The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 156 The King Chen Comes 1

Chapter 156 The King Chen Comes 1
Yue Yexie had a bad premonition in his heart, could it be...?

Qian Mingxuan also looked puzzled, where did these three arrows come from?

"Hahaha I want to see today. Is it you, Yue Yexie, who took Mengxi today, or I will keep it."

A deep and magnetic voice came from far outside the city.The innate arrogance and dominance in the voice made people tremble upon hearing it.

Yu Qiu led the army to stop and searched for the source of the sound.

Yue Yexie clenched his fists tightly, he didn't need to look, he had already heard who the voice came from.

Apart from the arrogant and arrogant Leng Yichen, there are no other people in the world.

A trace of cruelty flashed across his eyes, Leng Yichen, you finally arrived.

A flash of joy flashed in Qian Mingxuan's eyes, and he breathed a sigh of relief, Chen Wang is here.

Fortunately, he arrived in time, otherwise he might not be able to protect Mengxi.

Su Yao and the soldiers behind him also raised their eyes and looked straight out of the city gate, with their hearts raised in their throats.

Yu Qiu and all the soldiers leaned towards the two sides one after another, looking at the group of people behind them.

The man was sitting on the horse, and his all-black clothes couldn't hide his extraordinary and heroic appearance.Born with the aura of a king in the world, his handsome and handsome features seem to be carved out of marble, with sharp edges and corners, sharp and deep eyes, and he can't help but feel a sense of oppression!

The woman next to him was also dressed in black, with shaved shoulders, a plain waist, eyebrows like emerald feathers, and muscles like white snow. Her red phoenix eyes were full of ice, and her face was also full of coldness. The aura of the king also caught everyone's attention.

The man on the left is dressed in white, and his eyes are clear but bottomless without any impurities.Her complexion was crystal clear like jade, and her long dark hair hung down her shoulders, giving off a faint light.Tall and tall, sitting on horseback, he is indescribably elegant, like a heavenly being.
The three attracted the attention and attention of many people.

Leng Yichen looked at Yue Yexie, bloodlust flashed in his deep eyes: "Why, Xie Wang is so eager to take down Mengxi."

Huayu was not far from Mengxi, so he hurried on his horse and accelerated his journey to get here.

A hint of ruthlessness flashed across Yue Yexie's evil eyes, and it was fleeting: "Chen Wang is very fast, he rushed over from Huayu in such a short time."

The reason why he drove all night and came to Mengxi was because he wanted to capture Mengxi as soon as possible before Leng Yichen, but it was still too late.

His words solved everyone's doubts.

The faces of Mengxi's soldiers were all joyful. Their Highness the Crown Prince had already told them that King Tianchenchen would come to rescue them, and they just had to hold on until he came, and now it finally came.

They, Mengxi, were saved, but they had heard of the prestige and power of King Chen.

The expressions of Yuezhuo's soldiers changed when they heard their prince's words.

Leng Yichen sneered coldly: "It's like a big witch and a little witch with the evil king."

"Everyone depends on their ability. Today, His Highness Mengxi Ben has to attack, so does King Chen also want to?" Yue Yexie's face darkened, and his hands in his sleeves were slightly clenched. He naturally recognized the derogatory meaning in these words.

Leng Yichen's sword eyebrows frowned slightly: "Today you are going to attack Mengxi, and this king wants to keep Mengxi. Whether Mengxi is dead or alive, just try it."

He has no fear of anyone at all, he will definitely guard Mengxi today.

(End of this chapter)

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