The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 1031 The self-abuse of killing the sky 2

Chapter 1031 The self-abuse of killing the sky 2
In the dim room, Shi Tian was lying on the bed alone, covered by the quilt, thinking about something.

With his back facing the door, his figure felt a little lonely.

A black shadow flashed outside the room, and a figure walked in.

Normally, Shi Tian would definitely feel it, but now, his whole head is in a daze, and he has no time to pay attention to whether anyone is coming.

Looking at the lonely figure on the bed, Qingxue's eyes flashed a complex and distressed meaning.

How could this bastard abuse himself so much.

An asshole, always been an asshole.

He clenched his fists and walked forward slowly, the distress in his heart gradually deepening.

Shi Tian closed his eyes, the drowsiness and discomfort coming from his head made him unable to keep up his spirits, and he didn't notice that someone behind him was approaching him.

"If you don't cherish yourself so much, why don't you just deal with yourself directly, and it will be over once and for all." A vicious tone came from behind.

The crisp and sweet female voice came to Shi Tian's ears, his figure froze slightly, and he opened his eyes, a gleam of light flashed in them.

But it soon dimmed, he must have heard wrong.

Qingxue would not come here.

"Bastard, do you dare not to abuse yourself like this? Dare you?" Seeing that he didn't respond, Qingxue stepped forward and lifted the quilt, and cursed again.

Can this person be more self-abuse?

Shi Tian's back stiffened slightly, this time, he was sure.

The person behind is really Qingxue.

The woman he's been thinking about, the woman he's been dreaming of.

She is coming.
  I couldn't tell whether it was joy or anger in my heart, but I was depressed and didn't speak.

The drowsiness coming from his head made him very listless and a little dizzy.

There was a hint of complexity in his eyes, and his heartache became more obvious, this bastard.
Slowly lowering the clenched fist, he sighed in his heart.

Is this torturing him, or is it torturing her?
Or, both tortured together
Walking forward, sitting on the bed, turning Shitian's body around, looking at the closed eyes, slightly pale cheeks, the heat on the body, a heart, just in the heart.

"Don't you dare to look at me?" Looking at the still closed eyes, a touch of anger rose in his heart.

Is this bastard still angry with her?


A petty man.

Shi Tian opened his eyes, looking at this familiar face, seeing this haunting face, his heart couldn't help but tug together.

"I'm dizzy, I don't want to talk to you." After saying that, she turned around and turned her back to Qingxue.

This is not going to pay attention to her.

Qingxue: "."

This fellow.


Asshole again.

However, listening to that soft voice, I couldn't get angry in my heart.

Sighing softly, he turned his body around again, and warned: "Don't turn around again, or I'm leaving."

Sure enough, these words were really useful, Shi Tian didn't turn around, but he didn't open his eyes to look at Qingxue.

This is, ignoring her again.

Qingxue rubbed between her eyebrows: "Do you dare to open your eyes and look at me?"

This person felt like a child who was having a temper tantrum with her, making her want to be angry, but she couldn't.

Shi Tian didn't pay attention to Qingxue, and didn't open his eyes later. This appearance, he typically didn't want to pay attention to her.

Regarding the words of that day, I still have some concerns in my heart.

(End of this chapter)

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