wild girl

Chapter 36

Chapter 36

"Husband, you must forgive me! I will kick lightly!" Song Tiantian yelled and kicked Lu Ziyu's knee sideways without mercy.

Lu Ziyu was trembling all over his body, and his legs were even weaker. He almost couldn't stand up. He subconsciously took a step back on his heels. He grabbed the rope on the edge of the stage with both hands, and his muscles trembled uncontrollably.

"Don't hold on to the rope! There is no rope on the preliminaries!" He Shiyan was like the strictest dean, watching Lu Ziyu's every move with her x-ray eyes open anytime and anywhere.

"Ziyu must be in pain! I don't care, I can't get down anymore, let's practice here today, huh?" Song Tiantian burst into tears.

"No, no need." Lu Ziyu barely stood up straight, his whole body was protesting against his desire to continue training, "There are still two or two rounds, I hope Senior Tiantian can accompany me to finish the training."

"Okay, okay..." Song Tiantian hesitated.

He Shiyan crossed his arms, watched Lu Ziyu being kicked by Song Tiantian time and time again, stood up firmly again and again, and nodded approvingly.

Yes, the bottom plate is very stable and powerful.Just getting started, I don't know how to dodge, so I can only accept Tiantian's attack, which is normal.

"Tiantian, come here." He Shiyan suddenly waved to Song Tiantian.

"Why?" Song Tiantian ran over.

"When you kick, increase your strength." He Shiyan whispered.

"No! My Ziyu is already very tired, and he will definitely get hurt if this continues! I won't do it!" Song Tiantian refused without hesitation.

"If you don't do it, then I'll do it!" He Shiyan didn't have anything to discuss, "But I can't adjust the strength of my foot, and I can't take it back after I go out. Are you sure you can rest assured that I will face Shang Ziyu?"

"Witch!" Song Tiantian gritted her teeth.

He Shiyan didn't take this kind of words to heart. She waved Song Tiantian back to the stage in disgust, and said to Lu Ziyu in a raised voice, "Come on, Lu Ziyu! Fighting is not only about skill, but also about not admitting defeat." spirit!"

"Yes, senior sister! I understand!" Lu Ziyu replied loudly.

The game time of the Walz League is just around the corner, and the people of Jiuluo dare not relax their spirits at all.Especially Yang Shuming, almost suffered Luo Jiayou's 360-degree all-round hell-style training without dead ends.Every time after training, a group of people stood in a row, and Yang Shuming was definitely the only one whose legs and stomach were trembling while hunched over.

"That's right, although it's still not very good as usual, but at least you persevered in today's training!" Luo Jiayou put his hands on his chest and reluctantly praised Yang Shuming, "Okay, stand up for me!"

"Now time is running out, and in the rest of the time, we have to do more than twice as much high-intensity training!" Luo Jiayou said.

These guys played well and made it to the finals, so I had the chance to meet Miss Chen Shengyue...

"You will become the face of Jiuluo High School!"

Only if you play well, Miss Shengyue will look at me with admiration!
"Although we don't have many people, as long as there is a coach like me, I will definitely let you rush to the front!"

It is secondary for you to rush to the front of the leaderboard, the most important thing is that I must rush to Miss Shengyue's heart and hum...

"We have to teach Walz guys a lesson! Let them see our true skills!"

I must let Miss Shengyue see my most manly side!
"I must capture Miss Shengyue's heart! I want her to marry me, and I want to live a sweet life of dog abuse with her every day!"

Everyone in Jiuluo: ...? ? ?
Luo Jiayou: ...? ? ?
Seems like something's wrong?Did he speak the truth? ?

"Fuck, what expressions do you guys have! Forget everything I just said! Did you hear me!"

"Wow, coach, don't get excited, we really didn't hear anything..."

Jiuluo was in chaos, because a coach surnamed Luo accidentally spoke the truth, causing his image in the hearts of the students to change subtly...

But that's not the point!
The point is, after going through a long, hard time without a bathhouse, as the only male student at Waltz High School, Lu Ziyu's classmate!Finally ushered in his spring!

Lu Ziyu looked at the door with the sign "Men's Bathroom" hanging in front of him in a relaxed manner. He didn't know how many barrages had finally come to him, and sighed, "Finally there is a men's bathroom..."

Principal Li Shaofeng stood beside Lu Ziyu with his hands behind his back, and said seriously: "Although you are the only boy in the school now, we have worked overtime to build the men's bathroom. Lu Ziyu, please take good care of the school's facilities, and don't forget about the school. Special attention to you!"

"Yes, thank you principal, you have worked hard." Lu Ziyu bowed, stood up straight again, and said hesitantly, "But, that..."

His eyes drifted for a moment, and he flicked across the girls around him.

This kind of person has a mobile phone, and many people still have professional photography tools such as SLR DV hanging around their necks. Lu Ziyu feels that he is a little guilty...

"Don't worry." The principal was very calm, "This door is a fingerprint lock. If no fingerprints are entered, no one else will be able to enter." The principal's index finger pressed on the sensing area, and the door opened with a beep, "Go in and take a shower, but It is still necessary to strictly abide by the usage time and save water."

"Okay, uh..." As soon as the door opened, Lu Ziyu was shocked by the luxurious interior decoration. The main decoration is gold, with a statue of David in the center. Every golden bathroom door seems to be looking towards Lu Ziyu. Telling "I'm expensive" "I'm valuable": "This...are you sure it's the bathroom?"

"Yk Construction is responsible for all the projects in Waltz." Guan Zexi's voice suddenly sounded behind Lu Ziyu.

Lu Ziyu was stunned: "Senior sister, that is to say, you did all of this?"

"I didn't do anything, just... I was idle anyway, so I told the person in charge to ask them to pay more attention. I definitely didn't do it for you!" Guan Zexi looked around for a while, wanting to cover it up. , "I heard that ten architects who have won architectural awards jointly designed it, so that's the case."

"By the way!" Guan Zexi suddenly walked to a cubicle, pushed open the door, and turned to Lu Ziyu and said, "I also specially asked someone to install a bathtub in it for bathing. Ah! Don't think that you are Boys are embarrassed to take a bath, the bathtub is still very masculine, and there are many toys in it!"

Looking at the row of colorful ducklings, Lu Ziyu felt a little... complicated.

"Okay, that's it, let's take a shower first." Guan Zexi walked out of the bathroom, and suddenly turned his head to look at Lu Ziyu, "Come out after washing clean!"

Lu Ziyu subconsciously covered his chest.

Why does he have a feeling that he is about to go to bed, so he has to wash himself up in advance...

The door closed, and finally Lu Ziyu was the only one left in the huge boys' bathroom.

He unscrewed the shaggy head, and the warm water fell, splashing on the bruises on Lu Ziyu's body, bringing a slight tingling sensation.Lu Ziyu hissed and suddenly smiled.

It wasn't the first time he was beaten, nor was it the first time he took a bath with so many wounds.

But it was the first time that there was no unhappiness in my heart, but I felt... very cool, a feeling of being completely liberated.

Fighting... is actually quite interesting.

(End of this chapter)

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