wild girl

Chapter 33 Senior Shiyan's Poisonous Chicken Soup

Chapter 33 Senior Shiyan's Poisonous Chicken Soup
"Suming, tell me clearly, what's going on?" Yan Zongyang asked, "The accident of Lu Ziyu's younger brother and sister has nothing to do with you, right?!"

Yang Shuming turned around suddenly, with a guilty look: "What is this? Lu Ziyu is crazy, have you been infected by him? I gave him snacks the night before, and Lu Ziyu came to me the next day , it must be because Lu Ziyu felt that there was something wrong with the snacks I sent, which caused food poisoning to the two children! Zong Yang, whose friend are you? Don’t you believe that Lu Ziyu doesn’t believe me?”

Yan Zongyang looked at Yang Suming's appearance, paused, and said, "Suming, I believe you because we are friends."

"That's right, that's how it should be!" Yang Shuming smiled, "I'm going first."

Really, he looks so big, but his thinking is simpler than that of a child!These athletes really have well-developed limbs and simple minds!
Yang Shuming mercilessly ridiculed Yan Zongyang in his heart, and then remembered that Lu Ziyu was the cause of his downfall to where he is today. Suddenly, a burst of anger shot up from the bottom of his heart, and he kicked Yan Zongyang fiercely. He kicked an innocent tree by the side of the road to vent his anger.

On the other side, after enjoying a sumptuous dinner and a simple digestion, the training started again.

"Ziyu, here you are." He Shiyan handed Lu Ziyu a small plastic object.

"What is this?" Lu Ziyu was puzzled.

"Mouthguard." He Shiyan tapped on his own teeth, "Protect your teeth and jaw, so that they will not be injured too violently."

"Oh, good." Lu Ziyu remembered after putting on the mouthguard, "Didn't you not wear it before?"

"Before you were training alone, I just made your wooden stake occasionally. But starting today, you have to learn how to resist beating! Although I will try to be as light as possible, if you don't wear it , the mouth tends to creak, and it sounds horrifying..." He Shiyan laughed harmlessly.

Lu Ziyu's black line: ...don't say such scary things with such a calm expression, hey!
"Okay, Song Tiantian, do you want to be a training partner?" He Shiyan asked.

"Ah? I don't want it! You're trying to stir up the friendly relationship between me and my family, Ziyu!" Song Tiantian is not willing to attack Lu Ziyu, this kind of rude activity must be done by He Shiyan!

"Okay, then I'll do it." He Shiyan put on boxing gloves, twisted his neck slowly, put his fists together, bent slightly, and looked at Lu Ziyu seriously, "Ziyu, I will try my best not to hurt you , but if it’s because of your own inability to dodge, I’m not responsible.”

"Okay!" Lu Ziyu also took a defensive posture.

He Shiyan doesn't like to talk nonsense on the field, and as soon as he finished speaking, he swung his fist at Lu Ziyu——

Lu Ziyu couldn't dodge in time, and He Shiyan broke his defensive posture instantly.

"Don't put down your defensive posture just because of a stab from your opponent! Quickly raise your hand!" He Shiyan withdrew his fist, watched Lu Ziyu stagger two steps and barely stood up, nodded in satisfaction, "Okay! Continue!"

With jabs, kicks, and arm attacks, He Shiyan took turns.

Lu Ziyu was very embarrassed to dodge, but it took all his strength to prevent himself from facing He Shiyan's attack.

"Please... please wait a moment..." Lu Ziyu couldn't keep up physically, so he could only lie on the rope on the edge of the competition and gasped for breath.

"How can I let you pause at any time during the game! I'm very light, even if you don't dodge it, it's no big deal, you won't die!" He Shiyan put his hands on his hips, and said in a fierce tone, "You know people at my level How much is the price to be a sparring partner? Now that I'm doing it for free, you still pause? Hurry up! Stand up for me!"

"You vicious aunt, how dare you treat my Ziyu like this..." Song Tiantian lay on the edge of the stage, tears streaming down her face.

Lu Ziyu gasped enough, and stood up straight again: "Okay! Come again!"

He Shiyan asked Lu Ziyu with his own training intensity. Naturally, Lu Ziyu would not live too easily. When the timer rang and the third round was over, Lu Ziyu seemed to be fished out of the water.

"The third round is over, so I'm going to practice here today!" He Shiyan took off his gloves, "The basic physical strength is very good, and I can last three rounds in the first partner training... This may sound a bit weird, but I still have to Said, Ziyu, you are quite resistant to beatings. Is it because you have been beaten many times before, so you have practiced it?"

Lu Ziyu was sore all over, with the mouthguard still in his mouth, he could hardly speak.

"But the most important thing is that although it was the first time to practice with Lu Ziyu, his eyes were barely closed, and he persisted in his boxing posture until the end. Ziyu, you are really amazing." He Shiyan bullied Lu Ziyu hard, feeling that I should still give a sweet date to praise him.

Song Tiantian hurriedly climbed onto the stage to wipe off Lu Ziyu's sweat: "Ziyu has worked hard! Ziyu is great!"

"But Ziyu, I still have to point out a problem." He Shiyan suddenly withdrew the expression of praise on his face, and looked at Lu Ziyu seriously, "You know we are boxing sparring partners today, right?"

"Ah?" Lu Ziyu didn't understand what He Shiyan meant.

"Why...don't you punch?" He Shiyan looked at Lu Ziyu's froze expression for a moment, frowned and said, "You have been beaten unilaterally all the time, didn't you ever think about hitting back? During the training, I left a lot of loopholes for you, as long as you are willing to fight back, you will definitely hit one hit. Ziyu, you...are you more afraid of hitting others than being beaten?"

When Lu Ziyu heard this, he slumped his shoulders in depression.

He Shiyan held his forehead with a bit of a headache: "This is a very serious problem. Whether it is physical strength, defense or other aspects, you are very good, but you don't have the most important thing... You have been being bullied since you were very young. Those people from Jiuluo High School bullied you, right? Do you still feel that you didn’t do anything, why should you bully you? Are you wronged and angry? "

Lu Ziyu pursed his lips.

That's exactly what he thought.

"I may be a bit extreme when I say this. Your situation is like those girls who were sexually assaulted because of their revealing clothes. It is clear that the person who attacked the girl was wrong, but everyone blamed the girl's dress— — But Ziyu, I have to tell you cruelly that this society is like this. The quality of the overall society has not yet risen to a sufficient level, so when the strong bully the weak, most people will not think that the strong are bullying the weak, but It’s because they feel that the weak are too low-class, and they can’t even protect themselves.”

He Shiyan's words were very heavy and heart-wrenching: "You were beaten because those people are scum. They have no contribution to society, and their existence has no meaning. They can only find satisfaction by bullying others. But why is it you Been bullied for so many years - it's very simple, because you don't do anything. You are like the girls in those accidents. You just want to live a peaceful and stable life, so you choose to keep silent and don't resist, but it seems that everyone treats you The silence and non-resistance of yours is taken for granted. In the end, if you are wronged, others will think that it is your own problem."

"Yes, you do have a problem. You don't have enough ability to protect yourself, but you pin your hopes on this society and expect society to solve these injustices for you. This is a mistake. You can change the scene with your own efforts, what are you doing If you don’t do anything, why blame the society?”

"Do you think that everyone is so sympathetic and willing to help you unconditionally? You are wrong. The most indifferent and ruthless society is society."

(End of this chapter)

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