Chapter 1106 She Has a Heart 13
The breeze blows, with a hint of coldness.

Scratching her hair irritably, Feimo turned and walked towards her room.

However, he didn't know that just after he left, a white figure also appeared.

Looking at the departing ink-colored figure, her thin lips curled slightly: "Fei Mo, you can't escape."

After the words fell, the figure flashed and disappeared in place.

Back in the room, not too sleepy, walked to the window, poured a glass of wine, and drank it down.

Looking at the moonlight outside the window, my mind went blank and I couldn't think of anything.

Did he really know those people?
There was a slight noise outside the room, Fei Mo's eyes froze for a moment, and when he turned his head to look, he was stunned for a moment.

Through the faint moonlight outside the window, one can see the man's face.

She is dressed in white clothes, her hair is as shiny as black jade, and the skin on her neck is as delicate as porcelain.

His fair skin looks breakable like an egg membrane, and it looks even more charming under the light. His long and dense eyelashes are like two small brushes, gently sweeping across the skin with his breath, like black jade. The eyes exude a strong warmth, and the lips that are in full bloom like cherry blossoms outline a half-moon arc, gentle like flowing water, and the beauty is shocking.

The moonlight shrouded her body, carrying a hazy charm, sultry.

Seeing the man staring blankly at him, Tian Zong was in a good mood: "It's not Mo."

His voice is very pleasant, and now, it sounds criminal.

Fei Mo suddenly squinted his eyes, annoyed at his lack of focus just now, looked at Tian Zong coldly, and there was a hint of displeasure in his eyes: "What are you doing here?"

"Naturally, I came to see you." Tian Zong knew it was very natural, and the previous pain and decadence were gone.

"I don't know you." Feimo turned around and stopped looking at him.

"Hehe." Tian Zong laughed lowly, and walked towards Fei Mo's side: "If you don't know him, why did you just look at me in a daze?"

He has seen it all.

So, he likes it.

Does that mean that even if he lost his memory, he still has a feeling for him in his heart.

"You think too much." The indifferent words seemed to be covering up something.

"Okay, I'm thinking too much." If he thinks so, then so be it, there's nothing to argue about.

"Go out, I'm going to rest." Feimo didn't turn her head, but said in a cold voice.

"No." He made up his mind to come to him tonight, how could he go out.

"This is not your home." Turning his head, he looked at Tian Zong coldly.

"This is not your home either." Staring at Feimo with both eyes, Tian Zong said word by word: "Your home is in Tianchen's General's Mansion, you don't belong here."

If you want to get rid of him, there is no door, and he will not let him do so.

"Whether it's my family has nothing to do with you." Feimo sneered, and ignored him lazily.

"As long as it is related to you, then it is related to me." Tian Zong smiled innocently.

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Fei Mo sneered.

This man is talking nonsense.

"It doesn't matter, nonsense is nonsense." Tian Zong waved his hand, with a disapproving expression on his face, turned around and walked towards the bed, and lay down naturally in a large font.

Looking at the relaxed and comfortable expression, it is obvious that he is sleeping here tonight, and he is not going to leave.

Fei Mo's face suddenly turned black: "

(End of this chapter)

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