The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 1005 The Coolness of the Cave 5

Chapter 1005 The Coolness of the Cave 5
Each has a different personality, so it is inevitable that there will be some different ways of getting along.

Qingxue waved her hand: "Of course I know this. I don't worry about it now. It's far away from me. There's no need to worry about it now."

She never thought about it at all.

She has never talked about or touched about emotional matters.

Not because I didn't dare, but because I didn't meet the man I liked.She has never met a man who can make her change.Therefore, she is naturally not in a hurry, and is naturally calm.

This kind of thing can only be resigned, not forced.

It's yours if it's yours.

It's not yours, and it's useless to force it.

She looked at it indifferently, so it really didn't matter.

Turning over the wolf meat in his hand, he could already smell the aroma.

Cut more than half with a dagger and handed it to Shi Tian: "It's baked, let's eat."

Shi Tian narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at the food in front of him, and reached out to take it, without being polite or coy,
The corners of Qingxue's lips curved slightly, and she also picked up the wolf meat in her hand and began to eat it.

The taste is not bad, as long as you can eat it.

Inside the cave, it seemed to have once again fallen into a quiet atmosphere, and once again fell into calm.

Outside the cave, there was still heavy rain pouring down, the majestic heavy rain pouring down, and the sound of thunder also came.

The torrential rain was mixed with thunderstorms, and the branches were blown to this side, and the wind howled.

Heavy rain fell from the sky crazily, and the dark sky seemed to be collapsing.
The wind chases the rain, the rain chases the wind, the wind and the rain join forces to chase the dark clouds in the sky, and the whole world is in the rain.
The strong wind and the torrential rain were like countless whips, violently whipping the treetops, and some branches fell down and bent over.

 Outside the cave, the storm is still there.

But inside the cave, there was only a faint flame burning, no voice, only the sound of even breathing.

The cave is fairly clean, not too dirty.

There is a stone with some straw on it, so you can sleep on it.

On it lay a beautiful man.

Quiet face, fair face, long eyelashes covering the pupils, sexy thin lips slightly pursed, it is perfect.

There were a few beads of sweat on the fair skin, and a little fine sweat appeared on the forehead and should, densely.

The eyebrows were tightly wrinkled together, and the whole person did not sleep very peacefully.

Unconsciously, a little sound came out of the mouth, which was very slight.

Qingxue sat beside him, buried her head in the straw, and fell into a deep sleep.

Shi Tian still did not sleep peacefully, a few voices came out of his mouth from time to time, which seemed to be filled with depression and pain, the sweat on his forehead was increasing, and his face was very pale.

Qingxue's body moved, even though Shi Tian's voice was very small, she still heard it.

Opening slightly hazy eyes, looking at the sleeping person in front of him, his cheeks were as pale as a fragile porcelain doll, without any rosiness, beads of sweat rolled down his forehead slightly, his brows were deeply furrowed, and his eyes were tightly knit. There was a slight sound, and the whole body trembled slightly.

Qingxue reached out her hand to touch Shitian's forehead, feeling the temperature.

Cold, the whole body became very cold, still shivering, the body is the same, trembling slightly.

Qingxue's embroidered eyebrows were tightly frowned, and her eyes were full of worry and solemnity.

He, did he have a fever or a cold?

(End of this chapter)

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