The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 158 The King Chen Comes 3

Chapter 158 The King Chen Comes 3
Li Feng smiled coldly, instead of retreating, he moved towards his sword.Yu Qiu looked at his actions with a sneer on his face, really asking for a dead end.

The distance between the tip of the sword and his neck was less than three centimeters. Li Feng tilted his head to the left, and his figure moved to come behind him. The dagger in his hand was aimed at Yu Qiu's neck.

The action was fast and accurate, with a knife wiped the throat.

Yu Qiu's pupils were dilated, and he turned to look at the man, his eyes were full of shock and regret.

He shouldn't underestimate the enemy so much that he made a big mistake and cost his life.

The eyes were slowly closed, and the body was like a kite with a broken string, and it fell back slowly without making a sound.

Li Feng snorted coldly, daring to underestimate him, this is the end.

The move he used just now was taught by Lan Zihan, he didn’t learn it properly, he only got [-]% to [-]% of it, and this [-]% to [-]% achievement alone is enough to kill a person, I have to say, what the boss taught is all Very useful.

Besides, the rest of the guards, like Li Feng, were walking among Yue Zhuo's soldiers with a dagger in hand, their footwork was strange and their moves were quick and accurate, and Yue Zhuo's soldiers fell down one by one.

Qian Mingxuan watched the battle between about 1000 people and Yuezhuo's army in the city, his eyes flashed with astonishment and astonishment.

He didn't expect that these people's skills were so ruthless and powerful.When he heard these people's words of contempt for Yuezhuo's army, he didn't believe it, but the scene at this time completely overturned his expectations.

Shaking his head helplessly, these people are all like this, so those under Leng Yichen who have not shown up will be sent there again.The prestige of Tianchenchen King God of War really cannot be underestimated.

It's just that what he didn't expect was that these people were not from Leng Yichen, but from Lan Zihan who he had only caught a glimpse of.

Looking at this situation, Leng Yichen narrowed his eyes slightly, and commanded Liu Ye in a deep voice: "General Liu, lead the army to support."

Although the strength of Ni Tian and others is not weak, it is still very difficult to fight against hundreds of thousands of troops, and they will be exhausted sooner or later.

"Yes, my lord." Liu Ye said respectfully.Then he turned around and looked at the army behind him, and shouted: "All follow this general to support."

After the words fell, he hurried towards the gate of the city.

The soldiers behind him followed suit.

Yue Yexie looked at this situation, a storm was brewing in her charming eyes, she raised her eyes to stare at Leng Yichen: "My Highness really made a mistake."

He really hadn't thought of it, damn it.

Leng Yichen smiled coldly, and looked directly at him with eyes as deep as the sea: "You still make many mistakes."

It is estimated that at this time, the people sent by the emperor's brother have already started to attack Yue Zhuo.

Yue Yexie rolled his eyes, thinking about his words carefully, he knew there was intention in the words, but he couldn't figure it out for a moment.

Suddenly, his eyes sank, and he raised his head to look at Leng Yichen: "It's a good trick. Your Highness made a mistake. I must have been surrounded by Tianchen's soldiers."

He is not a stupid person, as long as he is given a little thought, he can think through and make sense.

He counted and counted, but he always ignored his own Shu Kingdom.

However, the situation is already like this now, he can't turn back in vain, how can he know that he will definitely fail if he doesn't fight, he has never been a cowardly person who is afraid of death.

He looked up at Leng Yichen, and smiled evilly: "Then let's fight, my Highness has wanted to fight with you for a long time."

(End of this chapter)

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