Chapter 1037

The woman he loves.

There is warmth in my heart, and I just feel very happy.

He lowered his head and pressed a kiss on her lips, hugged her and continued to sleep.

The golden light is shining and the sky is clear.

The two reconciled, and everyone's mood improved.

The matter of Qingxue sleeping in Shitian's room last night quickly spread to Lan Zihan's frivolous ears, and everyone knew about it.

In the garden, several people were basking in the sun, drinking wine, and tasting desserts. It was very pleasant.

When hearing this news, everyone was happy for those two people.

Tianzong whistled unknowingly: "Could it be Shitian who secretly brought Qingxue into his room?"

Fei Mo rolled his eyes at Tian Zong: "Can your IQ be any lower?"

What is this man thinking.

If Shi Tian wanted to do this, he wouldn't have tortured himself for so many days.

"I think it's normal, can you stop despising me?" He glanced at Fei Mo contemptuously, he thought he was normal, okay?

"Too two." Fei Mo lazily spit out the two words with a very comfortable expression.

Feng Jin rolled her eyes, her starry eyes were shining brightly, she chuckled lightly: "Then, just hold a wedding with me, I think it's feasible."

Everyone held a wedding together, so lively.

She thinks it can.

"I have no objection." He frivolously smiled.

Hold a wedding with them, and you can marry Qingyin back home sooner.

Well, this method is not bad.

He has always thought so.

"Tsk tsk tsk look at this guy, he must be anxious to marry Xiao Qingyin back home." Looking at the frivolity, Tian Zong laughed jokingly.

This person must have thought so in his heart.

Frivolous and very calm, he squinted at Tian Zong, and couldn't help but sneer: "I can't eat grapes and say grapes are sour. Is it envy? Envy, I went to find one myself, I smelled a lot of sour."

"I don't like you again, what's the sour taste, don't talk about it." Tian Zong didn't care.

This man is pure nonsense.

He doesn't like him, and he doesn't like Qingyin, where is the sour taste.

Feimo rolled his eyes unknowingly, this guy is so weird.

"Is there anyone Tian Zong likes?" Feng Jin came to Tian Zong and asked with a smile.

This guy, I don't know what I'm busy with all day long, and I don't know if there is anyone I like.

"No." Tian Zong shrugged, answering very naturally.

People I like, not yet.

"Then don't you want to find one?"

"No." I don't want to talk about those things for now.

When the time comes and you meet the right person, it will happen naturally.

 He's not in a hurry, not at all.

"Is there someone in your heart?" Feng Jin continued to ask without giving up.

This fellow, do you have someone you like in your heart?

"Isn't it good to be light without someone you like?" Tian Zong looked at Feng Jin speechlessly, this guy wanted to say something.

"You are too boring." Feng Jin rolled her eyes.

"Isn't Feimo someone you don't like? Why don't you ask him?" Tian Zong rolled his eyes. This guy likes to bully him.

Is he that easy to bully?

"Does Feimo still need to ask? There must be no answer." Feng Jin waved his hand, not going to ask Feimo.

There is no answer to the question, it is better not to ask.

Holding the wine glass in his hand, Fei Mo raised his eyebrows and glanced at Feng Jin and Tian Zong, and smiled slightly, without saying anything.

He has no one he likes.

Those questions are old.

Finding someone you like is not easy.

(End of this chapter)

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