The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 128 Flower Rain Destruction 7

Chapter 128 Flower Rain Destruction 7
Leng Yichen stopped in front of the army, his eyes were awe-inspiring, and his arrogance and arrogance were undisguised: "Siege the city."

"Yes." 30 soldiers shouted in unison, their voices shaking the sky.

It was finally time to act, and they had been waiting for this moment for a long time.

Ye Feiyu raised his eyes to look at Leng Yichen and Lan Zihan, the cold look on their faces, and the faint smell of blood in the air, he knew it in his heart.
Lan Zihan looked at the people against the sky, and her cold voice unconsciously gave people a sense of intimidation: "Don't be polite to Hua Yu's soldiers, whoever is soft, stand up and leave immediately."

There is no sympathy or kindness on the battlefield. If you let others go, he will stab you in the opposite direction.

Li Feng shouted loudly: "Boss, we only recognize our own people, and the lives and deaths of others have nothing to do with us. Don't worry, we won't lose the chain."

"Boss, don't worry." The high-pitched voices of everyone against the sky.

They are also the citizens of Tianchen, and they also need to do their part for their own country. Their hands have already been stained with blood, but for their homeland, why not take the lives of others?
With a smile on the corner of Lan Zihan's mouth, she nodded and stopped talking.

Leng Yichen looked at Huayu's city gate, the corner of his mouth became colder, he raised his right hand high above his head, and raised it vigorously, his voice was full of irresistible majesty and inherent domineering: "Attack."

The sound spread throughout the territory outside the city.

"Come on." The shouts of 30 soldiers resounded through the vast land.

Holding the long swords in their hands, they all rushed to the gate of the city.

Liu Ye had already led a team of soldiers and horses, waiting at the gate of the city, now when he heard Leng Yichen's voice, he shouted: "Siege the gate."

After the words fell, a group of soldiers who had already made sufficient preparations hit the city gate with battering rams in their hands.

In the palace hall at this time, Hua Lingfeng was still waiting for news whether the dead man had completed the mission.

"Report. Your Majesty, my subordinates have something to report." At this time, there was a burst of urgent footsteps and shouts outside the hall.

Hua Lingfeng's heart skipped a beat, and he was overjoyed, could it be that the dead man succeeded?
He asked coldly: "What is so impatient?"

He looks calm on the surface, but only he himself knows the anxiety in his heart.Although I was eager to know what it was, the majesty and bearing of being the king of a country were indispensable.

The guard knelt down on the ground and hurriedly said: "Go back to the emperor, outside the city gate, King Tianchenchen led an army to attack the city, and he will attack the city soon. The situation is critical."

On the city tower, he heard King Chen giving orders and saw the movements of the army, so he rushed to report back.

'boom. 'This news exploded in the hall like a thunderbolt.

The ministers were panicked.

Hua Lingfeng firmly grasped the dragon chair with both fists, staring at the soldier with gloomy eyes: "Are you sure it's the Prince Chen himself?"

How is it possible, he sent more than 3000 dead soldiers, only him and a woman who doesn't know martial arts, how can he come back safe and sound.

"Back to the emperor, it's absolutely true, I saw it with my own eyes." Although the soldier didn't understand why he asked this question, he still replied respectfully.

Hua Lingfeng's eyes were gloomy and terrifying: "Have you seen his princess?"

This was Hua Yu's last hope, and the dead man hadn't returned, so he didn't know if they succeeded or not.

(End of this chapter)

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