The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 157 The King Chen Comes 2

Chapter 157 The King Chen Comes 2
Yue Yexie hooked her lips and smiled charmingly: "In this case, then I will see the real trick under my hands."

After finishing speaking, he said sharply to Yu Qiu, "General Yu, lead the army into the city, and move quickly."

Even though Leng Yichen has the prestige of the God of War, although he has never failed on the battlefield, but now, the opportunity is taken by him, and his army is a distance behind his army, and it is impossible to rush to stop it quickly, and he can stop it alone. Can't live with so many armies.

Yu Qiu nodded and yelled at the army behind him, "All rush in."

He knew that it was not appropriate to chat nonsense at this time, so he first rushed towards the city gate after speaking.

The army behind understood, and immediately turned around and rushed towards the city.

Leng Yichen stared at the movements of Yue Zhuo's army, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, without any words or movements.

Yue Yexie looked at Leng Yichen's calm and indifferent expression, and frowned secretly. Could it be that he knew he couldn't stop it, so he didn't take action to stop it?

Shaking his head, it's impossible, he wanted to keep Mengxi wholeheartedly, so how could he watch him take Mengxi down helplessly.

Just as he was about to say something, he suddenly heard silence behind him, no footsteps.

He frowned. It was impossible for the soldiers led by Yu Qiu to enter the imperial capital in just a few seconds so fast.

Turning his head to look behind him, his eyes were fixed on the city gate.Clenching his fists slightly, he turned his head to look at Leng Yichen, a haze flashed across his evil eyes.

Okay, very good, he wondered why he wasn't nervous at all, didn't move, it turned out that he had already held back.

He was really careless. He didn't notice this group of people came to the city gate.

When Yu Qiu led the army to the city gate, there was only three or four meters away, and Yu Qiu showed joy.However, the smile on his face had not been displayed for two seconds, the smile on the corner of his mouth gradually froze, he stopped, and looked at the city gate in disbelief.

At the city gate, Li Feng had already obeyed Lan Zihan's order and led Ni Tian to approach the city gate secretly while taking advantage of the chaos, so this scene just happened at this time.

Ni Tian and the others were all expressionless and solemn, holding the dagger in their hands, staring coldly at the army ahead.

Li Feng sneered coldly: "People against the sky, the boss has an order, whoever dares to take a step closer to the city gate will be killed without mercy."
He had to admire the wit of the boss in his heart, he thought of Yue Zhuo's next step, and he was blocked to death.

"Don't worry, a fly won't even try to fly in."

"They don't have the ability to break in."

The voice of a person against heaven.

Contempt, Chiguoguo's contempt.

Lan Zihan flashed a slight smile from the corner of his eyes, these 1000 people really don't know what it means to be low-key.

Yu Qiu's face turned pale, and his fists were tightly clenched. As a general of a country, he has never been so belittled and looked down upon by others. Now he is still a group of soldiers of unknown status. He was furious and shouted One voice: "Let me rush in, they are few in number, so don't be afraid."

After finishing speaking, he was the first to rush forward.

The army behind them also had a look of indignation on their faces, and they all ran forward with weapons in their hands, aggressively.

Li Feng looked cold, looked at the leader, his figure flickered, and quickly stepped forward to meet him.

The dagger in his hand was close to Yu Qiu's side, and he drew out the knife.

Yu Qiu sneered, with this ability, he also wanted to hurt him.With a flash of his figure, he moved to the side, and the sword in his hand aimed at the man's neck quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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