Pseudo-quick wear: Emperor Zun, don't be arrogant

Chapter 177 Dear Dragon Slayer Warrior

Chapter 177 Dear Dragon Slayer Warrior (37)

The man's teammates patted him on the shoulder when he saw him so conflicted: "Okay, what are you doing with those nosy things, anyway, we are only here to slay dragons, and don't mind other people's nosy things."

The middle-aged man nodded, smiled and said: "This may be the last time I slay a dragon. If I still can't get the dragon slaying order, I really have no chance in the future."

His teammate immediately smiled and said a few words of comfort, and the tent soon became quiet.

On the other end, Fu Li found a grove with no one around, and couldn't bear the anger on his face. Seeing that there was no one around, he yelled at Jun Fu: "Is this broken system of yours really useful? What the hell! What a fart the dead are alive!"

Although Jun Fu didn't speak, the coldness that couldn't be concealed was released from his body.

"What's going on?" Jun Chou said coldly.

Fu Li only felt a wave in the air, and then Fu Li saw a robot figure appear out of thin air.

Fu Li opened her mouth wide in surprise, her eyes turned back and forth between Jun Fu and the robot.

Wasn't that ugly and clumsy robot paid by the king before?
"Hi host~"

The robot waved its stiff arm and greeted Fu Li.

Fu Li: ...

This voice sounded like Xiao Qi.

"You have a body?" Didn't you always hear voices but not see people?Fu Li always thought that Xiao Qi was integrated with the system and didn't have her own body.

Xiaoqi smiled: "No, my soul and the system are one, but after the master recovers, my soul can occupy this robot for a while. This is a robot shell built into the system. Used in emergencies."

Fu Li let out a "Oh" and remembered what happened just now, looking at Xiao Qi with a bit of unkind eyes: "Then what's going on this time? The dead can be resurrected? You let another soul come in and attach yourself to it." body?"

Xiao Qi laughed twice, how ugly and ugly this smile was twisted on the face of a robot, Fu Li felt that it was very obtrusive, so she turned her head away from him immediately.

"It was my negligence. In fact, when you entered the system, Lin Ci's father did not die in the plot, but was controlled by a dead dragon spirit. At that time, I only paid attention to the change of system tasks. The plot is just..."

Xiao Qi was interrupted by Fu Li before she finished speaking: "What grievances? Are there vengeful spirits besides dragons in this plane? Are you kidding me!"

"Cough... Don't get excited about the host, this dragon clan's resentful spirit has already consumed too much resentment just by possessing Lin Wen. He is simply an empty shell now. I think the reason why he let Lin Wen Lin Wen went to slaughter the dragon with others, probably because he wanted to blow himself up at the last moment to protect the safety of the dragon clan."

Xiaoqi is the only one among the three of them who can still see the world from the perspective of God. Although he doesn't know anything related to the mission during the exploration mission, he can still know the big plot at the end.

Fu Li: ...

"Is he going to blow himself up?"

Seeing Fu Li's expression of lovelessness, Xiao Qi had no choice but to cast her eyes on her master.

Jun Chou has not said a word since Xiao Qi came out, but the air-conditioning around his body is getting more and more intense. At this time, he received Xiao Qi's help-seeking gaze, and then his eyes sharpened, and he looked at Fu Li and said, "Anyway, that person is also I don’t know you, just pretend I don’t know you, and complete the task quickly.”

(End of this chapter)

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