The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 1038 Falling into the Water, Fairy Moon 1

Chapter 1038 Falling into the water woman Qianxianyue 1
There are some things that you don't want to encounter, but you just can't avoid them.

After Tian Zong left the Prince Chen's Mansion, he wandered the streets boredly. Feeling bored, he turned around and walked towards the lake.

The golden light is shining, the sun is so strong, it shines on the body, and it is a little hot.

I came to sit under the big tree, leaning against the big tree, slightly closed my eyes, slightly hooked the corners of my lips, enjoying the tranquility of this moment.

It's not bad to come to quiet once in a while, with a heart, become peaceful.

The breeze blows by, rolling up the fallen leaves on the treetops, and slowly falling down.

Under the tree, the man in white clothes slightly closed his eyes, fair skin, handsome facial features, very beautiful lines, and a beautiful face.

Quietly leaning against the big tree, the atmosphere is a bit comfortable, forming an independent scenery, which is very pleasing to the eye.


"Help, help!" A woman's cry for help came from afar, with panic and haste.

Tian Zong opened his eyes suddenly, followed the sound, and saw the woman in green in the lake struggling wildly, begging for help.

Obviously, the man who fell into the water.

Standing up, he quickly swept towards the lake, flew up, stepped on the lake with his toes, his figure was as light as a goose feather, without splashing a single splash.

Leaning down, he grabbed the hand of the woman in green with his big hand, pulled it up vigorously, embraced it in his arms, turned and walked towards the shore.

Putting the woman in green on the grass, looking at the slightly pale face and messy hair, her eyes were closed tightly without moving.

Tian Zong patted her cheek, put his hands on her chest, pressed hard, trying to get out all the lake water she drank.

After repeating this several times, the woman finally responded.

"Cough, cough, cough." Qian Xianyue coughed a few times in pain, spat out a few mouthfuls of lake water, and felt uncomfortable for a while.

After spitting out the lake water, I took a few deep breaths and calmed down a bit before I felt much better.

Uncomfortably, he opened his eyes and looked at the man in front of him. His handsome facial features and soft lines seemed to be the most perfect work of heaven. He was very handsome, and his aura was also very comfortable.

"Is there anything else?" Seeing the woman wake up, Tian Zong asked.

The voice was light and calm, without many ups and downs.

Saving her was purely because he bumped into her, and it was just a matter of little effort.

"It's okay, thank you." Qian Xianyue chuckled, her eyes were as clear as water, very beautiful, like lake water, clear to the bottom.

"Well, go home and change if you have nothing to do." Standing up, Tian Zong uttered a few words slowly, turned around and was about to leave.

"Wait a minute." Qian Xianyue hurriedly stopped him.

"Huh?" Turning around, he looked at the woman puzzled.

Qian Xianyue stood up, touched her wet hair and said embarrassedly: "May I ask how to get to the Prince Chen's Mansion? This is my first time here and I don't know the way."

She came here alone, but accidentally fell into the lake. She doesn't know martial arts, so she can only ask for help.

Fortunately, this man is here, otherwise, she would definitely die in the lake.

"Inquire about what the Chen Palace is doing? You don't seem to be a relative of the Chen Palace." Looking at Qian Xianyue with raised eyebrows, Tian Zong smiled slightly.

He didn't know this woman, nor had his uncle and aunt mentioned that there was such a person.

So, why did she ask about the location of Prince Chen's Mansion?
The woman looks very delicate and smart, so she should not be from Tianchen.

(End of this chapter)

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