wild girl

Chapter 180 The Game of Finding Treasure

Chapter 180 The Game of Finding Treasure

"... She just stood like that, making people feel gloomy, really scary... and her lower body was blurred, as if she couldn't see her legs. I wondered if I was wrong, so I closed my eyes. He opened his upper eyes again...but! Nothing! The woman in white mourning clothes disappeared without a trace..." Bayonet held up a flashlight, and the light shone from his chin. The whole figure looked like a man in a horror movie. Ghost, "I thought I was wrong, so I walked a few steps and looked back, but there was still nothing. So I felt relieved and looked forward—"

The voice of the bayonet suddenly rose, and the voice was sharp: "As a result, that woman! It's right in front of my eyes——"


"I'm so scared——"

"Brother Bayonet is a big villain!!"

A group of people surrounded the dining table and screamed.

After dinner, everyone had nothing to do and was not in a hurry to go back to their rooms, so Bayonet volunteered to tell ghost stories.He is very good at creating an atmosphere. Even though there are so many people present, his tone of voice sent chills down the spine...

"You're telling the truth!" Song Tiantian rubbed the goosebumps on her arm, turned her head and asked Guan Zexi fearfully, "Aren't you scared?"

"Don't be afraid, I'm an atheist." Guan Zexi replied calmly.

"Atheists are also normal, but... who is that behind you?" Bayonet suddenly asked in surprise.

"Oh? Really! There is really someone!" Song Tiantian looked back and asked in doubt.

"You can't fool me, this kind of little trick..." Guan Zexi didn't take it to heart.

"It really is, it's right behind you!" He Zhuoyan said firmly.

"Indeed..." Lu Ziyu frowned, "Sister, there is really someone behind you..."

Guan Zexi began to feel a little guilty: "Really...really?"

"Ahahaha, you said you were an atheist! Be afraid!"

A group of people suddenly laughed again.

Not far away, Guan Guowen and Park driver were hiding behind the bushes: ...

"Don't worry, we should not have been discovered." Driver Park observed carefully and comforted Guan Guowen.

Guan Guowen patted his chest nervously: "It's okay, it's okay, I planned to check the situation before going back, but I was almost discovered at the last moment. Forget it, let's go, hurry up!"


"Okay! Be quiet, everyone!" Bayonet patted the table and cleared his throat, "There is a reason for everything I do with Bayonet! Everyone is getting hairy from ghost stories now, right? Very good! While everyone The mood is in full swing, let's play a 'treasure-hunting game of guts' tonight!"

"What is that?" Lu Zixu asked curiously.

"In the afternoon, I hid the flag with the word 'King' in it among the trees on the peak behind the resort. Whoever finds that flag will become the king, and he can say a wish to all the participants. Participants To fulfill his wish unconditionally! There are five routes from the hotel to the summit, let’s draw lots to see who will take which route, everyone must walk by themselves and start at the same time. How about it, the rules are simple, right?”

"But the lights on the line over there will be turned off at nine o'clock." Guan Zexi said.

"That's right! This is the highlight! Otherwise, how can it be called a game of guts!" Bayonet snorted, "Zhuo Yan and I are in the planning team so we won't participate, and the other kids won't participate either. Just right, queen, Lu Ziyu, He Shiyan, Jiang Lu , Song Tiantian, there are exactly five of you."

He Zhuoyan scratched his head: "Haha, I went out with the bayonet this afternoon, so I know everything..."

"Then, let's draw lots now!" The bayonet took out a cardboard box out of nowhere.

Several people drew lots to decide their own route.

"Okay, Zhuo Yan is responsible for taking you to your respective entrances! Come on, comrades! In order to become the king!" The bayonet waved his hand, which seemed to be a little domineering...

The final result was that Lu Ziyu stood alone at one of the entrances with a flashlight, looked at the dark woods, and swallowed: "It's really dark...but this is a resort after all, it shouldn't be... Is there any problem..."

He bravely stepped into the woods, hearing the rustling sound of the night wind.Lu Ziyu walked forward cautiously, when he suddenly heard a movement behind him.

"Who!" He immediately turned around holding the flashlight.

"Meow~" A white and gray cat ran past at a high speed.

"It's a cat..." Lu Ziyu patted his chest, and was about to turn around when he collided with a figure emerging from the bushes.

"Ah-" Song Tiantian screamed, and the two of them fell to the ground at the same time.

Lu Ziyu groaned in pain, put his hands on the ground, and was about to raise his hands to rub his knees, when he suddenly found that Song Tiantian was lying under him for some reason.

"Yes... I'm sorry!" Lu Ziyu almost jumped from the ground, and said in a panic, "I was startled by the night cat just now so I didn't notice...Sister Tiantian, are you okay?"

"Oh, it's okay." Song Tiantian blinked, "Ziyu, you can actually come closer to me."

Lu Ziyu sighed helplessly: "Don't make such a joke. Come on, get up."

He stretched out his hand, trying to pull Song Tiantian up.

Song Tiantian just stood up when suddenly there was the sound of something sliding quickly in the grass.She was startled, and immediately threw herself into Lu Ziyu's arms, twisting her ankle in a strange posture: "What is that——"

Subconsciously, Lu Ziyu supported Song Tiantian's body, listened carefully to the movement around him, and said after a long time: "I'm not sure, it should be some kind of bug."

He gently pushed Song Tiantian's body away: "Are you okay?"

"No..." Song Tiantian shook her head. Just as her foot moved, an unbearable tingling pain came from her ankle, "Ah...it hurts..."

"What's wrong? Sprained?" Lu Ziyu frowned and squatted down.

"It seems to be an ankle..." Song Tiantian hissed, "It seems to be really sprained this time..."

Lu Ziyu was puzzled: "This time?"

"Ah? No! I mean it seems to be more serious this time, haha..." Song Tiantian almost slipped her tongue and quickly explained.

"Then can you still stand up?" Lu Ziyu frowned.

Song Tiantian was almost out of her mind, and replied instantly: "No!"

Lu Ziyu and Song Tiantian looked at each other for a few seconds, but finally lost the battle helplessly, turned around, and squatted down with their backs to Song Tiantian: "Come on."

"Hey hey..." Song Tiantian immediately lay down on the ground.Lu Ziyu slightly raised his knees, lifted Song Tiantian on his back, and walked slowly up the mountain: "We're going to the top of the mountain soon, let's see who's there later, and we'll go down together when the time comes. I'm really sorry, Senior Sister Tiantian , if I hadn't bumped into you, you wouldn't have sprained yourself."

"It's okay..." Song Tiantian sat on Lu Ziyu's back contentedly, her voice was very sweet.

Lu Ziyu silently carried Song Tiantian on his back, and stepped firmly and heavily on the steps. What Wu Qi said before kept flashing through his mind. After a long time, he said softly: "Senior sister, are you so happy to have your feet?"

"I'm able to get along with Ziyu alone, and I'm still being carried on your back. I'd be happy even if I broke my leg, not to mention just spraining my foot." Song Tiantian said as a matter of course.

Lu Ziyu paused, and the broken hair on his cheeks fell down, blocking his expression at the moment: "Senior Tiantian, I have something to tell you."

(End of this chapter)

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