wild girl

Chapter 165 Grandpa Appears

Chapter 165 Grandpa Appears
Guan Zejin sent professionals to Lu Ziyu's house, and it wasn't until the yard was completely repaired that Lu Ziyu rushed to the car wash: "Sorry, I'm late."

"It's all right, how is the repair of the house?" The boss asked with a smile.

"It's all done. Fortunately, everyone helped." Lu Ziyu quickly changed his work clothes.

"You're 20 minutes late. I washed a car by myself! I don't care if I'm going to take a break. You can handle the next car yourself." Pu Guanyu said.

"Okay, you go to rest." Lu Ziyu put on his hat, just at this moment a car came in, Lu Ziyu rushed to meet him, "Welcome, please come here. Would you like to wash or polish the car?"

The window of the back seat was lowered, Lu Ziyu bent down with a smile, and saw Guan Zejin's face: "Huh? Zejin? Why are you here again? Didn't you say that there is a meeting? Oh, yes, thank you for asking a professional to help you." Our family fixed the house."

"Brother, that..." Guan Zejin twisted his fingers and pointed at the old man sitting beside him, "Oh, I can't help it, that, Grandpa already knows something... This is the president of our yk group , my grandfather, Guan Guowen."

Lu Ziyu was completely stunned.

"Ze Jin, get out of the car and let him come up." Guan Guowen said in a deep voice.

Guan Zejin stuck out his tongue, got out of the car obediently, and asked Lu Ziyu to sit on it.

Lu Ziyu sat in the car with his head down, silent.

"Your name is... Lu Ziyu, right?"

"Ah? Yes." Lu Ziyu replied immediately.

"I'm Guan Guowen, Zexi's grandfather."

"I know you, you are amazing..." Lu Ziyu said.

This is the chairman of YK Group, No.1 of a first-class company... In China, almost everyone knows his name, even Zijue and Zixu know his name...

And now, he is sitting here, communicating face to face with such a powerful person...

"My company is busy, so I don't care much about my grandchildren. Not long ago, because of Zexi, I heard about your names." Guan Guowen crossed his arms and said calmly, "I'm here today to see, you What kind of person is it? I heard that you are a freshman in high school, younger than Zexi."

Lu Ziyu lowered his eyelids.

"I won't beat around the bush. You're still young. I think no matter how ignorant you are, you won't have any wrong thoughts. But just in case, I still have to ask you." Guan Guowen turned his head and stared at Lu Zi Yu, "Are you hanging around Zexi because of money?"

Lu Ziyu's mind instantly flashed the classic scene on TV "I'll give you 500 million and you leave my son immediately", coupled with Guan Guowen's serious face, I don't know why...it feels a little funny...

"Okay, I understand. I know that your family is in difficulty, and you have to take care of your younger siblings. I will cover all the living expenses and tuition fees for you and your younger siblings in the future."


"Zexi is very important to our company. Although she is a girl, she is smart and witty, and she will be Zejin's important right-hand man in the future. It is not good for both of you if you get close to her. If you need money , I can give you as much as you want." Guan Guowen said to himself.

"Well, Mr. Guan." Lu Ziyu finally couldn't help it, "I'm sorry to interrupt you, you seem to have misunderstood. My family is indeed a bit difficult, but I don't need help. When my father was alive, he never taught me that I can do whatever I want. Accept other people's charity. I will be responsible for my family's affairs."

His words were not strong, and there was no strong emotion like "you insulted me, you are too much", just a firm statement of a fact.

"Then... you just like our Zexi's looks? It's not because of the money, it must be because of his looks! Hey, it's all because of me, good looks, and always provoke some crazy bees and butterflies. I can't shake it clean." Guan Guowen sighed.

"That's not what I meant!" Lu Ziyu immediately retorted with a black line.

