The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 161 2 Army Confrontation 1

Chapter 161 The Confrontation between Two Armies 1
Mo Wuchen also followed and walked forward.

Xi Lei and Xi Dian also followed.

Qian Mingxuan looked at the four people going away, only to notice the man dressed in white, who was as graceful as a fairy and as beautiful as a banished fairy, and his heart moved, could this be the genius doctor Mo Wuchen that the emperor said about?

Shaking his head, guessing is useless, he turned his head to Su Yao and said in a deep voice: "General Su, look here, there is King Chen coming again, and Yuezhuo's army doesn't need to worry anymore."

"The last general takes orders, His Royal Highness, you can go with peace of mind." Su Yao replied respectfully. At this time, he no longer had the previous nervousness and worry. The Prince Chen had already arrived, so what was he afraid of.

Qian Mingxuan nodded, got on his horse, and headed towards the direction where Lan Zihan and the others disappeared.

Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night, there is silence outside the city gate, and the two armies are confronting each other.

"Win or lose is determined on the battlefield." Leng Yichen looked at Yue Yexie coldly, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, and the awe-inspiring aura on his body made everyone tremble.

"What I'm waiting for is your words." Yue Yexie hooked her lips and smiled charmingly, releasing the coercion on her body without showing any weakness.

Listening to their words, the armies of the two sides were all shocked, their faces full of awe, they knew that this was the real war.

"Set up the formation, open the phalanx." Leng Yichen sat on the horseback and commanded in a cold voice, and the voice spread far away.

After the words fell, the 30 soldiers behind them moved.

The 30 soldiers quickly split into several teams, with a wide range of soldiers in the middle, more soldiers in the four directions, and backup at the rear.

The method of the square formation must be thinner and thicker in the middle, and the formation is on the right.

The method of laying out the square array should be wide in the middle and thick in the four sides, with the formation at the back.

"Attack." Yue Yexie looked coldly at Tianchen 30 who had set up the formation, and waved his right hand.

The hundreds of thousands of troops behind them came out in full force, rushing towards the front, their faces full of murderous intent and ferocity.

As soon as Yuezhuo's soldiers approached the center of Tianchen, they began to fight with it.

At this time, Tianchen's soldiers scattered in all directions rushed forward, encircling the approaching Yuezhuo soldiers.Surrounded by Yuezhuo's soldiers, they were startled, and their movements became more and more rapid, trying to break out of the encirclement.

The battle formation was chaotic, and everyone had solemn expressions on their faces.

Some of the soldiers surrounded in the middle had just broken out of Le'er's encirclement, and before the joy on their faces bloomed, they were surrounded by the soldiers in the formation behind, with their swords piercing their stomachs, the pupils of the soldiers swelled sharply, and a big mouthful of blood spit out from their mouths. He fell to the ground without a sound.

Yue Yexie looked at this situation, and there was a gloomy look in Xiemei's eyes: "defense, round formation."

As soon as the voice fell, the soldiers who were originally surrounded gathered together, gathered in one place, forming a large circle, intersecting layers.

A circular formation is a circular battle formation in defensive warfare.

It is chaotic, round and invincible.

Tianchen's soldiers who were still fighting looked at the sudden change, all of them remained expressionless. I took the long sword in my hand and walked towards the soldier who formed a circle, with a fierce aura and killing intent in my eyes.

But when they rushed out to fight with Yuezhuo's soldiers, they couldn't break through the enemy's defense, one died, and another made up for it, and the cycle continued.

The moon can't get out, and the sky can't attack.

A wicked smile appeared on the corner of Yue Yexie's mouth, and he stared straight at Leng Yichen, with a flash of sneer and murderous intent in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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