The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 1018 Do You Like Palace Life 2

Chapter 1018 Do You Like Palace Life 2
She didn't like the palace, very much.

He still remembered that she had been to the palace a few times, but her expression was flat every time, without a trace of interest, without a trace of emotion, as if the entire palace couldn't bring up any reaction from her.

He clearly remembered all of these.

That's why he has a little fear and loss, and a little melancholy.

Losing her, he didn't want to, never would.

Now that they have just come together, he doesn't want to lose her, not at all.

"You know that I don't like the imperial palace." Qingxue said light and fluttering words.

It's very light, very light, but it makes Shi Tian's heart flutter.

 "You know I don't like palaces."

"You want to know that I don't like palaces."


This sentence has been echoing in Shitian's ears, as if something broke at this moment.

She still decided to leave, didn't she?

She still decides to choose freedom, right?

Does she choose freedom in front of him and freedom?

The more I think about it, the deeper the loneliness in my eyes, the whole person is surrounded by loneliness and loneliness, the breath just now disappeared, replaced by indifference and complexity.

She was about to leave after all.
Qingxue didn't hear Shitian's voice, she raised her eyes to look at him, when she saw the sadness, loneliness and melancholy in his eyes, her heart skipped a beat, she opened her mouth and wanted to speak, but Shitian stopped her with quick eyes and hands she is gone.

There was a wry smile on the corner of her lips: "Qingxue, it is said that people who love each other may not always be together, that they will experience various hardships, or that something changed them along the way.

I don't think we are two, I think we are very compatible, I think we are very compatible, we have a tacit understanding, we have love in our hearts, we have been childhood sweethearts since we were young.

My personality has always been indifferent, or as you said, with a bit of coolness, strangers can't get close, and they can't get my other eyes.

Such a strong and indifferent person is also the future emperor, an existence that everyone should look up to.

It is said that the emperor can control other people's power of life and death, and it is said that the emperor can do whatever he wants, why, as a new emperor, I am not as good as others?

You don't know how envious I am when I look at Frivolous and Feimo.

I envy that kind of carefree life, there are no major national affairs to worry about, nothing to worry about, just take care of your own affairs, unrestrained and unrestrained, suitable and comfortable.

It is impossible for me to have such a simple life.

You said, I am the emperor, I can do whatever I want, other people can't control me, and others have no right to interfere.

But, Qingxue, how do you know what I want?
I just want to be with you, I just want you alone.
There are so many people in the world, but there is only one Qingxue, and she will never be found again, and there will never be another person.I want to cherish it, Qingxue doesn't even want to give me this opportunity? "

The tone is full of loneliness and melancholy, and there is a trace of sadness in it.

With lowered eyes, she didn't look at Qingxue again, and closed her eyes slightly, refusing all the bustling scenes and words.

The whole person is full of unresolved sorrow and loneliness, as well as desolation.

Qingxue stared blankly at Shitian, listening to what he said, she was deeply touched.

(End of this chapter)

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