"I don't know what you think about the matter between me and queen...Senior Zexi. But I don't think I have any reason to hear you say that about me. We do have a good relationship at school, but our relationship is only between senior sister and Junior, that's all." Lu Ziyu clasped his hands, hanging between his legs, lowered his head, and said in a low voice, "So, between me and senior sister, nothing you worry about will happen."

"It's not money, it's not appearance, so what is it because of?" Guan Guowen frowned, his face paled in shock, "Then you have other plans? A bigger purpose? Is it... you want to occupy my position? Yours It's too ambitious!"

"I said no!" Lu Ziyu felt his head hurt, "Why do I want your position! I'm just a student!"

He reached out to open the car door and was about to get out of the car: "I'm sorry, if you have nothing else to say, then I'm going to work."

"Wait, I still have a lot to say!" Guan Guowen said immediately.

"I'm sorry, it's my part-time job now. I can't keep talking with you." Lu Ziyu finished speaking in a hurry, got out of the car and closed the door, seeing Guan Zejin holding the water gun curiously as if he was feeling the pressure of the water gun, "Run over quickly , "Guan Zejin!Don't move those things casually!put it down!Do you know how to save water? "

"I'm sorry..." Guan Zejin had no choice but to apologize obediently after Lu Ziyu grabbed his ear.

Lu Ziyu sighed, took the water gun and started washing the car.

Guan Guowen coughed and got out of the car.

"Although I only graduated from junior high school, I have done all kinds of dirty work since I was a child. The family can't count on a penny. As the eldest son, I can only work hard to survive! When I was 17 years old, my first Do you know how many times I lowered my head and bent my waist before building today's YK Group?"

"However, since 30 years ago, I have never bowed my head again! How many people in this world dare to make me wait? But you make me wait! I have to praise you for this, You are great!"

Guan Guowen folded his hands on his chest and spoke in a deep voice.

"I'm sorry old man, I'm too busy." Lu Ziyu was busy cleaning the car and washing the foam, so he really didn't have time to chat with Guan Guowen.

"What's your attitude! I still have something to say!" Guan Guowen jumped.

"Then I'm really sorry...can you just wait until I get off work..."

"What! You want me to wait for you to get off work! You self-righteous bastard, do you know what you are talking about! Do you know how valuable my time is!"

Lu Ziyu: ...

Pu Guanyu gave Lu Ziyu a sympathetic look.

Brother, you have worked hard.

Guan Guowen kept talking about it until Lu Ziyu got off work.

"You brat! You made me wait for you for so long! You are still crawling so fast! Don't wait for me!"

Guan Guowen climbed the steps panting.

"President, be careful." The secretary followed behind Guan Guowen, for fear that he would miss him.

"What are you talking about, didn't you let me go..." Lu Ziyu was speechless.

"Shut up, brat! You made me wait for you for three hours! How dare you say you want to go home! Do you know how much I can do in three hours!"

"I'm really sorry, but I get off work early on weekends, and it's rare that I can cook dinner for my younger siblings, so I can't spend too much time outside. Also, you are really angry and let me go..." Lu Ziyu felt that the old man had a bad temper Much like a child.

"If I tell you to go, just go! You should beg me to say that you want to listen to me!" Guan Guowen said confidently, "Do you know what you did wrong! Well, you go, you hurry home!"

"What exactly do you want me to do? You have to tell me before I know." Lu Ziyu suddenly understood why the characters of senior sister and Zejin were a bit awkward.

Inheritance is such a powerful thing...

"Hoo hoo..." Guan Guowen glared at Lu Ziyu, and was about to get angry when his foot suddenly missed——

"President!" The secretary said in horror.

Lu Ziyu immediately took two steps back, and immediately supported Guan Guowen's body: "Slow down! Are you okay? Phew... Fortunately, I managed to help, and nothing serious happened. Don't get angry all the time, calm down, on the steps It's dangerous."

Guan Guowen looked at Lu Ziyu blankly.

"Why don't you speak? Are you scared?" Lu Ziyu frowned worriedly.

Guan Guowen: ...You kid, you are still a little reliable!

(End of this chapter)

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