Chapter 140: Prince Mengxi 2
Everyone knows that the prince of Mengxi Kingdom, Qian Mingxuan, has an outstanding appearance. He is a rare handsome man who has read countless books since he was a child.But the only shortcoming is that he has been in poor health since he was born, and has been using medicine to maintain his life. He is now 22 years old.


Qian Li looked at him lovingly, and replied: "Well, what's wrong with Xuan'er?"

He already loved his son very much, and because of the disease he was born with, he cared for him even more and gave him the best.

For many years, he has searched for famous doctors all over the world in order to cure him and cure his disease, but all of them have no effect, which makes him feel guilty towards him.

It's not that he has never heard of Mo Wuchen, the genius doctor rumored in the world.It is said that his whereabouts are erratic, and he rarely appears, and treatment depends on his choice.He sent many people to look for it, but in vain.

He really couldn't find a way out, Mingxuan's mother left early, not long after giving birth to him, and he never enjoyed much maternal love.Seeing his son whose body was getting weaker and weaker, he felt very uncomfortable.

Qian Mingxuan looked at the guilt and distress in his eyes, knew what he was thinking, shook his head and smiled slightly: "Father, the emperor's health is much better, father doesn't need to worry."

Why doesn't he want to have a healthy body, but God doesn't allow him to be too good. Over the years, watching his father send people to look for famous doctors for him, trying to cure his life, it is useless. Don't hold out any hope.

He should be content with having a father who loves him so much for him.

Qian Li felt a pain in his heart, but on the surface he remained calm and smiled gently: "Well, Father knows that Xuan'er's body will recover." He knew what Qian Mingxuan said was to comfort him, so he couldn't bear to brush it off. to his liking.

All the ministers in the imperial study looked at His Highness the Crown Prince, and they all lowered their eyes and couldn't bear to look.

They all really respect and like Qian Mingxuan in their hearts. He is kind and has no airs, but God is jealous of talents.

Qian Mingxuan nodded with a smile, and said softly: "Father, the reason why Prince Yuezhuo attacked me Mengxi so quickly must be because of King Tianchenchen."

Although his body is weak, it doesn't mean his mind is that useless.

In his heart, he saw all these things clearly.

Qian Li sighed: "Xuan'er, these fathers and emperors don't know that the world is not peaceful anymore."

Qian Mingxuan shook his head and continued: "Father, Huayu attacked Tianchen, and King Chen counterattacked Huayu Kingdom. Huayu must be in Tianchen's pocket. If King Chen took Huayu, who in this world would have Ability to compete with Tianchen, the whole world will be subordinate to Tianchen, so Yue Yexie is in a hurry."

Qian Li nodded, looked at him, and said in a deep voice: "Xuan'er, what does this have to do with the current situation?"

He knew that Qian Mingxuan would not say something he already knew.

Qian Mingxuan smiled: "Since father, you and I can think of things, can Prince Chen not think of them?"

Qian Li's pupils widened: "You mean to say."

He already vaguely knew something in his heart.

Qian Mingxuan nodded: "Father thinks right. King Chen is not stupid, he is even smarter than us. How could he let Yue Yexie's plot succeed? He must have already figured out Yue Yexie's actions and came to dream On the way to the creek."

I have to say that Qian Mingxuan is very smart, at this time Leng Yichen is on his way to Mengxi Country with Tianchen's army.

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(End of this chapter)

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