wild girl

Chapter 166 Don't Try to Take Advantage of My Family

Chapter 166 Don't Try to Take Advantage of My Family

Lu Zixu and Lu Zijue stared blankly at the grandfather who suddenly appeared at home.

Because of family reasons, the two little ones actually rarely have the opportunity to get along with the elderly, so there is an extra old man in the family unexpectedly, and the two little ones feel very fresh.

"Grandpa, who are you?" Lu Zixu asked curiously with his big watery eyes open.

"Grandpa, you have many wrinkles on your face. How old are you today?" Lu Zijue also blinked.

Guan Guowen folded his hands on his chest, expressing that he didn't want to pay attention to the two little ones' questions.Hmph, he is the boss of yk, so he won't answer children's questions casually!
"Brother, make me a glass of chocolate milk!" Guan Zejin ordered Lu Ziyu.

"I don't have that kind of thing at home." Lu Ziyu turned out all the cups in the cabinet with a blank face. Fortunately, when he bought instant noodles last time, he gave a water cup as a gift, and now he just used it to entertain guests.

"Old man, I'm sorry, there is nothing to entertain you at home." Lu Ziyu poured a glass of warm water and put it in front of Guan Guowen.

"Who cares that you entertain me! Sit down for me quickly!" Guan Guowen said fiercely.

"By the way, you should have twisted your waist just now." Lu Ziyu remembered that he did vaguely hear the sound of bones "creaking".Elderly bones are brittle and can be easily damaged.Lu Ziyu turned around and opened the drawer of the cabinet, "I have potions for treating bruises at home, wait a moment, I'll look for them."

"I don't want you to apply medicine to me! My time is very precious, come and sit down quickly!" Guan Guowen exhaled heavily.

Lu Ziyu didn't listen to him, turned out the medicinal wine, poured a little in the palm of his hand, carefully lifted off Guan Guowen's suit shirt, and rubbed it on his waist: "Is it here? Does it hurt?"

"Uh... go a little further down... a little lighter, yes, it's there..." Guan Guowen sighed comfortably.

"You are definitely not as fit as you were when you were young, you should pay more attention." Lu Ziyu said.

"Grandpa, are you in pain?" Lu Zixu cautiously approached Guan Guowen.

"Fool, when you get old, your body will definitely hurt everywhere." Lu Zijue patted Lu Zixu on the head.

"It doesn't hurt, it doesn't hurt..." Guan Guowen enjoyed Lu Ziyu's caring massage in satisfaction, and suddenly realized that he pulled off his clothes, "Lu Ziyu, you really are an ambitious guy! How dare you try to curry favor with me! Hurry up!" Sit down for me!"

"Oh." Lu Ziyu put the potion away, and sat down respectfully opposite Guan Guowen.

"You kid doesn't know how to respect the old and love the young at all! You actually made me wait for you for three full hours!" Guan Guowen was very worried about this matter.

"I'm sorry, I had to work just now, and I really couldn't find time to chat with you." Lu Ziyu sincerely apologized, "If you have anything to say, please tell me."

"I heard that you plan to go to Asia to play? Did you propose this?" Guan Guowen asked.

"Grandpa, that's where I'm going. It has nothing to do with Brother Ziyu. I took the initiative to take the children out to play, and my sister and her friends will also go..." Guan Zejin hurriedly explained.

"Shut up! I didn't talk to you!" Guan Guowen's voice was not loud, but very dignified, "I don't agree!"

"Grandpa, how can you do this! We've already agreed to go!" Guan Zejin rolled around, "No, no, I'm going to go! Grandpa, why don't you let me go..."

"Ze Jin, you can't be so ignorant in front of your elders, stop arguing." Lu Ziyu frowned.

"Brother, don't play tricks." Lu Zixu whispered.

"That's right, we are younger than you and we don't know how to play around." The children of the poor have long been in charge of the family, and Zixu Zijue is considered a very obedient child, and there is basically no time to make trouble for no reason.

"Oh..." Guan Zejin was scolded by Lu Ziyu, and was also told by a child younger than himself. He immediately felt embarrassed, and apologized, "Grandpa, I'm sorry..."

"Sorry to interrupt you, you can continue." Lu Ziyu smiled apologetically.

Guan Guowen coughed: "Well... What I just said... That is, you also know that I don't want you and Zexi to get too close in my heart. No matter how you go on a trip with friends, it's okay. Not too good. I also came here at your age. I know exactly what you are thinking. Besides, although you and Zejin have a good relationship, but because my Guan family is rich, you should take advantage of it. Isn't it a bit thick-skinned to travel for nothing?"

Lu Ziyu paused for a moment, then smiled and said, "I understand what you mean. I said at the beginning that you don't have to worry about my relationship with my senior sister. I know myself and I won't cross the line. As for the travel matter... Actually After Zejin talked about this at the beginning, I decided to pay for the travel expenses of our family of three. I am actually nothing, but the two children have never seen the sea... So it is also out of selfishness, thinking of having a chance Take them out and have a look."

"The younger brothers and sisters are very sensible, and they have never asked for anything. After Zejin said it, I really think this opportunity is very rare. But I really have to admit that I really intend to use Zejin's light to save money. A sum of accommodation fees. This is because I took advantage of Ze Jin, I'm sorry." Lu Ziyu sincerely apologized.

"Can't we go see the sea?" Lu Zixu asked timidly.

