wild girl

Chapter 32 The Seed of Doubt

Chapter 32 The Seed of Doubt
"Arm! The arm is hanging down! The strength of the fist is obviously insufficient!" He Shiyan took Lu Ziyu's fist abruptly, his eyes were sharp, "Pay attention to the movements of the feet and neck! Be coherent!"

"Ding—" the timer rang.

"The sixth round is over." He Shiyan and Lu Ziyu withdrew their hands at the same time, He Shiyan breathed out and smiled, "Ziyu, not bad, it's only been two days, and you can last until the sixth round. How do you feel? Can you still hold on?"

Lu Ziyu took a deep breath for a few seconds, then smiled and said, "It's not bad, it's much better than before."

"That's right." He Shiyan nodded and took off his boxing gloves, "Sit down, I'll give you a massage before dinner. Don't tense your muscles too much, or you'll cramp easily."

Lu Ziyu sat on the boxing ring profusely with sweat, supported himself by pressing his hands back on the ground, watched He Shiyan squat down, and relaxed his muscles skillfully.

Since the school's decision was made, Lu Ziyu has officially entered the training state. In the past two days, he has devoted himself to training almost to the point where he forgot to sleep and eat.

"Knee here, relax!" He Shiyan patted Lu Ziyu's knee with moderate strength, "How about it, it hurts the most here, right?"

"Yes, I thought the arm was the most sore." Lu Ziyu nodded.

"Boxing is different from what it looks like. Most people think that athletes mainly rely on fists, but in fact it is the legs that consume the most strength." He Shiyan explained, "And because this is a muscle that you don't usually use very much, training Afterwards, the pain will be doubled. If you don’t relax properly, it will be your fault.”

"Okay, I understand, thank you senior." Lu Ziyu wrote it down seriously.

While massaging, He Shiyan was distracted and turned to glance at Lu Ziyu.

Unexpectedly, Lu Ziyu's talent and physical ability exceeded her original estimate.Although he has not trained systematically before, perhaps because of his part-time job, Lu Ziyu has good physical strength.As a beginner, it took only a few days to fight her to the sixth round, which is really good.

As long as you overcome this weakness of still being afraid, you will definitely make rapid progress!
"Oh, ok, ok, come over for dinner." Song Tiantian opened the huge bento boxes she had prepared one by one, and the various dishes and colors matched, which looked very appetizing.

"You girl, you really do a lot!" He Shiyan swallowed, touched his little belly that had begun to grow again, feeling very entangled in his heart.

"It's all made by Senior Tiantian? It's amazing!" Lu Ziyu was shocked.

"Hey, these are all carefully prepared for our family, Ziyu." Song Tiantian smiled and asked Lu Ziyu for credit, and at the same time stuffed a piece of sushi into He Shiyan's mouth, and said bluntly, "Eat it quickly! Eat it quickly Leave!"

Lu Ziyu didn't have much time to enjoy dinner.Due to time constraints, He Shiyan and Song Tiantian took turns guiding him.Because boxing is the most effective fighting in a short period of time, based on this, Lu Ziyu must receive high-intensity training one hour before class and two hours after school.

When Lu Ziyu was most exhausted, he would hesitate whether it was worth it or not, but since he had already started, he didn't want to stop easily.

Especially seeing the expectant eyes of younger siblings and seniors...

Even for them, I must persevere!

Just after eating an egg roll, the door of the Taekwondo Hall was suddenly opened.

Lu Ziyu raised his head subconsciously.

Guan Zexi, who hadn't seen him for many days because of a business trip, suddenly appeared at the door.

It is still exquisite makeup and aloof temperament.Lu Ziyu froze for a moment, then heard her voice from afar: "You...are you having dinner?"

"That's right." With food in his mouth, He Shiyan answered vaguely, "You're back? Didn't you say that you couldn't participate in Ziyu's training because the family was busy?"

Guan Zexi did not answer He Shiyan's question, but said to himself: "Lu Ziyu has never participated in such a high-intensity training before, his body is over-exhausted, and his nutrition must keep up..."

"You don't have to worry about this! I will take good care of Ziyu!" Song Tiantian was not to be outdone.

Guan Zexi ignored Song Tiantian, but raised his hand and snapped his fingers.

In an instant, a group of chefs represented by the chief chef of the Guan family appeared from nowhere, preparing the table, arranging the plates, and serving the dishes...

A table full of Chinese people appeared in front of everyone...

Guan Xize crossed her arms and said, "Eat, I originally wanted to eat, but suddenly I lost my appetite." After a pause, she continued to say, "Absolutely... definitely not specially prepared to care about Lu Ziyu... "

"Just rely on how much money you have to show off your wealth, hey! Don't worry about it, I cook the best dishes in the world, and both Ziyu and idiot He like me the most..." Before Song Tiantian finished speaking, As soon as he turned his head, he found that the two white-eyed wolves couldn't wait to sit in front of the table and start eating.

"Traitor!!" Song Tiantian yelled bitterly.

Waltz's training atmosphere is very strong, but Jiuluo's Yang Shuming's mentality is a bit loose.

"Leave so early? Let's practice a little longer." Seeing Yang Suming put on his coat, Yan Zongyang stopped his training and shouted.

"Forget it, I'm not from your boxing club. I should leave after practicing for so long. Besides, how could that guy Lu Ziyu win me? The outcome of the match has been decided." Yang Shuming vowed.

"That's right, under normal circumstances, it is indeed impossible for Lu Ziyu to beat you with absolute strength after just one month's training, but if he is a very talented student, coupled with Waltz's professional Training guidance—you don’t necessarily win.” Yan Zongyang knew Waltz’s strength better than Yang Suming.

"Hey, Yan Zongyang, you're almost done." Yang Shuming couldn't hear such words, and felt a little annoyed, "Fighting that trash is an insult to me. I don't want to play. I won't say anything if you drag me into this mess, but you should worry less about what I want to do. Besides, the preliminaries are drawn by lottery, and I may not be able to meet him. up!"

"Su Ming..." Yan Zongyang frowned, "I regard you as one of my few sincere friends, so I hope this matter can be resolved as soon as possible."

"Okay, okay, I know." Yang Shuming was very impatient, "Isn't it just a bad game! Lu Ziyu's trash is also real, isn't it just two little kids who got food poisoning, what a big deal it can be! You have to make trouble so ugly for everyone..."

"Suming..." Yan Zongyang suddenly spoke softly.

"Okay, I really have something to do today, and I will start training hard tomorrow, so stop talking!"

"No, just now you said...Lu Ziyu's younger siblings had food poisoning?" Yan Zongyang looked at Yang Shuming's expression of sudden shock, and said calmly, "How do you know that his younger siblings have food poisoning? I remember that Lu Ziyu never said that." This one?"

(End of this chapter)

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