Chapter 1015 Do You Like Him 2
Qingxue, I like you, do you like me?
His eyes froze slightly, not knowing what to say.

does she like him
She didn't know, she never thought about it.

Never thought about it before.

In her perception, Shi Tian is just a good buddy, they grew up together, received training together, ate together, and played together.

This should be regarded as a childhood sweetheart, so I have feelings since I was a child.

There is also a relationship between her and Feimo, and that kind of relationship does not necessarily require liking, or liking between a man and a woman.

They have no feelings, no relationship of that kind, and they still get along very well. There is no grudge or barrier between them, and they get along very naturally.

But when getting along with Shi Tian, ​​they always have small fights or competitions every now and then.

Or just bicker with each other and tease each other.

What seemed normal to her was strange, but now it seemed that it was not normal at all, very abnormal.

This is abnormal, is it because you like it?

Because of her, do you like Shi Tian?
Is that so?
She doesn't know, doesn't understand, can't understand, can't see through.

I just know that at the moment she fell off the cliff, she had already prepared for the worst in her heart, even if she was worried and uneasy, it would not help.

However, at the moment when those big hands embraced her, when she smelled that familiar breath, and when she heard that familiar voice, the restless heart in her heart was inexplicably settled. down.

This feeling, she will not ignore, she will not forget.

At first, she thought it was nothing, maybe everyone knew each other for so long, and she was already used to it.

However, she didn't have this feeling, she didn't have this kind of thought, and she didn't have this kind of cognition when she was frivolous or non-moji.

For the first time, she began to doubt whether she really had nothing to do with Shi Tian as she thought.

If there is nothing, how can the series of events be explained?
"Qingxue, do you like me?" Shi Tian pinched Qingxue's cheek and pulled her out of her thoughts.

What is this woman thinking?So engrossed.

Qingxue shook her head, looked at the person who was close at hand, looked at this familiar face, her heart trembled slightly.

Frowning, he sighed slightly: "I don't know."

That's all she could answer.

She didn't know, she didn't know, she didn't think about it.

So, don't know how to answer
Shi Tian chuckled, leaned over and kissed her on the lips: "Qingxue, you didn't dislike what I did to you, and you didn't object to my approaching you, don't tell me, these things, It's the same with Feimo and them who are frivolous and frivolous, you don't resist, don't feel disgusted.

Qingxue, do you dare to ask your heart?Do you have me in your heart?Is there a place for me? "

If she doesn't understand love, how can he understand it?
They are all new to human affairs, they are all their first attempts at feelings, and they are all first times.

It's just that there are many pairs of people around me, all kinds of you and me, all kinds of pairs.

Therefore, he has learned a lot from his ears and eyes.

At least, he still knows how to distract himself, how to see a person's heart clearly, and how to sort out the complicated emotions and feelings in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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