Chapter 103 Burning Grain 1
The cold aura on Leng Yichen's body increased, his cold eyes were cold and full of danger, he gave the Tiger King a cold look, and continued to walk towards Lan Zihan.

The Tiger King came into contact with the powerful coercion and coldness from him, stopped howling, and stood docilely beside Lan Zihan.

Ye Feiyu shook his head and jokingly said, "They really are the best of both worlds."

It has to be said that Lan Zihan and Leng Yichen are equally powerful, equally cold, equally arrogant and unruly.

They are the kings who stand at the top and despise the common people.

Leng Yichen embraced Lan Zihan, chuckled softly, and said softly, "Han, we should go, these tigers will stay here first."

The danger of this mountain forest has been subdued, it is time to go back, as for the group of poisonous insects, there is no need to visit them at night, they have a way to deal with them.

Lan Zihan nodded, with a smile flashing across her eyes, she replied: "Well, it's time to go, there will be a good show going on."

She lowered her head to caress the Tiger King, then whispered a few words in its ear.

Ye Feiyu and Xilei Xidian looked at her with puzzled faces, what is she doing, this Tiger King really understands people's language.

Lan Zihan raised her head and patted Tiger King's head.

The tiger king withdrew his docile gaze, showing the domineering and intimidating power of the king of beasts. He howled a few times at the tigers behind him, then looked back at Lan Zihan, then turned and walked away.

Those tigers also roared one by one, followed behind the tiger king, and gradually disappeared from the sight of several people.

Ye Feiyu looked at Lan Zihan in surprise, stepped forward to size her up for a while: "You can speak the language of tigers."

Lan Zihan glared at him, with a cold look on her body: "No, you are the same kind as them, you can tell."

Ye Feiyu touched his nose in Dun, "If I could speak, would I still be besieged? Really."

He finally knew that this person, like Yi Chen, was not easy to mess with, and would only be bullied back by them.

Xi Lei and Xi Power Station were in place, their shoulders were shaking uncontrollably, Wangfei, you are so funny.

Leng Yichen glanced at a few people, and said in a deep voice, "Go back and implement the next plan."

It's time to give Hua Yu a little more power, does he really think that Tianchen is so easy to attack?

Xi Lei and Xi Dian stopped their movements and bowed their heads respectfully: "Yes, my lord."

They knew that the strategy of the prince and the princess to lure the enemy was about to begin.

Lan Zihan looked up at Leng Yichen, and smiled slightly: "Chen, just leave it to me to set the fire, it's too troublesome to go back and forth, I can handle it by myself."

In this way, some soldiers will be called to go back together. There are too many people and they are too eye-catching. She alone is enough to solve the problem.

Leng Yichen glanced at her, and the corner of his mouth curled up: "Okay, I'll go with you."

"Well, good." Lan Zihan and him looked at each other, looked at each other and smiled, and they had a perfect understanding with each other.

Ye Feiyu watched the two look at each other affectionately, and coughed a few times: "Ahem, that"

Before he finished speaking, Leng Yichen gave him a cold look.

There were three black lines on Ye Feiyu's forehead, and the corners of his mouth twitched wildly. Really, he likes to bully whoever he provokes.

There was a chic smile on the corner of his mouth: "Yichen, I'll go with you too."

He was really bored, and the most important thing was that he wanted to see Lan Zihan's scene of fire appearing out of thin air.

Leng Yichen seemed to see through his thoughts, and said coldly: "You don't have to watch the fun, and take them back to the barracks."

(End of this chapter)

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