The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 1017 Do You Like Palace Life 1

Chapter 1017 Do You Like Palace Life 1
The strength just now was too heavy, and he even suspected that she did it on purpose.

Actually, Qingxue did it on purpose.

Who made this guy keep disturbing her?
It is said that men who wear elegant clothes are more gentle, charming and handsome than anyone else, but when they take off their clothes, they are like animals.

Now, although she hasn't realized the meaning of it, but it's almost the same.

The two quarreled for a while, but in the end it was Qingxue who settled the matter for E Shitian with her hands.

Inside the cave, there was a strange smell and smell, as if it was reminding what happened just now.

Qingxue just closed her eyes and went to sleep, not wanting to pay attention to the people beside her.

"Qingxue." Shi Tian leaned sideways and embraced Qingxue into his arms.

The eyes are full of tenderness and doting, it seems to be a little clearer, the whole body is no longer trembling, it seems that the situation is much better.

"Don't disturb me, I want to sleep." Qingxue didn't open her eyes, she just lay quietly, her eyes closed.

Feeling the warmth of the people beside me, I finally breathed a sigh of relief.

It's good that his forehead doesn't tremble anymore.

She was really worried that he would continue like that, they were alone here, and sooner or later something would happen.

Fortunately, he was fine.

Fortunately, he no longer trembled.

"Qingxue, I like you, I like you so much." Shi Tian turned Qingxue's body over, and the two looked directly at each other.

He stretched out his hand and pinched her cheek, his eyes were full of doting charm.

"Aren't you sleepy? You're asleep." Qingxue curled her lips.

This man's spirit is really good.

It's only midnight now, he doesn't sleep, he's so energetic.

"Not sleepy, you are in my arms, not sleepy at all." Shi Tian chuckled, put his chin on Qing Xue's forehead, and embraced her whole body in his arms.

The two of them were still covered with the black robes.

The body temperature has already felt much better, so I don't feel the coldness.

Qingxue yawned lazily, closed her eyes, and replied lightly: "Well, if you are not sleepy, you will not sleep, it is up to you."

She was a little sleepy, this person, on the contrary, was refreshed.

  "Qingxue, are you willing to marry me and stay in the palace." Shi Tian asked softly with his arms around Qingxue.

The tone is full of doting and love, but there is a look of expectation in the eyes.

She once said that she doesn't like the palace, she doesn't like such a boring life, it's too simple, too depressing, like a bird that has been locked in a cage, can never fly out, can't see the sky outside , There are too few sincere friends.

Alone, only accompanied by the vast palace, like a dry city, outside the palace is a hundred officials, look at it, sooner or later you will get tired of it?
So, now, are you willing to stay in the palace with him?
Qingxue paused in her heart, she really hadn't thought about this question.

She never thought that she would be with Shitian in the future, so the palace was naturally out of consideration.

Now, she is with Shi Tian, ​​so it is inevitable that she will live in the palace in the future.

Liberty or the Palace, which one does she like?
Or, which one would she choose?
That's it, two choices, two answers, either
She didn't speak, she was thinking, but her silence was a long wait for Shi Tian.

In his heart, he was somewhat uncertain.

She loves to play, she loves freedom, she loves to get along with frivolous Qingyin, they are crazy together, and they make trouble together, he knows all this.

(End of this chapter)

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