The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 1105 Tacit understanding is cultivated since childhood

Chapter 1105 Tacit understanding is cultivated since childhood
The frivolous group rushed towards Tianchen all the way, not too anxious, nor too fast, with an attitude of traveling around, they walked leisurely all the way towards Tianchen.

They have already reported to Tianchen that they are safe, and they have also told them about Feimo, so that they can rest assured.

So, there is no need to worry so much now.

Feng Jin was a little silent along the way, but she would echo them a few words, and everyone knew what was going on.

Tian Zong came to Feng Jin's side, curled his lips and smiled slightly: "Feng Jin, don't worry that there will be other women around Wu Chen, this is completely impossible."

Feng Jin: "."

Turning his head and glaring at Tian Zong angrily: "Who told you that I'm worried about this?"

This guy is totally in need of a beating.

Her family is clean and she will not be with other women. Regarding this point, she is 1 assured and will not question him.

"Then what are you doing here with a sullen and melancholy look like you're dying?" Tian Zong blinked his eyes in bewilderment.

The corners of Feng Jin's eyes twitched, and he took a deep breath, hooked his fingers towards Tian Zong, and a gentle smile flashed across his eyes: "Xiaobai, come here, I'll tell you something."

"What's the matter?" A certain Xiaobai's alarm bell sounded immediately, and he looked at her vigilantly.

"Can't make it through?" Feng Jin chuckled, with a hint of threat and warning in his tone.

Tian Zong frowned slightly, his eyes were fixed on Feng Jin's body, he took a deep breath, and then said seriously: "In order to keep my limbs healthy, I still can't make a serious decision. Tell me, what's the matter? "

After speaking, he retreated a little distance to the side, as if taking Feng Jin as a target to be guarded against.

Feng Jin: "."

This little bastard deserves a beating!
Seeing Feng Jin's appearance, Tian Zong smiled slightly: "I'm just kidding, we are not far away from Tianchen now, and we will be there in a few days, by then you and Wuchen will be inseparable .”

Feng Jin curled her lips: "You are with Feimo, so you won't have backache while standing and talking."

When we are not together, look at the depressed appearance.

Tian Zong smiled innocently: "I am obviously sitting, so my waist doesn't hurt at all."

He was clearly sitting on horseback.

Feng Jin: "."

He rubbed the center of his eyebrows with one hand, feeling a little helpless for Xiao Bai, a living treasure.

As long as this guy is in a good mood, no matter how you hit him, it will be useless.

"After going back, the big wedding will not be long." The thin lips were slightly hooked, and she smiled frivolously and evilly.

Qingyin hooked the corners of her lips, and smiled slightly: "Well, yes, after returning home, the big wedding is approaching."

She never thought that she would marry so early.

But if the object is frivolous, she has no objection.

Frivolous turned his head and smiled at Qingyin, they both had a tacit understanding in their hearts, they both knew what the other was thinking without words.

The same is true for Shitian and Qingxue, they looked at each other and smiled, everything was kept silent.

Seeing how many people looked like this, Feimo couldn't help joking: "When did the relationship become so good?"

"It's always been so good." Frivolous spread his hands and smiled innocently: "The relationship cultivated since childhood, the tacit understanding cultivated since childhood."

It has always been like this between them.

Hearing his words, Fei Mo smiled and didn't speak again.

(End of this chapter)

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