The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 1027 2 people quarreled 2

Chapter 1027 The two quarreled 2
After Mo Wuchen took care of Shitian's wound, Shitian left and did not stay in the Chen Palace, saying that he did not want his father, mother, concubine to worry.

This was indeed what he was worried about, but there was another reason in his heart, and everyone knew it well, so they didn't try to expose it.

The matter of these two people can only be resolved by themselves, and I believe it will be fine.

Qingxue went straight back to her room without eating dinner, saying she had no appetite.

Lying in the bed, tossing and turning, but unable to fall asleep no matter what, I couldn't help but feel a little irritable.

Recalling the warmth and peace of mind nestled in Shitian's arms in the cave, the irritability in my heart became deeper and deeper.

He scratched his hair irritably, covered his head with the quilt, and shrunk his body into the quilt without coming out.

I don't know how long it took before the sound of even breathing slowly spread in the room.

Outside the room, Li Shang gently closed the door, with slightly curved lips, turned and left.

For several days in a row, Shi Tian didn't come to the Chen Palace, and Qing Xue didn't leave the Chen Palace. There seemed to be a kind of tacit understanding between the two, neither of them would bow their heads, and they were losing their temper.

The golden light is shining and the sky is clear.

In the garden, Qingxue was playing with the cub boredly.

"Qingxue, do you have nothing to do? It's too lazy to lie in the garden all day and bask in the sun." Feng Jin's teasing voice came from behind.

"Well, I'm very leisurely, can't I? You seem to be more leisurely than me." Qingxue smiled lazily, stroking the hair of the little tiger in front of her.

"I'm different from you. I want to accompany my family in Wuchen, so I don't feel bored at all. You are different." Came to the other side of the little tiger and sat down, looked at Qingxue with a smile and said.

"Why is it different?"

"Qingxue, haven't you noticed that Shi Tian hasn't come to the Chen Palace these past few days?" Blinking her eyes, Feng Jin asked with a smile.

"Doesn't he have to deal with major political affairs? He's not us, and he doesn't have so much international time to come here to chat." The words were light and calm, and there were no complicated emotions in them.

"That's right, it's just that he usually comes once a few days, but this time, he didn't come for four days in a row." At this point, he paused, looked at Qingxue and continued: "Qingxue, I heard Gan=Father say that Shi Tian fell ill after returning to the palace, and has not recovered so far, so the emperor's uncle handles all government affairs."

After saying that, he fixed his eyes on Qingxue tightly, trying to see something abnormal from his Mou Zhongguo.

Qingxue's heart skipped a beat, but there was no change on her face: "So, I should ask Wuchen to see him, how could his medical skills not be able to cure him?"

If you have a serious illness, you should find Mo Wuchen to treat it, so that it will be effective.

"Shitian didn't allow Wuchen to treat him. He said it wasn't a big deal. It's just that he didn't get out of bed for a few days, and he looked sickly. It made people feel distressed. Tell me, what happened to him? ?” He seemed to be asking in puzzlement, but in his heart, he had another meaning.

This guy, don't you feel bad?

When her man was sick, she didn't believe that she wouldn't change in any way.

It must be installed.

She wanted to see if she would be worried because of Shitian, and if she would go to the palace to see Shitian.

These two people have been arguing for so many days and they still haven't healed. Seeing them, she felt anxious for them.

"He abused himself, what can he do?"

(End of this chapter)

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