Chapter 141: Prince Mengxi 3
Qian Li suddenly came to his senses: "I, Mengxi, just need to guard the imperial capital strictly until King Chen arrives."

At this time, he had already thought clearly about the ins and outs of the whole matter.

As long as his Mengxi is not breached, Leng Yichen will rush to rescue him.

Qian Mingxuan nodded with a smile, then restrained his expression, and said seriously: "So we must speed up our preparations, and the defense of the imperial capital must be done well."

If these things are not properly prepared, I am afraid that Mengxi will fall before Leng Yichen arrives.

Qian Li nodded in agreement, and then looked at the ministers in the audience with a serious face: "General Su, go down quickly and make preparations, the imperial capital must be defended."

"The general will obey." Su Yao bowed his head respectfully.

Then, quickly backed out.

"Your Majesty, it's good for King Tianchenchen to rescue me, Mengxi, but there is no such thing as a free lunch in the world, so how could he be so kind to help us?"

A minister was slightly worried about the voice of inquiry.

As soon as he said it, the other ministers also nodded.

"That's right, which country in this world doesn't want to dominate, presumably he must have some intentions."
"Of course I know this, but besides this method, what other good solutions do you dear friends have?" Qian Li naturally knew that Keng Yichen would not help Mengxi to defend the country for no reason.

But for now, that's the only way to go.

The ministers were speechless and fell silent.

The emperor is right, there is no other way.

Qian Mingxuan coughed a few times in a low voice, his fair face flushed red.

The maid behind him quickly poured a cup of tea for him and handed it to him.

Qian Mingxuan took the teacup and put it in his mouth.The tea flowed into his throat, and the tingling feeling was slightly relieved. He took a few breaths, his face was not as red as before, but it was pale and frighteningly pale.

Qian Li walked up to his side in a few steps, and patted his back with his hands to make him feel better.

He looked at Qian Mingxuan worriedly: "Xuan'er, are you feeling better?"

There was a smile on the corner of Qian Mingxuan's mouth: "Father, my son is fine, much better."

He has become used to it, such a couple will always appear for half a month in a month.
Qianli looked at Aiko who was getting weaker and weaker, her heart was slightly sour, and she held it tightly with the hand hidden in the cuff.

There is a sense of powerlessness in my heart.As the king of a country and a person in power, he has nothing he wants, but he has nothing to do about his son's illness, he can only watch his body become weaker and weaker day by day.

The ministers looked at this scene, shook their heads and sighed.

Why did God let such a good person suffer such pain since childhood.

Prime Minister Xiao Chu frowned, thinking about something.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up, his eyes opened wide, and there was a look of excitement in his pupils: "Your Majesty, His Highness the Crown Prince is saved."

He suddenly remembered that the other three countries had participated in the Tianchen Gathering not long ago.

During the hunting conference, King Tianchenchen was assassinated and injured. Outsiders did not know how serious his injury was, but he learned from his nephew who happened to be attending Tianchen that he had been poisoned.

It was very difficult to find an antidote to the poison, and it was only after Chen Wang sent someone to find the genius doctor Mo Wuchen that it was cured.

Thinking of this, his face was full of smiles and excitement.
His Royal Highness the Crown Prince was saved, and the miracle doctor Mo Wuchen appeared, and finally there was hope for the Crown Prince's illness.

"What does Prime Minister mean by that?" Qian Li trembled slightly, looking at Xiao Chu nervously.

His heart was full of apprehension and tension, he was deeply afraid that he had misheard or what Xiao Chu said to comfort him.

(Dear friends, the chapter that was repeated yesterday, because the chapter cannot be deleted, has now been changed to a new chapter. Sorry, the network problem, I will pay more attention next time.)
(End of this chapter)

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