The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 1039 Falling into the Water, Fairy Moon 2

Chapter 1039 Falling into the water woman Qianxianyue 2
"My father is friends with Prince Chen and Princess Wang. I came to Tianchen to play. My father said that I can go to Prince Chen's mansion to find them." Qian Xianyue chuckled lightly, her voice was clear and pleasant, very pleasant to hear.

Even though the whole body is wet now, it does not affect the ethereal beauty of the body at all, and there is a trace of aura on the whole body.

The messy hair added to her beauty even more.

"Who is your father?" Tian Zong raised his eyebrows and asked aloud.

"Qian Mingxuan, my father's name is Qian Mingxuan, and my name is Qian Xianyue." She smiled slightly with her lips curled up. Such an appearance was not offensive at all.

His eyes, which were as clear as water, were full of clarity, and there was no sign of lying at all.

Qian Mingxuan?
Raised eyebrows.

If the guess is correct, before the world was unified, the prince of Mengxi Kingdom was called Qian Mingxuan.

He listened to his father and the emperor's uncle mentioning it several times, and looked at the woman in front of him.

What you said should be right.

"Aren't you afraid that I'm a bad guy?" There was a playful smile on the corner of his mouth, and a sneer in his eyes.

This woman told her things so easily, isn't she afraid that he is a bad person?

"It can be seen that you are a good person." Qian Xianyue smiled slightly, not thinking that he was a bad person.

It is said that a woman with a pure heart has a clean heart, and now, it really is not bad.

This woman, it seems, is quite pure.

"Do you think it's appropriate for you to go to the Prince Chen's Mansion with your present appearance? It's the first time we met, so embarrassed." Tian Zong teased.

Looking at her current appearance, she is wet and a little embarrassed, but she is still beautiful.

"Ah" Qian Xianyue was surprised, looked at the clothes she was wearing, and stuck out her tongue: "It seems so."

Only now did she remember how embarrassed she was.

"Ah Choo." The breeze blew by, and he shivered unknowingly.

"Where do you live?" Tian Zong decided not to tease her anymore.

"I just arrived in Tianchen today, and I haven't found a place to stay yet." She hasn't gone to the inn yet, and this scene happened just after she came here.

"Come with me." Glancing at Qian Xianyue, the corners of her lips curled slightly, she turned and left.

"Where are you going?" Qian Xianyue followed, asking puzzledly.

"Where do you stay, now that you are like this, where else do you think you can go?" He stopped and turned to look at Qian Xianyue.

The clothes were all wet by the lake water, the curves of the body were exposed, and some attractive scenery could be vaguely seen on the chest.

He took off his robe, put it on her body, tied a knot, and chuckled softly: "Let's go."

This woman really doesn't know how imaginative her current appearance is.

Sticking out her tongue, Qian Xianyue also followed.

Intuition that the man in white is not a bad person, so following him should be fine.

She wasn't worried at all.

She heard her father talk about some things that happened in Tianchen when he was young, and she was full of curiosity about Tianchen and Chenwang Mansion, so she came here to play.

Tian Zong took Qian Xianyue back to Luowang Mansion, but did not go to Chenwang Mansion.

Her current appearance and state are really not suitable for going to the Prince Chen's Mansion.

If you say why he doesn't have his own mansion, it's because it's too deserted to live alone, so he has always lived in Luo Wang's mansion.

This is his home, very warm and cozy.

"Is this your home?" Qian Xianyue looked at the surrounding scenery and asked Tian Zong curiously.

The previously repeated content was corrected yesterday, so please take a look.

(End of this chapter)

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