The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 1050 No need to be nervous

Chapter 1050 No need to be nervous
However, listening to her Wuzi's words, she couldn't laugh or cry.

This person has already answered what she said, so why ask her?
She just thinks that she is cute and funny.

Just like the scene where she got along with Tian Zong just now, it was very loving and heartwarming.

"How, do you like it?" Feng Jin blinked and asked Qian Xianyue with raised eyebrows.

Her own guess is definitely not counted, it is better to ask her face to face.

"Tianzong and I just met yesterday. How can we fall in love with someone so quickly?" Qian Xianyue couldn't help but feel amused.

 She just had any Tianzong yesterday, even if she likes it, it's impossible for her to be so fast.

Besides, she doesn't like Tian Zong.

It's just that he's nice, really nice.

I like to laugh, it looks good when I smile, and I feel very sunny.

"That is to say, I like it a little now, but I'm not sure about it?" Feng Jin picked up the teacup, took a sip, and said with a smile.

Qian Xianyue: "."

Shaking his head decisively: "No, you think too much."

no likes.

Like not so fast.

"My Tianzong is so good, if you don't like him, he will be snatched away." Feng Jin joked.

This statement is not false, Tian Zong is indeed excellent.

If it weren't for the few of them who don't often appear in the sight of everyone and don't like to deal with others, there are probably many women who admire Tianzong them now.

Therefore, being low-key also has the benefits of being low-key.

"It's really excellent, it's undeniable." You Xin sighed, not false.

Feng Jin smiled, and was about to say something, but Qingxue's teasing sound came from behind her.

"Hey, Feng Jin, you're flirting with women, aren't you afraid of being bumped into by Wu Chen?"

Feng Jin rolled her eyes, turned her head and glanced at Qingxue contemptuously, and raised her chin arrogantly: "My family Wuchen is not so stingy, do you think he would mind this matter?"

Who minds two women talking?

If so, then the possessiveness is too strong.

However, her father seems to be like this, he is very possessive of her mother.

"That's not certain, I just saw Wuchen coming this way." Qingxue smiled, went to the stone bench and sat down, poured a cup of tea and took a sip.

"If you really mind, then I will jump directly to my house Wuchen, do you think it is feasible?" Feng Jin looked at the sky speechlessly, then the light in her eyes flashed, and she smiled jokingly.

"You dare to do that?" Qing Xue glanced at Feng Jin with contempt.

That look seemed to say that she didn't believe her at all.

Feng Jin: "."

He waved his hand and curled his lips: "I don't dare to do this kind of thing, only I am willing or not."

Wu Chen would not reject her.

However, she also knew that she was still a little small in Wuchen's eyes.

Wait a few more years and nothing will happen.

"I'm Tianzong's sister, Qingxue." Qingxue smiled lightly, turned her head to greet Qian Xianyue.

"My name is Qian Xianyue." Qian Xianyue smiled back.

Xu is the reason why we just met, it was our first acquaintance, so we were not so relaxed.

Looking at Qingxue, then at Fufu, he felt that their faces were all extremely beautiful.

They all carry a unique aura, which is not the same, but very attractive.

"Don't be so unfamiliar, we are very casual and easy to get along with." It was obvious that she was a little nervous.

"Yeah, just let it go." Feng Jin agreed.

(End of this chapter)

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