wild girl

Chapter 35: Work Hard, Boy

Chapter 35: Work Hard, Boy

"You bastard! Say it again if you have the courage!" Yang Suming grabbed Lu Ziyu's collar fiercely, "What do you think you are? How dare you speak to me like that?!"

"Let go, I don't want to fight with you now. Let's meet on the field." Lu Ziyu still remembered what He Shiyan said to himself.

If something goes wrong on the field, he is not responsible.But do it in private - he doesn't want to get himself into trouble for the time being.

"You md, you really think you have a few brushes after practicing for a few days, don't you dare to yell in front of me?" Yang Suming let go of Lu Ziyu's collar, and punched him in the face, "I will let you understand today. Even if you practice for the rest of your life, you can only lie in front of labor and management like a dog—”

Lu Ziyu's eyes narrowed, and his eyes fell on Yang Shuming's fist. With a turn of his head, he avoided Yang Shuming's fist.

"Yo, you've learned to dodge, haven't you? Can you defend yourself?" Seeing that Lu Ziyu was in a defensive posture, Yang Suming was even more angry, and bent his legs and gave Lu Ziyu a bump, " Dare to call yourself a master in front of labor and management? You are dreaming!"

Lu Ziyu coughed. Although he had withstood this attack, his steps were fixed on the ground and he didn't take even half a step back. Seeing Yang Suming's hand waved towards him again, Lu Ziyu went forward instead of retreating, and directly pushed Yang Suming hard. Ming grabbed Yang Shuming's neck with one hand, and clenched one hand into a fist and threw it directly at Yang Shuming's face——

The fist brushed along Yang Shuming's cheek, and pounded heavily on the wall. Because of the high speed, it even brought a breeze, lifting the broken hair on Yang Shuming's cheek.

Yang Shuming's eyes widened, his mouth opened and closed, and he couldn't say a word for a long time.

"Don't worry, I won't do anything to you here." Lu Ziyu's eyes have changed at some point, without timidity, cowardice, and low self-esteem, and faintly have the look of a strong man, looking down at Yang like this When Suming was playing, it almost made Yang Suming feel timid, "There are rules in the game. It is said that there is no problem in how you play on the field. Don't worry, when the time comes, I will definitely, 'good', use up my strength. What I have learned all my life, come to fight with you."

He withdrew his fist, picked up the schoolbag that had just fallen on the ground neatly, patted the ashes and hung it on his shoulder, turned his head and glanced at Yang Shuming indifferently: "Go back, I don't have much time to waste on people like you body."

After finishing speaking, he no longer looked at Yang Shuming, and left without looking back.

Yang Shuming swallowed, only then realized that he was too scared to speak...

Second day

"My God, what's wrong with your hand, Ziyu!!" Song Tiantian held Lu Ziyu's gauze-wrapped hand with tears in her eyes, carefully observing, "Did something happen? Tell me, I'll help you Take revenge!"

"It's okay, it's just a small injury, it's not a big problem." Lu Ziyu smiled.

"Stinky girl, don't make a fuss, hasn't he already been bandaged!" He Shiyan couldn't see Song Tiantian's disappointing look, "But Ziyu, you are really serious, it's okay to beat the wall! The bones are a little cracked Ah! I can't use my fists for a week!"

Lu Ziyu is a carefree man, and He Shiyan took Lu Ziyu to the hospital for a film examination when he discovered the injury on his finger during training this morning.

"Yes, I'm sorry..." Lu Ziyu also regretted that he should not be impulsive at that time.

It's good to have the strength to stay on the field, why didn't I hold back that tone at that time...

"However, Senior Sister Shiyan, I want to thank you." Lu Ziyu said suddenly.

"Ah? Thank you for what?"

"Yesterday... I don't know what happened. Anyway, when I was beaten, I didn't close my eyes anymore. I watched other people's fists swinging towards me from the beginning to the end. I didn't feel afraid, and I didn't want to avoid it. All of these things It's because senior sister Shiyan has trained me a lot during this time. Thank you." Lu Ziyu said, bowing to He Shiyan sincerely, "Thank you, really."

"Really, why are you thankful even after you've been beaten?" He Shiyan cleared his throat a little uncomfortably, "When you can fight back when you don't get beaten any more, thank me again. You can't train your fists this week, so it's up to Tian Let Tian come to train you. Anyway, according to the schedule, it's time to hand you over to Tian Tian."

"Very good!" Song Tiantian nodded in satisfaction, and put her hands on her hips, "After boxing, there must be kicking, girls, get ready!"

In an instant, the students who had been resting by the side of the Taekwondo hall stood up "shua shua shua" and lined up all the way, each with a brick erected.

"Ziyu, look after you!" Song Tiantian stood in front of the students, took a deep breath, and calmed down, "The ultimate kick! The pinnacle of kick—"

"The effect is extraordinary!" The brick cracked.

"Thick and powerful!" The brick cracked again.

"Also, the most splendid thing is kicking in the air!" Song Tiantian's body turned around in the air in a strange arc, jumping up as if breaking away from the gravity of the earth, raising her toes high, and kicking in mid-air Break three bricks in succession.

Perfect landing!

"This is Taekwondo!" Song Tiantian stretched out a thumb and raised it up.

Lu Ziyu and He Shiyan looked at this scene in bewilderment, unable to make a sound for a long time...

Kick No. 1, Song Tiantian, is really extraordinary... Song Tiantian thought so proudly.

"Are you crazy, girl! I asked you to teach Ziyu some practical skills! You can master them in a short time! You think you are performing in an acrobatic troupe!" He Shiyan grabbed Song Tiantian's neck and hugged her tightly She gritted her teeth, "Can you be more reliable!"

"Don't you teach moves that look good but don't work! Let go of me, if we have the ability, we will fight each other!" Song Tiantian struggled not to be outdone.

Lu Ziyu persuaded the fight weakly: "Senior sisters, stop fighting..."

However, He Shiyan and Song Tiantian still fought for [-] rounds...

"Ahem, let's get back to the topic!" In the end, Song Tiantian finally stood up after failing to win a match, "Well, I admit that the move just now is really not easy to learn in a short time. Ziyu, we will do it from today The training, to be precise, is to deal with the opponent's kick attack-defense training."

"Yes!" Lu Ziyu listened carefully.

"The feet are not as flexible as the hands. If you don't defend properly, you will be KO'd easily." Song Tiantian explained while gesturing on her calf, "The attacks of the feet usually come from seven directions, the methods of blocking and evading They are all different. Shiyan, hit me with your feet."

"Ah? Oh." He Shiyan was stunned for a moment, stretched out a foot, and stepped on Song Tiantian's fair foot.

Song Tiantian: ...

Lu Ziyu: ...

"You big fat pig, you are provoking me!"

"You little wax gourd laborer is just provoking you!"

Lu Ziyu: ...the fight started again...

However, foot attack...

If he had known how to defend earlier, he wouldn't have been unable to hide from Yang Shuming's bent legs yesterday.Although he didn't suffer too much damage in the end, but originally, he could escape...

It was only because Yang Shuming didn't understand his current strength that he was able to settle with Yang Shuming so simply yesterday, and he was a little scared by him.

Anticipate other people's fists and feet, see through, dodge, and then look for openings, counterattack, and hit the target.

It seems simple, but in fact, every step requires great hardship and sweat.

Lu Ziyu's heart was beating "thumping", and it was constantly accelerating because of his imagination.

Can he really do all these things?

(End of this chapter)

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