The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 181 Dealing with the Poisoned Person 4

Chapter 181 Dealing with the Poisoned Person 4
'Snapped. '

Qian Li slapped her hard.

Song Yulan was caught off guard and was thrown to the ground, a trace of blood spilled from the corner of her mouth, her cheeks immediately became red and swollen, with deep five finger prints.

Song Yulan raised her head and looked at Qian Li in disbelief: "You hit me?"

He had never hit her before, and now, he actually hit her for a dead woman, hahaha, how ridiculous.

"I don't just want to hit you, I even have the heart to kill you, but don't worry, I won't kill you, it's too cheap for you, everything you did, everything you did to Lin'er and Xuan'er, I want you to repay slowly." Qian Li stared at her firmly, and said coldly.

His Lin'er was so kind and simple, she didn't fight with the world, she went there right after giving birth, and even Xuan'er hadn't come to hug her in a hurry.His Xuan'er is clear and clean, and he has endured 22 years of torture.It was all because of the woman in front of him, and the anger in his heart burst into flames.

"You can't, I'm the queen, the mother of a country, you can't treat me like this." Song Yulan looked directly at him and said urgently.

Qian Li smiled coldly: "You are not entitled to the position of empress. From today on, you are no longer empress, and I will put you in prison."

"No, you can't, I'm the queen, you can't abolish me." Song Yulan was already in a state of madness, shaking her head vigorously.

She is the mother of a country, she does not want to go to jail, no.

Suddenly, she raised her head abruptly, and burst into tears: "Your Majesty, this concubine has made a mistake, please forgive me? This concubine will never dare again."

Qian Li ignored her and shouted out the door: "Come here."

'Squeak. '

The door was pushed open, and Eunuch Hong and several guards walked in.

"Your Majesty." Eunuch Hong said respectfully.

Several guards also saluted together.

The commotion inside was so loud that they could vaguely hear the quarrel outside, but they were all silent as the air, which was beyond what they could hear.

"From today onwards, Song Yulan is no longer the queen, and the position of queen will be abolished. She will be dragged into the dungeon and wait for her punishment." Qian Li said coldly, with a hint of majesty in his tone.

'boom. '

The news rang in their ears like thunder, and they didn't react immediately.What did they hear, the emperor said, abolish the queen, put him in prison, they heard it right, right?

"Didn't you hear that?" Qian Li was furious when he saw that the few people didn't move.

"Yes, the humble leader." The guards quickly came to their senses and walked towards Song Yulan.

"No, get out, get out, I'm the queen, you all get out of the way." Song Yulan waved her hands to keep them away.

Several guards were confused and turned to look at Qian Li.

Qian Li glanced at them coldly, and reprimanded them: "Don't take them down yet."

Several guards shuddered, and without any hesitation, they dragged Song Yulan and headed out of the room.

Song Yulan didn't struggle any more, she stared at Qian Li, and cried silently: "I shouldn't have entered this palace, and I shouldn't have fallen in love with you, since ancient times kings are so ruthless, I hurt others, and I also hurt myself, haha. "

Since ancient times, kings have been ruthless, and the word love can harm people.She should have understood earlier that that kind of love is illusory and unreal, and she shouldn't expect so much.

Unfortunately, it was too late, she understood too late.

"Your Majesty, your body is important, calm down." Eunuch Hong poured a cup of tea for Qian Li and handed it to him.

He has been with Qian Li for many years, and now he knows why he is so angry.

(End of this chapter)

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