Chapter 1014 Do You Like Him 1
Shi Tian frowned slightly, stretched out his hand to caress Qingxue's cheek, and said softly: "Qingxue, I like you, I really like you, if I don't like you, I won't be so close to you all the time. You Think, Am I free? Am I looking for trouble? Am I sick?
It is because I like you that I have been with you all the time, and I have always been with you like that. The relationship with you is neither salty nor cold, but the way of getting along is a strange one.

It's not that I don't know how to express my feelings, but that if I do, the relationship between the two of us will definitely not be the same as before.

Strange isn't it?I also find it very strange.

I always thought that I like you just like a friend, no different from Qingyin and Fengjin.It's just that when I saw you walking hand in hand with frivolous, I was unhappy, I didn't like it anymore, and I felt a little stuffy in my heart, and I couldn't get through it.

Seeing you together, watching the picture of you and the frivolous two embracing on the edge of the cliff, I just can't calm down.

The stuffy feeling in my heart is getting more and more heavy.

 Even if I know you guys are acting, I can't be so calm, and I can't deal with it calmly.

 It's because Qingyin can't see her inner feelings clearly, so why can't I?

My mother and concubine once asked me if I like you or not, have you ever faced up to how I feel about you, have you clearly thought about it and seen it.

Yesterday, when I saw you stepping down from the edge of the cliff, my heart almost reached my throat, I couldn't breathe, and I jumped down instinctively without even thinking about it.

Can't lose you, can't watch you disappear from sight, can't see your struggling but uli expression.

So, I followed suit.

Holding you in my arms is such peace of mind, such comfort, and such stability.

It doesn't matter if you know that falling may be bad or bad.

I always thought that my relationship with you was just a simple relationship between friends, not much different from them, but now I know that I was wrong, I was wrong.

I like you, so I fell in love with you without knowing it, I have already identified you, I can't extricate myself, I can't change it, it has been deeply ingrained in my heart, but I found it too late. "

Speaking of this, she paused for a moment, her eyes fixed on the beautiful face in front of her, a gentle arc was drawn on the corners of her lips: "Qingxue, I like you, do you like me?"

He asked very seriously, very seriously, without any joking tone, very serious.

All this is what he wants to know. He likes her, so he also wants to know whether she likes him like him.

There is a little expectation in my heart, and there is also a little nervousness.

Afraid that the answer she gave was not what he wanted to hear, not what he expected.

Qingxue's pupils were stunned, and she blinked her eyes, her long eyelashes flickering, like an elf, with a touch of loveliness.

If you say you are not shocked, if you say you are not surprised, it is definitely a lie.

It would be a lie to say that there is no emotion.

A heart moved slightly, like a feather falling on the calm and waveless lake, causing a layer of shallow ripples.

He likes her.

really like her.

For some reason, upon hearing this, she felt a little joy in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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