The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 1030 The self-abuse of killing the sky 1

Chapter 1030 The self-abuse of killing the sky 1
Hearing Feng Jin's words, his eyes were slightly dazed.

Is that right?

If she and Shi Tian's identities were changed, with such a tone and tone, she would indeed be angry.

He clenched his fist and fell silent.

"Qingxue." Feng Jin shook her hand in front of Qingxue.

This guy, what are you thinking so engrossed in?
"What's wrong?" After recovering, she looked at Feng Jin in confusion.

Feng Jin rolled her eyes: "Qingxue, aren't you going to see Shi Tian? He is still suffering from a high fever."

This woman is not flexible at all, has she forgotten what she just said?

"No." He frowned and replied sullenly.

If he wants to torture himself, he must torture himself.

Her sense of novelty is also not good, and she is depressed.

I've been depressed for a few days.

"Really not going?"

"No." A certain woman replied decisively again, this time she made up her mind not to go.

"Okay, it's up to you whether you want to go or not, you just have to figure it out yourself, who is Shitian doing this for, you little heartless, if you really don't go, just wait and see that Shitian is really burned into a little idiot. I think , and now he is almost becoming a little idiot. Anyway, no one cares about him, so he must not care." Feng Jin stood up, glanced at Qingxue, smiled slightly, turned and left.

She thought to herself, for a duplicity woman, she didn't believe that she would not go.

Qingxue scratched her hair irritably, looked down at the little tiger in front of her, ravaged its hair, stood up, took a deep breath, turned and walked towards her room.

in the palace.

"Shitian, your forehead is already so hot, why don't you let Wuchen treat it? Don't be so ignorant." Xia Yiyu frowned, with a hint of distress in her eyes.

Since returning to the palace, he has been like this, and he will not listen to anyone's persuasion.

I really don't know what stimulated this child.

"Mother Concubine, I don't want to go, just get some sleep." A muffled voice came from the bed, soft and fragile.

"If you still think of me as your mother and concubine, go and treat me. What is it like now? Do you really want to be angry with your mother and concubine?" Touching Shi Tian's forehead, the brows frowned deeply: "You know I don't know that you have a high fever for a few days now, if you continue to burn, you will become a little idiot, do you really not care about your body at all?"

If she can be so stubborn, it doesn't make her angry or scold her.

My own son, I feel the most distressed.

Seeing him so self-abuse, how can he sit idly by.

"Mother Concubine, I'm fine, you don't need to worry, really." Shi Tian turned his head and glanced at Xia Yiyu, feeling somewhat guilty in his heart, but he just didn't want to be treated.

This kind of unexamined, perhaps is the best.

"You..." Xia Yiyu hadn't finished speaking when she was stopped by Leng Yufeng.

"Yi Yu, let him go, it will be fine. This brat hasn't hesitated to be with the woman he loves, so nothing will happen. If something happens, he won't be our son anymore. He won't Would be so ignorant." Leng Yufeng took Xia Yiyu's hand and walked out of the room.

Regarding the matter of Shitian and Qingxue, Feng Jin learned something about it.

When two self-torturing people can achieve a positive result, it is up to them.

Turning to look at Shi Tian, ​​Xia Yiyu sighed helplessly.

Forget it, let him go.

She can't control their affairs.
(End of this chapter)

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