Chapter 1051
"Okay, I see." Qian Xianyue nodded, with a smile in her eyes.

She was not such a reserved person, but when meeting them for the first time, it was inevitable that she would feel a little nervous.

However, it is different now.

She felt that they were very frank and direct.

Say what you have, and don't hide it.

She likes such a direct character.

She still remembered that her father said that she was not suitable to get along with people with deep plans, as she would be easily deceived.

People here seem to get along very well these days.

"What are you thinking?" Feng Jin stretched out her hand and waved it in front of Qian Xianyue, feeling a little curious.

Qian Xianyue came back to her senses, and smiled embarrassedly: "I'm thinking about something, and I'm a little preoccupied."

It was the first time she made such a mistake.

"What are you thinking? My Tianzong?" Qingxue smiled jokingly, her eyes full of smiles.

She always has something to say.

"No, didn't you just see it just now?" Qian Xianyue felt it was funny and shook her head.

She hasn't treated Tian Zong to the point where not seeing each other every day feels like three autumns.

Besides, she and him hadn't seen each other for a while.

Moreover, the relationship between them is normal.

"Did you come to Tianchen to play?" Qingxue smiled, and stopped teasing her.

"Yes, I often hear Daddy talk about Tianchen, so I'm a little curious and want to take a look."

"It's true, Tianchen is very good." Feng Jin blinked, with a smile in his eyes.

This is her home, she has lived here for ten years, and she has fallen in love with it.

"Take me out to play another day." Qian Xianyue was not silent, chatting with the two of them with a smile.

"Okay, let's go out together, I haven't been for a while." Feng Jin nodded.

Qingxue spread her hands and agreed.

Anyway, it's okay to stay here, and the wedding date hasn't arrived yet, so it's time to go out and have fun.

"How old are you this year?" Qingxue raised her eyebrows and looked at Qian Xianyue.


Qingxue opened her mouth, about to say something, but Shi Tian's voice came from behind her.


Shi Tian walked towards the three of them, and sat down beside Qing Xue.
The indifference in the eyes no longer exists, but there is not much smile either.

After all, a person's personality is difficult to change.

"What's the matter?" Qingxue raised her eyebrows and looked at Shitian in puzzlement.

Shi Tian frowned, shook his head: "It's okay."

Is there anything I need to find her?

This woman really is.
"Naturally, I came here to contact you, so I guess you are the only woman who would ask a question bluntly." Feng Jin joked on the sidelines.

The meaning in the words is that she despises Qingxue's IQ.

Qingxue: "."

Turning her head and glaring at Feng Jin: "No one will treat you as dumb if you don't speak."

"Okay, a certain woman is going to become angry from embarrassment, I will definitely keep silent and give you a space." Feng Jin nodded like a baby, with a serious expression in her bright starry eyes.

That appearance seems to say, I will never die if I don't speak.

Qingxue: "."

Killing the sky: "."

"Shitian, did you see that my house is dust-free?" Seeing that the two of them were silent, Feng Jin spoke unconsciously.

If you don't speak anymore, the atmosphere will be cold.


Feng Jin was silent, her eyes were rolling, and there was a flash of light and a smile in her eyes, she didn't know what happy thing she thought of.

Qingxue on the side despised her: "Feng Jin, don't be an idiot in broad daylight, it will damage your image."

(End of this chapter)

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