The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 180 Dealing with the Poisoned Person 3

Chapter 180 Dealing with the Poisoned Person 3
Although she said so on her lips, she had no bottom in her heart.

Why did the emperor ask her?Did he really know.

"It's Yuelian, Queen, you have heard of this poison." Qian Li looked at Song Yulan and said slowly, with a touch of inaudible coldness in his tone.

It's just that Song Yulan, who was in a state of tension, didn't see it. She was extremely flustered at the moment, but she remained calm on the face.She smiled slightly: "The concubine has never heard of it."

"Really? Queen, you really haven't heard of it, huh?" Qian Li's voice suddenly turned cold, with a touch of coldness and majesty in his tone.

"Your Majesty, what do you mean? Could it be that you suspect that the poison was administered by your concubine?" Song Yulan looked at Qian Li with an aggrieved expression.

No matter whether he knew it or not, without evidence, she would not admit it, what could he do with her.

"Could it be that the queen has forgotten that your natal family is very knowledgeable about poisons, but just now you told me that you don't know what poisons are. Why?" Qian Li looked directly into her eyes, not letting go of a trace of poison on her face. expression.

Now that she dared to pretend to him, he wanted to see how she would live up to this lie.

"The concubine was just impatient for a while, and didn't react. Besides, the concubine has been married to you for so many years, and has had little contact with her natal family. She has been serving you with all her heart in the harem. The concubine who poisoned you has long forgotten." Song Yulan looked straight at you. Looking at Qianli's eyes, the eyes didn't flicker, and they just looked at him like that.

As the head of the harem, she has never experienced anything.She can still bear some of these pressures.

"Oh, is that so?" Qian Li didn't leave his eyes, and continued to look at her, as if trying to pierce her through a hole.

"Your Majesty, every sentence of my concubine is true." Song Yulan said calmly.

'Snapped. '

Qian Li stood up abruptly, and slapped the tea table in front of him fiercely with one hand.A pair of eyes suddenly became gloomy, fixedly staring at Song Yulan: "You have deceived me again and again, lying in front of the emperor, Song Yulan, you are so brave."

He had given him a chance just now, if she told the truth, maybe he would still think about the relationship between husband and wife for more than 20 years, now, hmph, it's no wonder he is stubborn.

Song Yulan was taken aback by his sudden action, she took a few steps back suddenly before slowing down, looked at Qian Li in disbelief: "Your Majesty, I have been by your side for more than 20 years, you still don't know how I am. Is the concubine a human being?"

"Haha." Qian Li seemed to hear some funny joke, the corner of her mouth was full of sarcasm.

He looked at Song Yulan coldly, and said coldly: "Since you want me to tell you personally, fine. Then, I will tell you right now, Yue Lian, I saw it in the book in your room. But you said you didn’t know about the poison. Your natal family is a rare family in the four countries that has been handed down. It has researched on poison, and this Yuelian must have come from you. Now, what else do you have to say.”

Listening to Qian Li's testimony, Song Yulan suddenly laughed, a little crazy, staring at Qian Li: "Yes, you are right, I poisoned you. Who told you to only treat Gu Lin That bitch loves me so much, have you ever seen me? Have you, so when I learned that that bitch was pregnant, I hated, why can you be so happy, and I have to suffer, so, I took Yuelian and poured it into her medicine, I want her to die after giving birth to her own child, I want her child to suffer, hahaha"

(End of this chapter)

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