Pseudo-quick wear: Emperor Zun, don't be arrogant

Chapter 178 Dear Dragon Slayer Warrior

Chapter 178 Dear Dragon Slayer Warrior (38)

Fu Li wanted to roll her eyes, but in fact she did.

Does this cheating system dare to cheat a little more?After all the missions were completed, when the moment came, she suddenly had a factor of instability, which really made people speechless.

She didn't even know how powerful the dragon clan's self-destruction was. What if Lin Wen's self-destruction really affected her?And what if some dragons couldn't help but blew themselves up when they saw someone from the same family blew themselves up?She couldn't even think about the power of a giant dragon self-detonation, and even if it was lucky enough to escape the power of self-destruction, the small pieces of the dragon's body would probably kill people, right?
What if it wasn't one that blew itself up?How to hide this?
"What you think won't happen." Just looking at the change of expression on Fu Li's face, Jun Fu guessed what was going on in her head, and suddenly felt a little speechless.

"Do you think the Dragon Clan is so boring that they blew themselves up for you to play with from time to time? The scope of the destructive self-destruction is too large. A giant dragon's self-detonation can destroy a mountain. The Wanlong Valley is only so big, and the number of dragons that have been multiplying is actually not many. , if it really exploded as soon as someone invaded, the dragon clan would have been extinct long ago."

Jun Chou's coldness remained undiminished, but he explained it carefully to Fu Li.

Only then did Fu Li realize that she had really taken it for granted, she bit her lip and didn't speak.

To be honest, Fu Li is really scared by the system now.

"Then..." Fu Li was about to speak, but was interrupted by Jun Fu: "It's time to find the dragon egg, and don't worry about the rest."

Fu Li stared at Jun Chou for a while, and finally nodded her head.
Dragons only have one reproductive period a year, and the time is not very long, so at this time of the year, whether they want to slay dragons or just want to join in the fun, they have basically gathered in Wanlong Valley.

The dragon clan in the breeding period will be much weaker than before, so it is a good time to slay dragons.

As the entrance of Wanlong Valley, Qianyi Mountain has already gathered many dragon slaying warriors and some dragon slayers, as well as some young masters and young masters who brought many servants here to watch the excitement and learn more.

Starting from the halfway up Qianyi Mountain, people have camped and settled down one after another. Tents have been erected one after another, and the originally sparse Qianyi Mountain suddenly became lively.

When Fu Li came out of the small woods, there were already people pitching tents on the flat ground she just walked through. In fact, few people dared to pitch tents on the top of Qianyi Mountain. After passing this mountain, you can see the dragon. Maybe if that dragon suddenly thought of coming here to take a look, then everyone on the top of the mountain would be completely exposed to the eyes of the dragon clan.

Judging from the entanglement between the human race and the dragon race for so long, if the dragon race sees the human race, it will never be soft.

Glancing at the fiery people setting up tents, he pouted and found a small corner to start a fire.

The stock I brought before is almost enough to eat along the way, and now the rest is some long-preserved food. Fortunately, she picked a lot of wild fruits in the Luojia Forest before, and the young dragon’s appetite is not great, and It will rot if left too long, so it's better to fill Fu Li's stomach.

After the food was cooked, Jun Fu came out of the small woods, saw Fu Li's eyes twitching in the corner, and walked over unhurriedly.

This continent is a continent where force is paramount. For good-looking people, they will only look at them for a while because of their aesthetic instincts.

(End of this chapter)

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