"No, I'll take you guys there when my brother is on vacation." Lu Ziyu patted Lu Zixu's head and smiled softly.

"Woo...it's okay, brother Ziyu, you can take advantage of it, I don't mind at all..." Guan Zejin felt so moved.

"It doesn't matter to me whether you want to travel or not, as long as you don't take advantage of my family, hum!" Guan Guowen thought that I would not go with you when the time came, and I couldn't see whether you took advantage or not, so he reluctantly When you don't account for it!

"Yes, I'm sorry to make you worry." Lu Ziyu smiled, and his face became serious again, "However, there are a few words that I want to tell you."


"This is just my own point of view. It's not necessarily true. You can listen to it and let it go. It's about the senior sister. You know, I'm really close to the senior sister, so I can see it too. When I came across some things... I feel that senior sister has a completely different expression when she is busy with company affairs and when she is playing with friends." Lu Ziyu pursed his lips, "Senior sister is a very mature and stable person, but after all She's just a high school student. So I think, senior sister might want to live a normal life like her peers."

"I'm actually not qualified to say this. After all, I'm just an outsider. But I know that Senior Sister and Zejin both respect you and are eager for your care and love. So I think, maybe you can try to get to know Senior Sister thoughts..."

"What do you mean!" Guan Guowen slapped the coffee table fiercely, "Do you know what's going on in our family? Do you know what Zexi's identity is? Ordinary peers? This is an inevitable thing! When I was your age, I had to take care of the family's livelihood alone. I didn't say anything about wanting to live like my peers..."


Guan Guowen's aggressive words were interrupted by his stomach growling.

The living room was quiet for a few seconds, Lu Ziyu tentatively said, "Are you... hungry?"

"I'm not, I'm not, you got it wrong!" Guan Guowen denied it three times.

Lu Ziyu smiled understandingly, and immediately got up to open the refrigerator: "I'm really sorry, I forgot that you waited for me for so long. There is nothing else to eat at home, only instant noodles. This will be ready soon. Please sit down for a while Just a moment, I'll be right there."

"I don't want to eat, brat, sit down for me, do you hear me?" Guan Guowen couldn't breathe when he spoke.

"Although my mother doesn't care about us now, I remember that she once said," Lu Ziyu turned his head and looked at Guan Guowen, "we have guests at home, we must not let them go hungry."

Lu Ziyu's family didn't have too many conditions, the only thing he could do was to cook the instant noodles. He even specially laid a poached egg in a small pot, and brought it to Guan Guowen: "Please use it."

"...Well, I'm not a person who eats instant noodles! I'm very picky! I only eat it reluctantly if I can't waste food!" Guan Guowen picked up the chopsticks and insisted on a few words.

"Yes, please use it." Lu Ziyu smiled kindly.

Guan Guowen picked up a pinch of noodles with his chopsticks and blew on them. Seeing that the two little ones were staring at him, he said, "Do you want to eat? Then you can eat."

"No, it's not time for dinner yet. My brother will cook something delicious for us later, so grandpa, eat first if you're hungry." Lu Zijue smiled brightly.

"That's right, we're not hungry yet, grandpa, eat quickly, it's not good for your health to be hungry." Lu Zixu also nodded sharply.

The smiles of the two children were very cute, and they gradually overlapped with the appearance of the younger siblings in Guan Guowen's memory.

When he was in junior high school, his family was too poor.At that time, instant noodles had just become popular, and my younger siblings liked them very much.But every time, in order to save money, he only bought two packs of instant noodles and went home, pretending that he had eaten them, and then left all the noodles for his younger siblings to eat.

It doesn't matter if he is hungry, as long as his siblings can eat what they want, and then show a cute smile, he will feel satisfied.

But every time, the younger brother and sister always say that they are full, and then leave half of the instant noodles for him, saying that the brother has worked hard and wants to eat more...

Guan Guowen put the instant noodles into his mouth, and said sadly: "This is the taste... the best instant noodles I have ever eaten in my life, this is the taste... At the beginning, I took so much effort to bring up the two children. , As a result, one went to the United States with a man, came back only a few times a year, and the other went to prison..."

"Don't be sad..." Lu Ziyu comforted dryly.

After Guan Guowen finished eating the instant noodles, he didn't even let go of the soup, drank it all, and then stood up abruptly: "Thank you for the instant noodles. But what I just said will not be changed because of a bowl of instant noodles. "

"Grandpa, can you really not go on a trip? I'm going on my special plane, so there's nothing wrong with it!" Guan Zejin said anxiously.

"Brat, I didn't buy you a special plane for your entertainment."

"Why... didn't you buy them all, let me use them..." Guan Zejin begged.

"Special planes, resorts, and yachts are all properties in my name. Whether I give them to you or not is up to me, hum!" Guan Guowen patted Guan Zejin on the head, "Brat, didn't you say you have ten Do you want to go with five or six friends! Can your plane fit in!"

"Ah?" Guan Zejin was stunned.

"You don't even know how many people your own plane can take!" Guan Guowen walked out of Lu Ziyu's house with his hands behind his back, "Take mine! Really~ so many people go out to play, how can you take a small plane! It's not to beg for food!"

The change came so fast that no one could react.

"Lu Ziyu, I allow you to take advantage of my house and go out to play this time. But you have to remember what I said today." Guan Guowen walked to the gate of the yard, and suddenly turned his head
Lu Ziyu nodded: "Yes, I remember."

(End of this chapter)

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