all down!" Lu Zijue roared.

"Oh, look, your siblings think you're a superman? They beat us all to the ground?" Yang Suming looked at Lu Ziyu condescendingly, "Poor guy, you must feel very ashamed in front of your siblings." Right? Don't worry, I'll let you go back right away."

"Can I go?" Lu Ziyu looked up in surprise.

"Yeah." Yang Suming smiled, put his hands in his pockets, and bent down to look at Lu Ziyu, "When we meet on the road, I will honestly say hello to labor and management. I also have younger brothers and sisters in my family. I know that you don't want to be around You feel ashamed in front of your siblings, that's why you're let go."

"Thank you, Suming." Lu Ziyu was very grateful and quickly got up.

"The pants are off."

Lu Ziyu froze.

"What are you doing looking at me in such surprise? Have you forgotten the regular procedure every time?" Yang Shuming's smile was full of malice.

"Brother, don't take it off! Why didn't you hit them? Wow——" Lu Zijue and Lu Zixu cried until their noses burst into bubbles.

Lu Ziyu was really afraid that the cries of the two little ones would annoy the group of people, so he could only harden his heart and shout at Lu Zijue: "Didn't I tell you to go home! Go away!"

The malicious faces of this group of people were distorted into abstract paintings in Lu Ziyu's eyes.He lowered his head tightly and clenched his fists.

It doesn't matter... so he came here in the same way...

The mentality of this group of people has been distorted, Zijue and Zixu are crying so sadly now, even for the sake of his younger siblings, he must leave here as soon as possible...

Didn't he know it a long time ago, for the sake of life, shame, humbleness, and useless self-esteem should all be discarded... He can't put his younger siblings in danger for the sake of his so-called "spine"...

He hung his head and took off his pants.

"Oh, it finally reminds me of what you looked like before."

"Haha, this kid is still wearing the same underwear from before? How poor do you think his family is, and he doesn't even have the money to change his underwear?"

"Can I go now?" Lu Ziyu asked softly.

"Kneel down!" Yang Shuming said.

Lu Ziyu clenched his fists.

"You forgot? Since I'm helping you review the previous procedures, all the procedures must be done." Yang Shuming stepped on Lu Ziyu's toes, "Kneel down, I don't want to repeat it again."

The cries of his younger siblings were still in his ears, which made Lu Ziyu's heart tense.Does he not want to fight?But if he resists, can he protect his younger siblings?Maybe these lunatics will attack his younger siblings because of his resistance.

It doesn't matter, he kneels, wouldn't it be fine to kneel?

It is said that men have gold under their knees, but for Lu Ziyu, his knees are only helpless, cowardly, and fearful...

He wouldn't imagine that because this place is near the school, some senior sister would come out to save him like in the morning. On the contrary, he really didn't want his high school classmates to see his current embarrassed and humble appearance.

He finally knelt heavily on the ground and lowered his head.

Knew it……

No matter how much he wants to change, to escape, to live a better life, to wipe out all the good and painful things in the past——

Everything still hasn't changed.

(End of this chapter)

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