The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 162 2 Army Confrontation 2

Chapter 162 The Confrontation between Two Armies 2
Leng Yichen received his gaze, smiled coldly, looked at the camp where the two armies were on par, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, as if there was nothing special about it, and everything was in his plan.

He has never underestimated Yue Yexie. He can see the difference from an unpopular prince who became the biggest ruler of Yue Zhuo overnight.

All of this was in his expectation, if Yue Zhuo's army was taken down so easily, then Yue Yexie was not worthy of being regarded as an opponent by him.

"All gathered in the southeast, so as to break through the enemy's defense." Leng Yichen said calmly to Liu Ye beside him.

Formation, whether it is offensive or defensive, has loopholes, as long as they find the eyes of their formation.

"Yes, my lord, I finally understand." Liu Ye's eyes lit up, and he glanced in the direction Leng Yichen said, and he found that the defense was weaker than other places.

He immediately stepped forward and shouted loudly with his inner strength: "I will listen to you all, gather in the southeast direction, and break through their defense in one fell swoop."

Originally, Tianchen's soldiers were worrying about how to break through the enemy's defenses. At this moment, they suddenly heard Liu Ye's shout. They understood it and followed his instructions to head southeast.

Sure enough, they gathered in the southeast, approaching step by step, fighting, breaking through, Yue Zhuo's defense was broken.

"Give me all my best, kill." Leng Yichen said with a sneer, looking at the army.

He raised his eyes to look at the sky, and a faint light had already risen in the east, revealing a little glow.The sun had not yet risen, but the air was already filled with the chill of dawn, and the grass was covered with gray dew.

It's almost dawn and it's time to end the war.

Yue Yexie's eyes sank, and she shook her head slightly. He knew that Prince Chen's actions were not simple.

"Give it to His Highness, whoever kills the other party will promote you when you go back." He looked at the army and said in a deep voice.

What is the greatest temptation to a person?Nothing but power and money.

Sure enough, as soon as the words fell, Yue Zhuo's soldiers were all excited, and the movements of their hands became more and more desperate to fight.

At this moment, there was only one thought in their minds, and that was to kill, kill all these people.

Leng Yichen looked at Yuezhuo's soldiers and smiled coldly. Sure enough, people's hearts are ugly. A few words from Yueyexie drew out the thoughts in their hearts.

However, although Yuezhuo's soldiers worked hard, the soldiers trained by Leng Yichen were not ordinary people, and they could not be defeated so easily.

All of a sudden, the fighting on the battlefield became more and more intense. The sound of fighting, shouting, and the friction of weapons could be heard endlessly.

The ground was stained with a lot of blood, and it was hard to tell which side's blood it was, or maybe it was from both sides.

Leng Yichen's figure standing quietly on the horse finally moved. Holding the long sword in one hand, he slapped the horse's back and flew up, the figure flew towards Yue Yexie.

Yue Ye Xie smiled evilly, with a serious look in his eyes, and flew towards him with a long sword in his hand.

The aura of Leng Yichen's whole body is like that of a dragon out of the sea, or like a leopard waking up from a deep sleep, his moves are ruthless, fast, and merciless.

Yue Yexie frowned, and fought with him in mid-air.

(End of this chapter)

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