Chapter 102 Taming the Tigers
Relying on his profound martial arts and his excellent lightness kung fu, even a tiger can't get into his body.

Ye Feiyu was not as relaxed as Leng Yichen and Mo Wuchen. His usual coquettish and unrestrained smile was gone, replaced by a serious face, and he dealt with it cautiously among the twenty or so tigers. He repelled the one or two tigers that came to attack, but he was already a little tired at this time.

I secretly sighed in my heart, this tiger is really so smart, it deserves to be the boss in the forest.

Equivalent to the few of them, Xilei and Xidian are the worst two.

While fighting with a dozen or so tigers around him, Xi Lei also had to deal with some tigers that were sneaking up at that time, his nerves were so tight that he dared not relax for a moment.

Xi Dian is also in the same situation. He and Xi Lei deal with the tigers around them back to back, which reduces the number of tigers that sneak up from time to time.

Lan Zihan slightly adjusted her brows, restrained her expression, patted Tiger King on the head, and said in a deep voice, "Tell your companion to stop."

After the battle just now, it is enough, they can stop, otherwise they will be exhausted and unable to cope.

The Tiger King raised his head to the sky and let out a long roar, which was quite a deterrent.

The group of tigers that were still attacking suddenly stopped suddenly.

The tiger king roared at the tigers a few times, and the group of tigers slowly walked behind the tiger king one by one, no longer having the brutal and ferocious side just now.

Lan Zihan got down from Tiger King's back, stroked its head, with a smile on the corner of his mouth: "Good performance."

Tiger King stuck out his tongue and licked her palm, and stood obediently beside her.

Leng Yichen looked at Lan Zihan, his starry eyes were full of smile and doting, his little woman really made him have to treat him specially.

Mo Wuchen glanced at her indifferently, with no expression on his face, not knowing what he was thinking.

Ye Feiyu glanced at Lan Zihan angrily: "It's really irritating to compare people with others, can you be more scary?"

He had already been hit by her abnormality and toughness enough, and he was no longer as horrified and shocked as before, but he still couldn't help complaining a few words.

Lan Zihan glanced at him, said lightly: "If you like it, come and try this Tiger King."

She already regarded them as friends, so her tone was naturally not as cold as before.

The corner of Ye Feiyu's mouth twitched, and he rolled his eyes: "I'd better not go."

This woman is really, he didn't want to provoke the power of the Tiger King, since she has tamed her anyway.

Xi Lei looked at Lan Zihan with admiration on his face: "Princess, you are so powerful, this tiger king has been tamed by you."

Xi Dian also plugged in: "Princess, you really are a perfect match for the prince, they are both tough and perverted."

Leng Yichen stared at him coldly, the coercion on his body undiminished.

After Xi Dian finished speaking, he felt the coldness and coercion, realized what he said, and immediately patted his head with his hands, and said dog-leggedly: "Hey, my lord, what you said is wrong, you and The concubine is not a pervert, but a slip of the tongue is a powerful one."

Xi Lei rolled his eyes at him, watching the play from the sidelines, really can't even speak.

Leng Yichen snorted coldly, ignored him, and walked towards Lan Zihan.

Seeing his coming, the Tiger King immediately howled and stared at him firmly.

(End of this chapter)

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