The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 1004 The Coolness of the Cave 4

Chapter 1004 The Coolness of the Cave 4
Shi Tian touched his left leg, and frowned slightly: "This is the first time I experience the feeling of not being able to walk, it's really inconvenient."

It's too inconvenient to not be able to walk.

Qingxue raised her eyes to look at Shitian, and teased out unconsciously: "How does it feel? Is there a piece of delicious food in front of me, but I can't get it? So I'm depressed?"

She felt that this was the only possibility.

If her legs are temporarily unable to walk, she must be rioting.

Can't walk, how boring is that?

So, should she be glad that she has nothing to do?Still alive and well.

"What kind of food are you talking about? Just that piece of black wolf meat?" Shi Tian raised his eyebrows and looked at Qingxue, then at the black wolf meat in her hand, lacking in interest.

Does he need such self-torture for a black wolf?Do you need to be so restless?

It's not that I haven't eaten.
It's not that I haven't seen a wolf.
It's not that I haven't experienced these things
So, what is there to worry about?
What this woman said was a little strange.

Qing Xue gave Shi Tian a white look: "If you don't want this black wolf meat, if you are not interested, then don't eat it for a while, I will eat it alone."

This guy, if you don't want black wolf meat, she can really do it for you.

"If you eat too much and become fat, you won't be able to marry, so I still have to eat a little." Shi Tian raised his eyebrows and looked at Qing Xue and made a joke.

If she didn't give him black wolf meat, it would be impossible.

So, he must not be worried.

Qingxue shook the wolf meat in her hand, she was speechless about this point, she was really speechless.

Can this guy be any more funny?

"Whether I marry or not is my business. On the contrary, you, who put on a dirty face all day long, will definitely not be able to get a wife in the future."

She will definitely get married.

But his character, I am afraid that in the eyes of others, it seems that he is not easy to get along with.

Although he has an indifferent temperament, it is much better than Leng Yichen.

After all, Leng Yichen's coldness came from the inside out, down to the bone, completely cold.

That coldness doesn't need to deliberately pretend anything at all, it doesn't need to deliberately pretend anything, it's all natural together, it's naturally revealed.

 "I can't get a wife, so it's a good idea for you to marry me to be my companion." Shi Tian raised his eyebrows and looked at Qing Xue, with a strange look in his eyes.

The tone is frivolous, mostly joking.

Qingxue curled her lips, and raised her chin arrogantly; "I don't want to marry anyone if I marry you. They say that rabbits don't eat grass by the side of the nest. I will definitely not eat grass by the side of your nest."

If she ate this nest grass, would she be too tasteless?

Besides, she doesn't like him, okay, let alone marrying him, that's simply impossible.

Shi Tian narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at Qingxue with raised eyebrows, and snorted: "Are you thinking too much? I haven't said anything yet, but you said it yourself. The person who will marry you in the future will definitely regret it." , you are too tough, no one can bear it. You have to know that there are very few people like Uncle Li Shang."

The implication is that there are very few people who indulge Nangong Xueling as well as Li Shang, who would be beaten, scolded or bullied.

Of course, compared with those of Leng Yichen.

(End of this chapter)

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