The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 1026 2 people quarreled 1

Chapter 1026 The two quarreled 1
He just wanted to ask clearly, and he was a little uncertain about many things in his mind.

Worry about gain and loss.

It's not that he doesn't believe in Qingxue, it's just that he is a little worried, and he can't completely let go.

She likes freedom so much, she doesn't like the palace.

He asked when she would marry him just to be sure, just.
Unconsciously, he sighed in his heart, slightly furrowed his brows, lowered his head, and did not speak.

"The young couple quarreled?" Looking at the weird way the two got along, without saying a word, as if they didn't know anyone, Lan Zihan's eyes flashed, and she said jokingly.

However, the words spoken are extremely serious.

It must be a lie for these two people to say that there is no trick. How could they have no feelings after staying at the bottom of this cliff for a day and a night?How can nothing happen?
Now, it looks like a cold war.

It was a quarrel, she was sure.

"I have nothing to do with him at all." Qingxue frowned and hummed.

She doesn't want to have anything to do with him, not at all.

Shi Tian frowned deeply, a look of displeasure flashed across his eyes, he felt a slight pain in his heart, he raised his eyes to look at Qingxue, stood up, turned and left.

The back view is so decisive, so cold, and so strong.

Also with a touch of loneliness.

Seeing Shi Tian's leaving figure, Qingxue clenched her fists, cursing him countless times in her heart.

Damn it, he left her alone again.

This bastard, didn't you see that she was angry?Can't the attitude be better?
He ignores her, well, she ignores him too.

Who is afraid of who!

  The small universe was on fire, and the mood that had improved a little bit just now had completely deteriorated.

"Shi Tian, ​​your feet are not suitable for walking and are still injured." Mo Wuchen frowned, disapproving of Shi Tian leaving alone like this.

 "I can't die, I believe you can cure it." The indifferent words came from afar, Shi Tian didn't stop, and still walked forward.

The pain from his feet was nothing, but the irritability and anger in his heart were what made him unhappy.

He can't speak to anyone now, but he can't disadvantage them, so after responding to this sentence, he left quickly.

Seeing that decisive figure, Qingxue frowned.

Thinking of the injury he suffered from protecting her, the anger in his heart subsided unconsciously, and his heart twisted slightly.

Does this bastard need to be so strong?Do you need to be so masochistic?

She clenched her fist and wanted to rush forward, but remembering his attitude towards her, she endured it and ignored it.

It's useless to say anything at this time, so she didn't say anything, and she couldn't help but feel a little tired.

"Daddy, let's go back too." She was tired and wanted to have a good sleep.

"Okay." Li Shang nodded without asking anything.

Knowing that she has something on her mind, and it has something to do with Shitian, since she doesn't want to say it, then he won't ask.

Emotional matters can only be handled by oneself, and outsiders cannot intervene.

Feng Jin wanted to say something, but was held back by Mo Wuchen, who shook her head, motioning her not to speak.

Feng Jin stuck out her tongue and had no choice but to give up.

She actually wanted to ask what happened between Qing Xue and Shi Tian, ​​so she could enlighten her, but now it seems that it is not a good time, so she will not ask, and wait for her to talk in a few days when she is in a better mood.

A group of people headed towards the Prince Chen's Mansion.

(End of this chapter)

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