The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 127 Flower Rain Destruction 6

Chapter 127 Flower Rain Destruction 6
Thousands of dead men did not speak, they all stared at the two coldly, with no warmth on their bodies.

Suddenly, they moved.

Thousands of dead soldiers all mobilized and attacked the two horsemen, their moves were ruthless and fast.

Leng Yichen and Lan Zihan flew away from the horse tacitly, surrounded by thousands of dead men.

The two of them didn't speak, they both had a tacit understanding and started fighting with thousands of dead soldiers.

Leng Yichen waved the long sword in his hand, he was the sleeping lion who suddenly woke up, majestic and unstoppable, the long sword in his hand was like a flying dragon, killing the lives of one dead man after another.

Lan Zihan held a cold dagger in her hand, and she moved quickly and powerfully. With one blow to wipe her throat, she was like a god of death from hell, waving the sickle in her hand to harvest life after life.

Thousands of dead soldiers are still expressionless, fighting desperately.They came here today with only one purpose, and that was to kill these two people.Even if the martial arts of the two people in front of them are extremely high, and their companions are getting fewer and fewer, they are still indifferent.

The time for half a stick of incense has passed, and hundreds of thousands of dead men have died in the hands of the two.
Leng Yichen stared at the deadly attacking soldiers with starry eyes. If this continues, his physical strength will be exhausted sooner or later.

With a loud shout, he flew up suddenly, swung his long sword, gathered his true energy, and struck at a group of dead soldiers who also flew up.

With aggressive momentum, he quickly attacked the dead soldier in front of him.


With a loud noise, the group of dead soldiers were all touched by their true energy, they flew out, fell to the ground, and died.

On the other hand, Lan Zihan also knew that going on like this would consume too much of her energy.

She put away the dagger, her phoenix eyes narrowed slightly, a bloodthirsty smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, a ball of fire emerged from her hand, scattered into dots of starlight, and threw it towards the large number of dead soldiers in front of her.

Seeing the flames flying towards him, the dead soldiers suddenly flew up and fled towards another place.

However, how could they escape.

The raging flames jumped happily, contaminated the body of the dead man, and burned quickly.In just a few seconds, the dead were all reduced to ashes and dissipated in the air.
If it is just now, why didn't she use her spiritual power to get rid of them earlier.That was the extreme anger in her heart, she didn't want to let them die so easily, she had to reap their lives with her own hands in order to relieve her anger.

Leng Yichen flew to her side, put his arms around her slender willow waist, embraced her in his arms, and walked towards the horse that had just left because of the fight.

Lan Zihan leaned on his chest, looking at the corpses all over the floor, a gleam of coldness flashed across her phoenix eyes, and she lightly parted her vermilion lips: "Chen, there is no need to be kind anymore."

The reason why their army stayed outside the city was because Leng Yichen didn't want to go to war, and hoped that Hua Lingfeng would get to know him better and see the situation clearly.

It seems that some people insist on courting death, so it's no wonder they are.
Leng Yichen stared slightly: "Well, it's time to do something."

He has never been a soft-hearted person. If he was not afraid of disturbing the people in Huayu City today, he would have done it already.

It seemed that he gave them too much time, so that they forgot their situation.

With his left arm around the man in his arms, and his right hand holding the rope, he slapped the horse hard with both legs, and the imperial horse ran towards the exit of the woods.

Not far from the city gate, Ye Feiyu looked at the two men who came back on horseback, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Mo Wuchen looked at the two people who were coming from afar, but did not move.

He was dressed in white, and his ethereal demeanor formed a unique scenery.

(End of this chapter)

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